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2 revisions
cpmorgan at Jun 05, 2020 04:42 PM


or payment provided for in the contract or agreement are due or payable. He is to determine in construction emergenices to order necessary changes and to define the true intent and meaning of the drawings and specifications and he has authority to stop the progress of the work and order its removal when not in accordance with them.

Clerk of the works

On buildings where it is deemed necessary to employ a clerk of the works, the remuneration of said clerk is to be paid by the owner or owners, in addition to any commissions or fees due architect. The selection or dismissal of the clerk of the works is to be subject to the approval of the architect.

Extra Services

Consultation fees for professional advice are to be paid in proportion to the importance of the questions involved at the discretion of the architect.

None of the charges above enumerated cover professional or legal services connected with negotiations for [?], disputed [?] walls, right of light.