| 5to take a still further step, I believe,
when his term of office came to a close.
The Turks trumped up the charge
against David Saade, one of our teachers,
of being a Russian spy, and imprisoned
him. When the charge broke down, they
brought another against him of circulating
inflammatory literature. This also they
found it impossible to establish, but
kept him imprisoned three years and
three months on the testimony of the
policemen who had arrested him, who said
that he had cursed the Sultan. When
this long term of imprisonment had
expired he was expelled. He is now a
liscenced preacher in Cypress.
In speaking about this with
Mr. Strauss I told him it would be the
first of a series of like cases if it should
prove successful. To which the Minister
replied, "I will see to that." But soon after
that, much to our grief and disappoint
ment he left Constantinople.
David's case was quickly followed
by others until by the various devices | 5to take a still further step, I believe, when his term of office came to a close.
The Turks trumped up the charge against David Saade, one of our teachers, of being a Russian spy, and imprisoned him. When the charge broke down, they brought another against him of circulating inflammatory literature. This also they found it impossible to establish, but kept him imprisoned three years and three months on the testimony of the policemen who had arrested him, who said that he had cursed the Sultan. When this long term of imprisonment had expired he was expelled. He is now a liscenced preacher in Cypress.
In speaking about this with Mr. Strauss I told him it would be the first of a series of like cases if it should prove successful. To which the Minister replied, "I will see to that." But soon after that, much to our grief and disappointment he left Constantinople.
David's case was quickly followed by others until by the various devices- |