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4 revisions
Saul Sanchez at Feb 17, 2023 02:36 PM


mihtehuili amo yoqui uez sinomochihuiliz Castigo quenami monequi ic
niman omo[tla]nahuatilihqueh alcalde notlalis teilpihuian ypan
capo yhua[n] yehuatl alhuacil nelli amo yuhqui oquichiuh ye amo
oçe miltiu ynin preso Ypan teilpilsian oncan oquisqui ypan puerta
yhua[n] candado oncan oquicauh ytechaxmella yc axcan yeoquimotilique tlahti
ani [gobernador] yhuan alcaldes Regidores huel Ytechmonequitetlatzacuiltiliztli
Cahuel tlahtlacale yn yehuatl [[Ysidro gonzales]] auh in axcan nican quimotla
liliah firma tlahtoani [gobernador] yhuan cavildo.
[[D[on] fran[cisco] Lazaro]] Gov[ernador] [Rúbrica]
[[D[on] Melchor Cacerez]] [¿alcalde?] [Rúbrica]
[[Lucas Nicolas]] R[egidor] [Rúbrica]
[[Bernardino Sanches]] R[egidor] [Rúbrica]
[[Andres fran[cisco] sebejo]] R[egidor] [Rúbrica]
[[Juan de Rosa]] alhuacil [Rúbrica]
[[Pascual martin]] teniente [Rúbrica]
[[Bernabe A[gustin] ]] escriv[ano] [Rúbrica]
