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5 revisions
vincentwergin at Sep 15, 2022 04:18 PM


so am the curly [...]-all faced(?) of first [h...], [...] [...]
[..shie..] as fame says.

Riddles occured(?) to day. I have achieved
a great triump for the security [...] missionaires [...]
I have influenced the(?) consent of [...] [P...o], that whenever
a waiting(?) [...] it if the Turk (Armenian) is employed as
a teacher in an Armenian school he(?) shall not be
[mi...] [...] [m...] [...]; then I shall [...] the
facts, and offer this [mi...], in advance
this is a great [?] to


so am the curly [...]-all faced(?) of first [h...], [...] [...]
[..shie..] as fame says.

Riddles occured(?) to day. I have achieved
a great triump for the security [...] missionaires [...]
I have influenced the(?) consent of [...] [P...o], that whenever
a waiting(?) [...] it if the Turk (Armenian) is employed as
a teacher in an Armenian school he(?) shall not be
[mi...] [...] [m...] [...]; then I shall [...] the
facts, and offer this [mi...], in advance