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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 08:55 PM





York, wliicli falls into a bay at the s. side of the
island. It lies two miles to tlies. of Rockonkama

CONNESTIGUCUNE, an establisliment of
tlie English, in the county of Albany, inthew. part
and to the e. of Chenectady, or of (he river Mo-
hawk, where it gives a fall from above 70 feet in
lieiglit. See Arm any.

CONNETABLE, or CoN?)ESTABr^E, a small
island of tire county of Cayenne, belonging to the
French, between the city of Cayenne and cape

CONNETABLE, anotlier small island of tire same
province, witli the addition of Petite, to distin-
guish it from the former.

CONOCOTO, a settlement of the kingdom of
Quito, in the corregimimto of the district of the
Cinco Leguasde la Ciudad, in the district of which
is a rising ground called A Halo, and upon the
skirts of this are many warm-water mineral streams,
much frequented as baths for the curing of in-

CONOMA, a lake of the province and country
of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions.
It is formed from some waste water of the river
Madera, very near its shore, and at a small distance
from the river of Las Amazonas.

CONOME, Cape of, a point of land of the
coast of Nova Scotia, in the bay of Fundy, and in
the most interior part of the same.

CONORIBO, a river of the province and cap-
ainship of Seara in Brazil. It rises near the coast,
runs n. and enters that of La Concepcion or S.
Francisco, and that of La Cruz, and then enters
the sea.

CONOSTEE, a settlement of Indians of N.
; situate on the shore of the river Eu-

CONSAHATCHEE, a river of the province
and colony of Georgia. It runs s. e. and enters the

CONSATA, a settlement of the missions which
were held by the religious order of St. Augustin,
in the country of Paititi, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CONSETS, Point of, on the e, coast of the
island of Barbadoes, on the side of the point of

CONSOLACION, Nuestra Senora de, aset-
tlement of the government of Neiba in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of the
town of La Purificacion. It is situate on the
shore of the river Pardo, is of a hot temperature,
abounding in the vegetable productions of a similar

climate, and in troublesome and venomous in-
sects. It contains more than 200 house-keepers.

CONSOLACION, a point or long strip of land
called Possession, on the n. coast of the straits of
Magellan ; one of those which form Possession
bay, and where are to be seen the ruins of the fort
named Jesus, which was founded by the Admiral
Pedro de Sarin iento.

CONSTANCE, or Constancia, a small city
of the English, in the island of Barbadoes.

CONSTANTINO Perez, an island of the
river Valdivia, in tlie kingdom of Chile, opposite
the same city, with two other small islands, the
one before, the other behind it, and which, together,
form the celebrated port of this name. The pas-
sage on both sides is navigable, but the channel on
the s. side being the most wide, is the course uni-
formly taken by large ships and vessels, and in the
same manner the n. channel is mostly, as it is
narrower, entered by frigates and small craft.

CONTAS, Rio das, a river in the province
and captainship of Ylheos in Brazil. It rises near
the coast, runs e. and enters the sea in the Barra
or Bar of Camamu, in the river of Ylheos.

CONTAS, a town of the above province and

(CONTINENTAL Village was situated on
North river, in New York state. Before its de-
struction by Sir Henry Clinton, in October 1777,
there were here barracks for 2000 men.)

CONTOOK, a settlement of the English, in
the province of Hampshire, one of the four of
New England ; situate on the shore of the river
Penny cook.

Contook, a river of the above province. It
rises from a small lake, runs s. then turns e. and
enters the Pennycook.

CONTOY, an island of the N. sea, near the
coast of the province and government of Yucatan,
close to the cape Cotoche.

CONTRE-PASTURAGE, a river of the pro-
vince and colony of Virginia. It runs n. e. and
enters the head of the river James.

CONTRERAS, a small island of the S. sea,
close to the coast of the province and government
of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CONTUMAZA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CONUCO, a settlement ofthe province and cor-
regimiento of Ytata in the kingdom of Chile ; situate
near the coast, opposite the island of Quiriquina.

CONUENTOS, a settlement of the province and
captainship of Rey in Brazil, at the source of the
river Curitaba.


CONNESTIGUCUNE, Establecimiento de los Ingleses en el Condado de Albania a la parte del N, y a Levante de Schenectady o del río Mochawk, donde da un salto de mas de 70 píes de altura. Véase Albania.

CONNETABLE, o Condestable, Isla pequeña del País de Cayena perteneciente a los Franceses entre la Ciudad de Cayena y el Cabo de Orange.
Otra Isla pequeña hay también de esta misma Provincia con el aditamento de Petite para distinguirla de la otra.

CONOCOTO, Pueblo del Reyno de Quito en el Corregimiento del distrito de las cinco leguas de la Ciudad, a cuya inmediación hay un cerrillo que llaman Yllaló, en cuya falda se encuentran varias fuentes hermosas de agua caliente medicinal, muy frecuentadas para tomar baños con acreditado beneficio.

CONOMA, Laguna de la Provincia y Pais de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses: se forma de un desague del río de la Madera, muy cerca de su orilla y a poca distancia del de las Amazonas.

CONOME, Cabo de., Punta de tierra de la Costa de la Nueva Escocia, en la Bahía de Fundy, y lo mas interior de ella.

CONORIBO, Río] de la Provincia y Capitanía de Seara en el Brasil: nace cerca de la Costa, corre al N entre el de la Concepción o San Francisco y el de la Cruz, y sale al mar.

CONOSTEE, Pueblo de Indios de la Carolina Septentrional, situado a orilla del río Euphasee.

CONSAHATCHE, Río] de la Provincia y Colonia de Georgia: corre al SE y sale al mar.

CONSATA, Pueblo de las Misiones que tienen los Religiosos de San Agustin en el Pais del Paititi de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Larecaja en el Perú.

CONSETS, Punta de, én la Costa del E de la Isla de Barbada al lado de la Punta de Bele.

CONSOLACION, Nuestra Señora de, Pueblo del Gobierno de Neiba en el Nuevo Reyno de Granada, anexo al Curato de la Villa de la Purificación: está situado a orilla del río Pardo, es de temperamento cálido, abundante en frutos de este clima, y en insectos molestos y venenosos: tiene poco mas de 200 vecinos.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Punta o Lengua de tierra llamada de la Posesión, en la Costa del N del estrecho de Magallanes, una de las que forman la Bahía de la Posesión, y donde se ven las ruinas del fuerte del nombre de Jesús, que fundó el Almirante Pedro Sarmiento.

CONSTANCE, o Constancia, Ciudad pequeña de los Ingleses en la Isla de Barbada. 1

CONSTANTINO, Pérez, Isla del río de Valdivia en el Reyno de Chile, frente de la misma Ciudad, con otras dos pequeñas, una delante y otra detras, que forman el célebre Puerto de este nombre: por ambos lados se navega, pero por ser el canal de la parte austral mas ancho, entran por él los navios y embarcaciones grandes, y por la Septentrional que es mas estrecha las fragatas y barcos chicos.

CONTAS, Río das, en la Provincia y Capitanía de Ylheos en el Brasil: nace cerca de la Costa, corre al E y sale al mar entre la Barra de Camama y el río de Ylheos.

Tiene el mismo nombre una Villa de esta Provincia y Reyno.

CONTINENT, o Main, Provincia de la Nueva Inglaterra, una de las 4 que la componen es de figura de un romboide: por el lado del O y NO confina con la de Hampshire, por el E con la de Sagadahook, y por el SE con el Océano.

CONTOOK, Pueblo de los Ingleses en la Provincia de Hampshire, una de las 4 de la Nueva Inglaterra, situado a orilla del río Pennycook.

Tiene el mismo nombre un río de esta Provincia: nace de una laguna pequeña, corre al S, luego tuerce al E y entra en el de Pennycook.

CONTO Y, Isla de la mar del N cerca de la Costa de la Provincia y Gobierno de Yucatán junto al Cabo de Cotoche.
C0NTRE-PASTURAGE, Río de la Provincia y Colonia de Virginia:. corre al NE y entra en la Cabecera del de James.

CONTRERAS, Isla pequeña de la mar del S junto a la Costa de la Provincia y Gobierno de Veragua en; el Reyno de Tierra Firme.

CONTUMAZA, Pueblo de .la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxamarcá en el Perú.

CONUCO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Ytataen el Reyno de Chile, situado cerca de la Costa enfrente de la Isla de Quinouina.

CONUENTOS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Capitanía del Rey en el Brasil, situado en la Cabecera del río Curytaba.





York, wliicli falls into a bay at the s. side of the
island. It lies two miles to tlies. of Rockonkama

CONNESTIGUCUNE, an establisliment of
tlie English, in the county of Albany, inthew. part
and to the e. of Chenectady, or of (he river Mo-
hawk, where it gives a fall from above 70 feet in
lieiglit. See Arm any.

CONNETABLE, or CoN?)ESTABr^E, a small
island of tire county of Cayenne, belonging to the
French, between the city of Cayenne and cape

CONNETABLE, anotlier small island of tire same
province, witli the addition of Petite, to distin-
guish it from the former.

CONOCOTO, a settlement of the kingdom of
Quito, in the corregimimto of the district of the
Cinco Leguasde la Ciudad, in the district of which
is a rising ground called A Halo, and upon the
skirts of this are many warm-water mineral streams,
much frequented as baths for the curing of in-

CONOMA, a lake of the province and country
of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese possessions.
It is formed from some waste water of the river
Madera, very near its shore, and at a small distance
from the river of Las Amazonas.

CONOME, Cape of, a point of land of the
coast of Nova Scotia, in the bay of Fundy, and in
the most interior part of the same.

CONORIBO, a river of the province and cap-
ainship of Seara in Brazil. It rises near the coast,
runs n. and enters that of La Concepcion or S.
Francisco, and that of La Cruz, and then enters
the sea.

CONOSTEE, a settlement of Indians of N.
; situate on the shore of the river Eu-

CONSAHATCHEE, a river of the province
and colony of Georgia. It runs s. e. and enters the

CONSATA, a settlement of the missions which
were held by the religious order of St. Augustin,
in the country of Paititi, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru.

CONSETS, Point of, on the e, coast of the
island of Barbadoes, on the side of the point of

CONSOLACION, Nuestra Senora de, aset-
tlement of the government of Neiba in the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada ; annexed to the curacy of the
town of La Purificacion. It is situate on the
shore of the river Pardo, is of a hot temperature,
abounding in the vegetable productions of a similar

climate, and in troublesome and venomous in-
sects. It contains more than 200 house-keepers.

CONSOLACION, a point or long strip of land
called Possession, on the n. coast of the straits of
Magellan ; one of those which form Possession
bay, and where are to be seen the ruins of the fort
named Jesus, which was founded by the Admiral
Pedro de Sarin iento.

CONSTANCE, or Constancia, a small city
of the English, in the island of Barbadoes.

CONSTANTINO Perez, an island of the
river Valdivia, in tlie kingdom of Chile, opposite
the same city, with two other small islands, the
one before, the other behind it, and which, together,
form the celebrated port of this name. The pas-
sage on both sides is navigable, but the channel on
the s. side being the most wide, is the course uni-
formly taken by large ships and vessels, and in the
same manner the n. channel is mostly, as it is
narrower, entered by frigates and small craft.

CONTAS, Rio das, a river in the province
and captainship of Ylheos in Brazil. It rises near
the coast, runs e. and enters the sea in the Barra
or Bar of Camamu, in the river of Ylheos.

CONTAS, a town of the above province and

(CONTINENTAL Village was situated on
North river, in New York state. Before its de-
struction by Sir Henry Clinton, in October 1777,
there were here barracks for 2000 men.)

CONTOOK, a settlement of the English, in
the province of Hampshire, one of the four of
New England ; situate on the shore of the river
Penny cook.

Contook, a river of the above province. It
rises from a small lake, runs s. then turns e. and
enters the Pennycook.

CONTOY, an island of the N. sea, near the
coast of the province and government of Yucatan,
close to the cape Cotoche.

CONTRE-PASTURAGE, a river of the pro-
vince and colony of Virginia. It runs n. e. and
enters the head of the river James.

CONTRERAS, a small island of the S. sea,
close to the coast of the province and government
of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firme.

CONTUMAZA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Caxamarca in Peru.

CONUCO, a settlement ofthe province and cor-
regimiento of Ytata in the kingdom of Chile ; situate
near the coast, opposite the island of Quiriquina.

CONUENTOS, a settlement of the province and
captainship of Rey in Brazil, at the source of the
river Curitaba.
