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2 revisions
cpmorgan at Jul 02, 2020 10:09 AM


The following resolution was offered and accepted by a unanimous vote of the association

Resolved. That the thanks of this association be extended to Vice President James Wahrenberger for his [able?] and [?] address and that they be spread upon the moments and published in the next report

The President read a [congratulatory?] telegram from R C McLean of the Inland Architect Chicago

It was resolved that the Secretary be [instructed?] to return [?] thanks to the Inland Architect of the interest manifested in our good work

On motion of Burt McDonald of [?] the bill an act to regulate the practice of architect in the state of Texas be now taken up and discussed. Motion seconded by Geo E Dickey. Carried

Section 1 amended so as to read, be it enacted by the legislature of the state of Texas that it shall be unlawful for any person to practice the architectural profession as a business within the limits of this state except in the manner hereafter provided

Section 2 adopted as [?]
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