4 Letter, Lintote to Evans June 20, 1800 1/2


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at Apr 07, 2017 01:55 PM

4 Letter, Lintote to Evans June 20, 1800 1/2

Lewis Evans Esq.... Sheriff
of the County of Adams

Some days ago was informed by
Mr. Justice Clark] that the Wench Phebe placed
by the Court of Common Pleas in your care
during the Suite therein depending on her
accounts....hath been taken by Violence from
this territory...to the Appalusa and an atte
mpt there made to sell her as a Slave...by a
certain John Wells..the proof whereof is
contained in a Letter from the Commandant
of that place to Mr Justice Clark and by him
transmited [sic]to Mr Duncan [ ] in the cause of
Phoebe pending in our Court as afores'd---

Mr. Justice Dunbar says he is well acq-
uainted with the handwriting of the Commd.
of the Appalusa and can swear to it.... I have
met with no conclusive oppinion [sic] on this busin-
ess... but I have made up mine [sic] ... which is that
it clearly rests with you to prosecute; for
it is from you, that the Ct. of comm'n pleas
has to demand the Woman... It is recomm
ended to one by Mr. Justice Clark to forward the
prosecution of Wells to effect... and request

4 Letter, Lintote to Evans June 20, 1800 1/2

Lewis Evans Esq.... Sheriff
of the County of Adams

Some days ago was informed by
Mr. Justice Clark that the Wench Phebe placed
by the Court of Common Pleas in your care
during the Suite therein depending on her
accounts....hath been taken by Violence from
this territory...to the Appalusa and an atte
mpt there made to sell her as a Slave...by a
certain John Wells..the proof whereof is
contained in a Letter from the Commandant
of that place to Mr Justice Clark and by him
transmited [sic]to Mr Duncan [ ] in the cause of
Phoebe pending in our Court as afores'd---

Mr. Justice Dunbar says he is well acq-
uainted with the handwriting of the Commd.
of the Appalusa and can swear to it.... I have
met with no conclusive oppinion [sic] on this busin-
ess... but I have made up mine [sic] ... which is that
it clearly rests with you to prosecute; for
it is from you, that the Ct. of comm'n pleas
has to demand the Woman... It is recomm
ended to one by Mr. Justice Clark to forward the
prosecution of Wells to effect... and request