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22 revisions | Katie Pierce Meyer at Jun 30, 2023 01:41 PM | |
Katie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce MeyerKatie Pierce Meyerj.flemingj.flemingj.flemingj.flemingj.flemingj.flemingKatie Pierce Meyer | 3OFFICE OF ARCHITECT Houston, Texas, Dec. 27th. 1890. Mr. Geo. W.Stewart. My Dear Sir:- Your letter of the 18th. inst.. at hand and noted. In If nothing prevents I will be at the anual [annual] meeting in Fort Worth Yours Fraternally. [?] [?] Dickey. ( Dictated.) | 3OFFICE OF GEO. E. DICKEY Architect ARCHITECT FOR Capitol Hotel Grand Central Depot Shearn Memorial Church Sam Stern's Building J. Waldo's Residence J. W. Johnson's Residence J. C. Hutcheson's Residence Houston, Fort Bend County Court House Leon County Court House Liberty County Jail Opera House and Masonic Temple, Sherman Opera House, Brenham Giddings Memorial Church, Brenham Presbyterian Church, Brenham H. A. Landes, Residence, Galveston ALSO SUPERINTENDENT U. S. POSTOFFICE, HOUSTON. Houston, Texas, Dec. 27th. 1890. Mr. Geo. W.Stewart. Dallas. Tex. My Dear Sir:- Your letter of the 18th. inst.. at hand and noted. In reference to dues for 1889 I have to say. I hold a receipt from the Treasuer elect. Mr. Guy M. Tozier. given me at the last meeting. for $5.00. dues for 1889. If nothing prevents I will be at the anual [annual] meeting in Fort Worth on Jan. 20th. 1891. Yours Fraternally. Geo. E. Dickey Architect. [?] [?] Dickey. ( Dictated.) |