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11 revisions | cpmorgan at Jun 05, 2020 12:31 PM | |
58little anecote. Many years ago an old sea captain, who is still sailing into the port of Galveston, was on a voyage from England to said port in command of an English steamer and crew; said commander being a plain unassuming but a noble fellow, was addressed one day by his first officer in rather a pompous manner in the following language: "Captain, shall we give those passengers Irish potatoes ad libitum?" The captain looked at him and finally answered in his plain but firm manner: "No, give them to [?] plain filed as they are accustomed to having [?]." Gentlemen, I have given you this paper plain filed and I hope you will be able to digest it without pepper or salt. Moved that the thanks of this association be tendered architect Tobey for his paper so kindly read, and the address be spread upon the minutes. Carried. On motion of architect E. J. Heiner that the bill, "An act to regulate the practice of architecture in the state of Texas" be called up and read by section. Carried. Section 1 adopted as read. | 58 |