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4 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 07, 2017 02:24 PM


137 Tremont St.
Ansonia, Conn.
April 5, 1895

Hon. Alexander W. Terrell
Dear Sir,

Learning that
you are soon to be seeking for men to
engage in educational work in Turkey,
I write to offer my name for your con--

I was graduated at Harvard in 1892,
and since then I have been engaged
in teaching. First I went to Phillips
Academy, Andover, Massachusetts,
serving one year; then I came to the
High School in this city where I am
just about to complete my second year. I
have passed the Boston supervisors'
examination, and I hold their first
grade certificate. Last summer I took


137 Tremont St.
Ansonia, Conn.
April 5, 1895

Hon. Alexander W. Terrell
Dear Sir,

Learning that
you are soon to be seeking for men to
engage in educational work in Turkey,
I write to offer my name for your con--

I was graduated at Harvard in 1892,
and since then I have been engaged
in teaching. First I went to Phillips
Academy, Andover, Massachusetts,
serving one year; then I came to the
High School in this city where I am
just about to complete my second year. I
have passed the Boston supervisors'
examination, and I hold their first
grade certificate. Last summer I took.