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18 revisions
bowenjacobs04 at Sep 13, 2021 07:23 PM


With their wives and children that are often
Christian forver{sic}. I informed him that ------
Christian in the United States uneaesed {sic} my request
a very serious me, and therefore I had misist
in having a blank answer to my demand to
send Mr Jewett to me as an independent inquiry,
blank given his own blank, and not from the Ports.
He then reviewed his actions in the premises, by
noting, that to secure a judiciary from a friendly
neutral power, he had justified his answer to


With their wives and children that are often
Christian blank. I informed him that their blank
Christian in the United States uneaesed {sic} my request
a very blank me, and therefore I had blank
in having a blank answer to my demand to
send Mr Jewett to me as an independent inquiry,
blank given his own blank, and not from the Ports.
He then reviewed his actions in the premises, by
blank, that to secure a judiciary from a friendly
neutral power, he had justified his answer to