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10 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 05, 2017 04:48 PM


Legation of the United States
Constantinople Oct 3rd 1894

{letterhead: "No."} 317

despatch from
Minister of F O
concerning returning

I have the honor to enclose(?) for your
information the copy of an Official note just
received from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Said Pasha,
in which he informed me of the intention of
the Ottoman Government to adhere to the rigorous
measures heretofore adopted to towards Armenian
natives of Turkey who return from the United States

W(?) The note is carefully worded, but
ambiguous in its terms; since it is not clear
whether the "rigorous measures" referred to, ^ and to be "rigorously enforced" are his
instructions to compel such persons to return
on the vessel that may bring them, in pursuance


Legation of the United States
Constantinople Oct 3rd 1894

{letterhead: "No."} 317

despatch from
Minister of F O
concerning returning

I have the honor to enclose(?) for your
information the copy of an Official note just
received from the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Said Pasha,
in which he informed me of the intention of
the Ottoman Government to adhere to the rigorous
measures heretofore adopted to towards Armenian
natives of Turkey who return from the United States

W(?) The note is carefully worded, but
ambiguous in its terms; since it is not clear
whether the "rigorous measures" referred to ^ and to be "rigorously enforced", are his
instructions to compel such persons to return
on the vessel that may bring them, in pursuance