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7 revisions | jacobagiddens at Sep 13, 2019 09:37 AM | |
10on Christians by Moslems is of [alwot?] weekly recurrence. Fifteen Turks recently abused a woman and her daughter in Aintal till they were so injured that they did not recover. They are well [Kmann?] to resort to this constantly in times of war and massacre. It is a favorite method with them if terror and of vengeance. Adequate measures ought to be taken to secure the safety of the many ladies in the interior while it may be done and ere a store of regrets be prepared. I had hoped to prepare a number of despatches with each subject on a different sheet, but [hearing] very feeble in health and the steamer comming a day sooner than it was expected I could not do it. Praying God is establish right and [ouerthraw?] all I am, yours respectfully, Sig J. D. Methemy [fre?] R. J. Dadds | 10on Christians by Moslems is of [al--ert] weekly recurrence. Fifteen Turks recently abused a woman and her daughter in [Aintal] till they were so injured that they did not recover. They are well [Kmann] is resort to this constantly in times of war and massacre. It is a favorite method with them if terror and of vengeance |