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12 revisions
namanarora166 at Sep 11, 2022 11:05 PM


{on the top left, a stamp} Legation of the United States of America
{on the top right} Constantinople: July 14th, 1895

Dear Lewis,

I have just won(?) with interest your letter of the 28th, {... to ...} - I accept {...} pleasure your {...} proposition to {...} my debt for a definite time, and {...} my note for the account due to {...} July 1st 1896. {...] me from a feeling of uncertainty, {...} I presume that I {...} ask you to let me liquidate {...} my


{on the top left, a stamp} Legation of the United States of America
{on the top right} Constantinople: July 14th, 1895

Dear Lewis,

I have just won(?) with interest your letter of the 28th, {... to ...} - I accept {...} pleasure your {...} proposition to {...} my debt for a definite time, and {...} my note for the account due to {...} July 1st 1896.