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2 revisions
cpmorgan at Jul 02, 2020 08:41 AM


Major Haggart moved that a vote of thanks be extended to the Board of Trade and Mr Tobey for their courtesies and to the [press?] of the city for their publishing the report. Sec'd by Frank Kane, but a reconsideration was made as follows

Resolution by S. B. Haggart, seconded by Frank W. Kane, that a vote of thanks be extended to the Board of Trade of the T. S. A. A. resident in Dallas, for the courtesies extended to the architects during convention. Adopted.

Mr Tobey presented a rebut invitation from [?] Harry [Bros?] that they had some conveyances placed at the [disposal?] of T. S. A. A. for a [tour?] through the city and moved that it be accepted, seconded by Tozer but [Messers?] Kane (J J) + Wahrenberger approved the motion as they did not wish to curry any particular favor with contractor, and also thaqt the honor was [its take?].

The motion was reconsidered and thanks were extended to [?] Harry Bros: for their kind offer but the Assoc regretted that time would not permit of accepting [same?].

An invitiation from prominent citizens was extended to the architects to take a drive around the city, but regrets were expressed that time would not permit of accepting same.

Geo. E. Dickey proposed Houston, and G. M. Tozer proposed Fort Worth as the places for holding the next convention. Considerable rivalry existed between the two cities, and on the third ballot Fort Worth was selected as the place of the next meeting of the association.

On motion the convention adjourned to meet in Fort Worth on the third Tuesday in January, 1891.