| 2a partial explanation of the vehemence of their
appeals, which I communicate to you solely
for your own information. I think that you
have already done all that you can do to
secure the protection of those Missionaries, until
a Consul can be sent there.
Rev. M. Richardson of Erzurum has
recently come here from Erzingan and is under-
going surgical treatment ^at the British Hospital in this city. He has
often been to Bitlis and was there only
last summer when the situation was already
serious. He knows exactly how the Missionaries
are situated and how they there felt as to personal
safety. The point that I wish to communicate
to you is set forth by him as follows: --
"The danger of the Missionaries at Bitlis arises
from the Kurdish population of a ward of the city
above them. The Missionary premises are over
a mile from the Government House. The | 2A partial [exhaustion?] of the [?] of their
appeals [include?] I communicate to you solely
for your own information. I think that you
have already done all that you can do to
secure the protection of those [misconaves?], until
a [census?] can be [put?] there.
Rev. M. Richardson of [Ergram?] has
recently come [leave?] from [Erzingau?] and is under
going surgical treatment in this city. He has
often been to Biltis and was there only
last summer when the situation was already
serious. He knows exactly how the [Misconaves?]
are situated and how they felt as to personal
safety. |