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3 revisions | cpmorgan at Apr 15, 2020 04:32 PM | |
121and called on the secy to explain Mr. Stewart said that he was acting secy at the last annual meeting held in May 1890, that the late secy's books showed Mr. Gordon indebted to the association for two years fees, where as the treasurers papers, which were not produced at that meeting and not received by himself for some days thereafter, showed Mr. Gordon fully paid up, the latter papers had been in the hands of the executive committee for some months previous and should have been produced at the annual meeting and supersede the secretary's books. Mr. Gordon's suspension was an error on the part of the executive committee which the secretary rectified without notifying the committee. Perhaps he had undertaken a good deal but it was in the interests of justice Mr. Gordon hoped that if there were charges further than those state they should be announced. The secy replied that there were no other charges against Gordon further than non-payment of fees and that charge was not sustained. The secretary had prepared a new set of books, showing what amts had been paid by the members from time to time and would read out the same for their benefit, and any member was invited to look over the same as to its correctness. Mr. Kane asked for the papers of | 121and called on the secy to explain Mr. Stewart said that he was acting secy at the last annual meeting held in May 1890, that the late secy's books showed Mr. Gordon indebted to the association for two years fees, where as the treasurers papers, which were not produced at that meeting and not received by himself for some days thereafter, showed Mr. Gordon fully paid up, the latter papers had been in the hands of the executive committee for some months previous and should have been produced at the annual meeting and supersede the secretary's books. Mr. Gordon's suspension was an error on the part of the executive committee which the secretary rectified without notifying the committee. Perhaps he had undertaken a good deal but it was in the interests of justice Mr. Gordon hoped that if there were charges further than those state they should be announced. The secy replied that there were no other charges against Gordon further than non-payment of fees and that charge was not sustained. The secretary had prepared a new set of books, showing what amts had been paid by the members from time to time and would read out the same for their benefit, and any member was invited to look over the same as to its correctness. Mr. Kane asked for the papers of |