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34 revisions
Katie Pierce Meyer at Mar 27, 2023 05:51 PM



Western brethren in the profession and reap the benefits to be derived
from a united interest in our chosen profession.

I will close by quoting a sentence taken from the Journal of Architect-
ure, of Philadelphia, which expresses fully the object of our assembly
to-day; "Architects as a fraternity should, by their intermingling and
interchange of ideas, by their unremitted and unanimous action, and, if
possible, in a broad and all-embracing organization, working from
within by and upon its membership, attempt to render the methods and
practice of architecture more uniform, raise the average standard of de-
sign, and by making all true criteria of architectural merit more gener-
ally known and more universally adopted, pave the only highway to
the popularity of true architecture which seems at present to be open."

The President: 'The next thing in order is the report of
the Board of Directors.

The Secretary : As sec'y of the Board of Directors I wish
to state that but one meeting of the Board of Directors was
held in 1892, which occurred at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1st.
At this meeting the letter ballot, similar to that used by the
A. I. A. was adopted. The Board of Directors also instructed
the Secretary to have a Certificate of Membership engraved
with such conditions shown in its face as render it void after
the following annual meeting, a copy of which, properly filled
out, to be given to each Fellow, upon the full payment of all
dues for the current year. A copy of this certificate is here-
with submitted for your consideration. It was further ordered
that Fellows of the A. I. A. requesting membership in this
Chapter be excused from furnishing photographs or other
drawings as evidence of their professional ability, but in other
respects the application blank to be filled out by each appli-
cant and endorsed in the usual way.

The Board of Directors held a meeting this morning prior
to the assembling of this Convention, and after considering
the applications filed in proper form with the Secretary, they
recommend for membership the following named architects,
viz.: W. E. Hall, Winston, N. C.; Tom Wood, Sherman,
Tex.; C. H. Read, Jr.., Richmond, Va.; G. W. E. Field,
Richmond, Va.; J. G. Barnwell, Rome, Ga.; C. C. Wilson,
Roanoke, Va.; J. W. McClain, Birmingham, Ala.; E. W.
Smith, Lexington, Ky.; Geo. W. Stewart, Dallas, Texas ;
Harry D. Breeding, Huntsville, Ala.; P. S. Rabbit, Galves-
ton, Tex.; J. A. Tempest, Houston, Tex.; W. A. Bird, Bir-



Western brethren in the profession and reap the benefits to be derived
from a united interest in our chosen profession.

I will close by quoting a sentence taken from the Journal of Architect-
ure, of Philadelphia, which expresses fully the object of our assembly
to-day; "Architects as a fraternity should, by their intermingling and
interchange of ideas, by their unremitted and unanimous action, and, if
possible, in a broad and all-embracing organization, working from
within by and upon its membership, attempt to render the methods and
practice of architecture more uniform, raise the average standard of de-
sign, and by making all true criteria of architectural merit more gener-
ally known and more universally adopted, pave the only highway to
the popularity of true architecture which seems at present to be open."

The President: 'The next thing in order is the report of
the Board of Directors.

The Secretary : As sec'y of the Board of Directors I wish
to state that but one meeting of the Board of Directors was
held in 1892, which occurred at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 1st.
At this meeting the letter ballot, similar to that used by the
A. I. A. was adopted. The Board of Directors also instructed
the Secretary to have a Certificate of Membership engraved
with such conditions shown in its face as render it void after
the following annual meeting, a copy of which, properly filled
out, to be given to each Fellow, upon the full payment of all
dues for the current year. A copy of this certificate is here-
with submitted for your consideration. It was further ordered
that Fellows of the A. I. A. requesting membership in this
Chapter be excused from furnishing photographs or other
drawings as evidence of their professional ability, but in other
respects the application blank to be filled out by each appli-
cant and endorsed in the usual way.

The Board of Directors held a meeting this morning prior
to the assembling of this Convention, and after considering
the applications filed in proper form with the Secretary, they
recommend for membership the following named architects,
viz.: W. E. Hall, Winston, N. C.; Tom Wood, Sherman,
Tex.; C. H. Read, Jr.., Richmond, Va.; G. W. E. Field,
Richmond, Va.; J. G. Barnwell, Rome, Ga.; C. C. Wilson,
Roanoke, Va.; J. W. McClain, Birmingham, Ala.; E. W.
Smith, Lexington, Ky.; Geo. W. Stewart, Dallas, Texas ;
Harry D. Breeding, Huntsville, Ala.; P. S. Rabbit, Galves-
ton, Tex.; J. A. Tempest, Houston, Tex.; W. A. Bird, Bir-