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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 08:44 PM



503 CON

mills. The whole of the district of its territory is
covered with estates and country-seats, which
abound in all kinds of fruits, at once rendering it
a place pleasing and advantageous for residence.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Pacajes in Peru ; situate on the shore
oflhe lake Titicaca, and at the mouth of the river

Concepcion, anotlier, of the province and go-
vernment of the Chiquitos Indians, in the same
kingdom ; a reduccion of the missions which were
held in this province by the regulars of the com-
pany of the Jesuits ; situate between the source of
the river Verde and the river Ubay.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito ;
■situate between the rivers Guandes and Y laibi, and
nearly in the spot where they join.

Concepcion, another, of the former province
and government ; situate on the shore of the river

Concepcion, another, of the province and
country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese pos-
sessions ; a reduccion of the missions which are held
by the Carmelite fathers of this nation ; situate on
the shore of a pool or lake formed by the river
Urubu. . .

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits in California ; situate near the sea-coast and
the Puerto Nuevo, or New Port.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, and district of
Chaco ; being a reduccion of the Abipones Indians,
of the mission held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits, and to-day under the charge of the reli-
gious order of S. Francisco.

Concepcion, another, which is also called hu-
enclara or Canada, of the missions held by the re-
ligion of St. Francis, in the kingdom of Nuevo

Concepcion, another, which is the real oi ine
silver mines of the province and government of
Sonora in Nueva Espana.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cap-
iahiship ot Rio Janeiro in Brazil 5 situate on the
coast, opposite the Isla Grande.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cap-
iainship of S. Vincente in the same kingdom.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Buenos Ayres; situate at the mouth of
the river Saladillo, on the coast which lies between
the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-

suits, in the province and government of Buenos
; situate on the w. shore of the river Uru-
guay. (Lat. 27° 58' 43". Long. 53° 27' 13" re.)

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the country of the Chiquitos Indians, in
the kingdom of Peru ; situate to the e. of that of
San Francisco Xavier.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of
Quito, which produces nothing but maize, yucas^
plantains, and quantities of aloes, with the which
the natives pay their tribute, and which are much
esteemed in Peru.

Concepcion, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, in the jurisdiction
of the city of Santiago del Estero, between the
rivers Bermejo and Salado. It was destroyed by
the infidel Indians.

Concepcion, a bay of the kingdom of Chile,
at the innermost part of which, and four leagues
from its entrance, is found a bed of shells, from
which is made excellent lime.

Concepcion, another bay, in the gulf of Cali-
, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. It is very large
and capacious, having within it various islands.
Its entrance is, however, very narrow.

Concepcion, a river in the province and go-
vernment of Costarica, which runs into the sea be-
tween that of San Antonio and that of Portete.

Concepcion, another, of the kingdom of Bra-
, which rises to the w. of the town of Gorjas,
runs s. 5 . K). and unites itself with that of the Re-
medies, to enter the river Prieto or La Palma.

Concepcion, another, which is an arm of the
river Picazuru, in the province and government of

Concepcion, another, of the kingdom of Chile,
which runs through the middle of the city of
Concepcion, and enters the sea in the bay of tliis

(Concepcion, a large bay on the c. side of
Newfoundland island, whose entrance is between
cape St. Francis on the s. and Flamborough head
on the n. It runs a great way into the land in a s.
direction, having numerous bays on the w. side,
on which are two settlements, Carboniere and
Havre de Grace. Settlements were made here in
1610, by about 40 planters, under Governor John
Guy, to whom King James had granted a patent
of incorporation.)

(Concepcion of Salaye, a small town of N.
America, in the province of Mechoacán in Mexico


todo el distrito de su territorio está poblado de haciendas y casas de campo, abundantes en toda especie de frutos que hacen muy agradable y cómoda su habitación.
Otro de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Pacajes en el Perú, situado a orilla de la laguna Titicaca, y en la boca del río del Desaguadero.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de los Indios Chiquitos en el mismo Reyno, reducción de las Misiones que tenian en ella los Regulares de la Compañía, situado entre el nacimiento del río Verde y el de Ubay.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Moxos en el Reyno de Quito, situado entre los ríos Guandes y Yraibi, casi en el parage donde se juntan.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno antecedente, situado a orilla l del. río Itenes.
Otro de la Provincia y Pais de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses, reducción de las Misiones que tienen los Padres Carmelitas de esta nación, situado a orilla de un rebalso o laguna que forma el río Urubú.
Otro de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en la California, situado cerca de la Costa del mar y del Puerto Nuevo.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en el Perú, y del distrito del Chaco, reducción de Indios Abipones, de la Misión que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía, y está hoy al cargo de los Religiosos de San Francisco.
Otro llamado también Fuenclara o la Cañada, de las Misiones que tiene la Religión de San Francisco en el Reyno del Nuevo México .
Otro que es Real de Minas de Plata de la Provincia y Gobierno de Sonora en Nueva España.
Otro de la Provincia y Capitanía del río Jeneiro en el Brasil, situado en la Costa a frente de la Isla grande.
Otro de la Provincia y Capitanía de San Vicente en el mismo Reyno.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos Ayres en el Perú, situado a la boca del río Saladillo en la Costa que media entre el río de la Plata y el estrecho de Magallanes.
Otro de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay, situado a orilla del río Uruguay.
Otro de las Misiones que tenian los Regulares de la Compañía en el País de los Indios Chiquitos y Reyno del Perú, situado al E del de San Francisco Xavier.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cinaloa en Nueva España.
Otro de la Provincia y Gobierno de Quixos y Macas en el Reyno de Quito, que solo produce maiz, yucas, plátanos y mucha pita, con que pagan el tributo sus naturales, y es muy estimada en el Perú.
Una Villa de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en el Perú, en la jurisdicción de la Ciudad de Santiago del Estero, entre los ríos Bermejo y Salado, que fue destruida por los Indios infieles.
Una Bahía del Reyno de Chile, en la qual se halla en lo último a quatro leguas de su entrada un fondo de Conchas de que hacen excelente cal.
Otra Bahía en el golfo de California o mar Roxo de Cortés, muy grande y capaz, con varias Islas dentro, pero su entrada es muy estrecha.
Otra Bahía grande y hermosa en la Costa del O de la Isla de Terranpva.
Un río en la Provincia y Gobierno de Costarica, que sale al mar entre el de San Antonio y el Pórtete.
Otro del Reyno del Brasil: nace al O de la Villa de Goyas, corre al S SO, y se une con el de los Remedios para entrar en el río Prieto o de la Palma.
Otro, que es un brazo del río Picazuru en la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay.
Otro del Reyno de Chile, que corre por medio de la Ciudad de la Concepción, y sale al mar en la Bahía de este nombre.



503 CON

mills. The whole of the district of its territory is
covered with estates and country-seats, which
abound in all kinds of fruits, at once rendering it
a place pleasing and advantageous for residence.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cor-
regimiento of Pacajes in Peru ; situate on the shore
oflhe lake Titicaca, and at the mouth of the river

Concepcion, anotlier, of the province and go-
vernment of the Chiquitos Indians, in the same
kingdom ; a reduccion of the missions which were
held in this province by the regulars of the com-
pany of the Jesuits ; situate between the source of
the river Verde and the river Ubay.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Moxos in the kingdom of Quito ;
■situate between the rivers Guandes and Y laibi, and
nearly in the spot where they join.

Concepcion, another, of the former province
and government ; situate on the shore of the river

Concepcion, another, of the province and
country of the Amazonas, in the Portuguese pos-
sessions ; a reduccion of the missions which are held
by the Carmelite fathers of this nation ; situate on
the shore of a pool or lake formed by the river
Urubu. . .

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits in California ; situate near the sea-coast and
the Puerto Nuevo, or New Port.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, and district of
Chaco ; being a reduccion of the Abipones Indians,
of the mission held by the regulars of the company
of Jesuits, and to-day under the charge of the reli-
gious order of S. Francisco.

Concepcion, another, which is also called hu-
enclara or Canada, of the missions held by the re-
ligion of St. Francis, in the kingdom of Nuevo

Concepcion, another, which is the real oi ine
silver mines of the province and government of
Sonora in Nueva Espana.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cap-
iahiship ot Rio Janeiro in Brazil 5 situate on the
coast, opposite the Isla Grande.

Concepcion, another, of the province and cap-
iainship of S. Vincente in the same kingdom.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Buenos Ayres; situate at the mouth of
the river Saladillo, on the coast which lies between
the river La Plata and the straits of Magellan.

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-

suits, in the province and government of Buenos
; situate on the w. shore of the river Uru-
guay. (Lat. 27° 58' 43". Long. 53° 27' 13" re.)

Concepcion, another, of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of Je-
suits, in the country of the Chiquitos Indians, in
the kingdom of Peru ; situate to the e. of that of
San Francisco Xavier.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Cinaloa in Nueva Espana.

Concepcion, another, of the province and go-
vernment of Quixos and Macas in the kingdom of
Quito, which produces nothing but maize, yucas^
plantains, and quantities of aloes, with the which
the natives pay their tribute, and which are much
esteemed in Peru.

Concepcion, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Tucumán in Peru, in the jurisdiction
of the city of Santiago del Estero, between the
rivers Bermejo and Salado. It was destroyed by
the infidel Indians.

Concepcion, a bay of the kingdom of Chile,
at the innermost part of which, and four leagues
from its entrance, is found a bed of shells, from
which is made excellent lime.

Concepcion, another bay, in the gulf of Cali-
, or Mar Roxo de Cortes. It is very large
and capacious, having within it various islands.
Its entrance is, however, very narrow.

Concepcion, a river in the province and go-
vernment of Costarica, which runs into the sea be-
tween that of San Antonio and that of Portete.

Concepcion, another, of the kingdom of Bra-
, which rises to the w. of the town of Gorjas,
runs s. 5 . K). and unites itself with that of the Re-
medies, to enter the river Prieto or La Palma.

Concepcion, another, which is an arm of the
river Picazuru, in the province and government of

Concepcion, another, of the kingdom of Chile,
which runs through the middle of the city of
Concepcion, and enters the sea in the bay of tliis

(Concepcion, a large bay on the c. side of
Newfoundland island, whose entrance is between
cape St. Francis on the s. and Flamborough head
on the n. It runs a great way into the land in a s.
direction, having numerous bays on the w. side,
on which are two settlements, Carboniere and
Havre de Grace. Settlements were made here in
1610, by about 40 planters, under Governor John
Guy, to whom King James had granted a patent
of incorporation.)

(Concepcion of Salaye, a small town of N.
America, in the province of Mechoacán in Mexico
