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7 revisions
dpavlovic at Sep 18, 2019 11:53 AM


When this had been agreed on, the President then had altered his mind and requested him to recognize Mr Jewett as an independent championer. "Now, said he, this request embarrasses me, and can only lead to confusion; different reports will bke made and who shall judge which is true? Marred have he another champion asked for by the other farers? You see these while I am trying to satisfy the Christian fever, a lead champion while it can do no good may do much harm. Again, as soon as an American causae sued the negliger as an independent [commision?], [I?] sued [fui?] offense, not only to the dowers that wished to send causaes, [?], and [?], Germany, sued


When this had been agreed on, the President then had altered his mind and requested him to recognize Mr Jewett as an independent championer. "Now, said he, this request embarrasses me, and can only lead to confusion; different reports will bke made and who shall judge which is true? Marred have he another champion asked for by the other farers? You see these while I am trying to satisfy the Christian fever, a lead champion while it can do no good may do much harm.