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2 revisions | cpmorgan at Jun 30, 2020 08:31 AM | |
111had been received and required the committee's attention. Mr. Haggart, a member on a special committee for rules governing competitions read his report. Mr. Wahrenberger wished to know whether the members would adopt the report, or wished to discuss the same. Question. Mr. Gordon wished to know whether members of the T. S. A of A. would enter into competition with every arch't whether members of the association or not. He would suggest, as a resolution, the appointment by the President of the association of three architects, who would be paid for their services by the owners or board of directors of such buildings, who would adjudicate on the merits of the drawing, and further that the successful competing architect should be paid six percent for full fees on account of the labor incurred in the original submitted drawing, as well as the new sets of drawings rendered necessary as working plans, elevation sections, etc. The latter would be of necessity an entirely new set. Mr. Dickey thought that the architects could not well dictate to proprietors what they should do, but that those whose business is alone [that of an?] architect should have the preference at all times over builders in the matter of designl also that members of a chartered association should be preferred to outsiders who look upon | 111 |