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3 revisions
bellavia at Sep 14, 2023 01:03 PM


and much is a *****-***** the feast
I deal him a few fine cigars today
******** he has *** ****** of ***
balls again- fearing Armenians *****
There **** Constantinople. **** has
just washeed here of a ********
of come to Armenians not far
from (PLACE) *** the mountain
kinds. So every thing or the Palea
is full is ********, forming
the Armenian ******* may ****
are in the city. This fear of *****
is idle

I have not heard (word ending in lty) from
the ******** *******.
I'm glad to see that you got
the ***** safely to the board of
Reagents, for I feel no (word meaning doubt)
that they appreciated the present