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6 revisions
cpmorgan at May 13, 2020 12:02 PM


Northwest. Hence the Western Association of Architects was formed. The memembers of this association were scattered in all the states of the west, northwest and south. Like the American Institute with its chapters, it soon became evident that state associations must be formed under the same rules and laws as the Western Association for the purpose of uniting all architects of good standing in various states in a bond of fellowship that the practice of all who belonged to the various state associations would practice under a uniform code, same as the Western Association of Architects, and to produce a fraternal feeling of fellowship amongst all those who are engaged in the professional pracitce of architecture. Hence, gentlemen, the organization of the Texas State Association of Architects. May it ever be in the future as it has been in the past two years of its existence - a bond, uniting its members in a feeling of fraternal friendship. To you, gentlemen, who represent the association in its youth and infancy, will the honor be due of placing it on


Northwest. Hence the Western Association of Architects was formed. The memembers of this association were scattered in all the states of the west, northwest and south. Like the American Institute with its chapters, it soon became evident that state associations must be formed under the same rules and laws as the Western Association for the purpose of uniting all architects of good standing in various states in a bond of fellowship that the practice of all who belonged to the various state associations would practice under a uniform code, same as the Western Association of Architects, and to produce a fraternal feeling of fellowship amongst all those who are engaged in the professional pracitce of architecture. Hence, gentlemen, the organization of the Texas State Association of Architects. May it ever be in the future as it has been in the past two years of its existence - a bond, uniting its members in a feeling of fraternal friendship. To you, gentlemen, who represent the association in its youth and infancy, will the honor be due of placing it on