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13 revisions
j.fleming at Aug 03, 2020 02:03 PM



We the members of a committee duly appointed by the
Builders' Board of San Antonio, to confer with the Architects and
Material Men of this city for the purpose of enlisting your assistance
and co-operation with us in bettering and protecting our mutual inter-
est and we present herewith a list of membership which we believe to
be a majority of the reliable and trustworthy contractors of this
city, and should you collectively or individually decide to assist us
in our efforts to elevate the standard of building and make our
calling an honorable one, we in turn will use all legitimate and
honorable means to assist you and advance your interest. We don't
ask nor expect anything at your hands that you cannot conscien-
tiously and consistently comply with. It is hardly necessary to
mention the fact to you that we have all suffered at the hands of
so-called contractors, who have brought calumny upon our calling
and all connected with it. We hope you will meet us half way
and express yourselves fully and freely upon this matter, and offer
any suggestions which you think would tend towards bringing
about the object of this conference.

Very respectfully submitted.

J. S. SKIRVING, President.
P. T. SHIELDS, Vice President.
J. E. RENDLE, Treasurer.



We the members of a committee duly appointed by the
Builders' Board of San Antonio, to confer with the Architects and
Material Men of this city for the purpose of enlisting your assistance
and co-operation with us in bettering and protecting our mutual inter-
est and we present herewith a list of membership which we believe to
be a majority of the reliable and trustworthy contractors of this
city, and should you collectively or individually decide to assist us
in our efforts to elevate the standard of building and make our
calling an honorable one, we in turn will use all legitimate and
honorable means to assist you and advance your interest. We don't
ask nor expect anything at your hands that you cannot conscien-
tiously and consistently comply with. It is hardly necessary to
mention the fact to you that we have all suffered at the hands of
so-called contractors, who have brought calumny upon our calling
and all connected with it. We hope you will meet us half way
and express yourselves fully and freely upon this matter, and offer
any suggestions which you think would tend towards bringing
about the object of this conference.

Very respectfully submitted.

J. S. SKIRVING, President.
P. T. SHIELDS, Vice President.
J. E. RENDLE, Treasurer.