

Here you can see all page revisions and compare the changes have been made in each revision. Left column shows the page title and transcription in the selected revision, right column shows what have been changed. Unchanged text is highlighted in white, deleted text is highlighted in red, and inserted text is highlighted in green color.

11 revisions
Vania26 at Aug 22, 2021 08:12 PM


arrendamientos con [roto]
pida que sean canbados [roto]
y casa en quebieren por[roto]
lo qual [...] cirviere [roto]
tud deste poder para el [roto]
en ese contiene [...] [roto]
dicho ospital otorga [roto]
lo aprueva y ratifica como a [roto] presen[roto]
estubiese al dicho por [...] [roto]
que para ello o[...] para [roto]
dio poder cunplido a todas [roto]
