| 493COL
tirely unknown to tiiis. Its inlmbitants lead a
regular life ; they give without cxjicctation of in-
demnification, and are governed l!)roughoiit the
■whole tribe by the sounding of a bell. In short,
they might serve as a model for all the other settle-
ments of Indians in the kingdom.
COLLANA, another settlement of the same pro-
vince and corregimicnto ; annexed to the curacy of
COLLANES, a chain of very lofty mountains,
almost continually covered with snow, in the pro-
vince and corre"imiento of Riobamba in the king-
dom of Quito, to the s. of the river Pastaza, and of
the mountain runguragua. They take their name
from the nation of barbarous Indians who live
scattered in the woods of these mountains, which
run from w. to e. forming a semicircle of 20
leagues. The mountain which out-tops the rest,
they call the Altar.
COLLANI, a settlement of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of the
Jesuits in Nuevo Mexico.
COLLATA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Santa Olaya.
COLLAY. See Pataz.
COLLETON, a county of the province of Ca-
rolina in N. America ; situate n. of the county of
Grenville, and watered by the river Stone, which
unites itself with an arm of the Wadrnoolan. That
part which looks to the n, e. is peopled with es-
tablishments of Indians, and forms, with the other
part, an island called Buono, which is a little below
Charlestown, and is well cultivated and in-
habited. The principal rivers of this country are,
the Idistows, the S. and N. Two or three miles up
the former river, the shores are covered with plan-
tations, which continue for more than three miles
further n. where the river meets with the N. Edis-
tow, and in the island formed by both of them,
it is reckoned that 20 freeholders reside. These
are thus called, from the nature of the assignment
and distribution of lands which took place in the
new colonies. But the English governor did not
grant an absolute and perpetual property, save to
particular individuals : the concession was some-
times for life, sometimes considered as lineal,
sometimes to descend to the wife, children, or re-
lations, and sometimes with greater restrictions.
The above-mentioned people have, however, their
vote in the assembly, and send to it two members.
In the precinct of this county is an Episcopal
Colleton, another county, of the province
and colony of Georgia.
Colleton, a settlement of the island of Bar-
badoes, in the district of the parish ot Todos
COLLICO, a small river of the district of Tol-
ten Baxo in Ihe kingdom of Chile. It runs h. n.
w. and enters the river Tolten.
COLLIQUEN, a llanura, or plain, of the
corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is fertile, and
of a dry and healthy climate, although thinly in-
habited and uncultivated.
COLLIUE, a settlement of Indians of the king-
dom of Chile, situate on the shore of the river
COLLQUE, an ancient, large, and well peo-
pled settlement of Peru, to the n. of Cuzco ; con-
quered and carried by force of arms by the Inca
Huayna Capac, thirteenth Emperor of Peru.
COLNACA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chichos and Tarija in Peru, of
the district of the second, and annexed to the cu-
racy of its capital.
COLOATPA, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of Olinalá, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in
Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of In-
dians, who occupy themselves in the commerce
of chia^ a white medicinal earth, and cochineal,
which abounds in this territory. It lies to the
n. w. of its head settlement.
COLOCA, a settlement of the province and
government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru,
situate on the shore of the river of La Plata, and to
the n. of its capital.
COLOCINA, San Carlos de, a settlement of
the province and government of Cartagena, in the
district of the town of Tolu; founded in 1776 by
the governor Don J uan Pimienta.
COLOCINA, some mountains of this province and
government, also called Betanzi, which run n. for
many leagues from the valley of Penco.
COLOCOLO, a settlement of Indians of the
kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river
Carampangue, and thus called from the celebrated
cazique of this name, one of the chiefs in the war
in which these Indians were engaged with the
COLOLO, a small river of the province and
government of Buenos Ayres. It runs n. and en-
ters the river Negro, near where this enters tire
COLOMBAINA, a small settlement of the ju-
riscidiction of Tocaima, and government of Mari-
quita, and in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; an-
nexed to the curacy of the settlement of Amba-
leina. It is situate on the shore of the river
Magdalena; is of a very hot temperature, and
Translationque son comunes en los demás, y sus vecinos tienen una vida arreglada, pagan sin esperar que les cobren, y se gobiernan para todo al toque de campana, pudiendo servir de modelo a los demás Pueblos de Indios de todo el Reyno.
Tiene el mismo nombre otro Pueblo de la misma Provincia y Corregimiento, anexo al Curato de Mecacapaca.
COLLANES, Cadena de montañas muy altas, quasi siempre cubiertas de nieve en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Riobamba y Reyno de Quito, al Sur del río Pastaza y del monte Tunguragua: toman el nombre de la nación de Indios bárbaros, que viven dispersos en los bosques de estas montañas que corren de Poniente a Levante, formando un semicírculo de 2 1 leguas: el monte que sobresale mas llaman el Altar, y está en 1 gr. 43 min. de lat. aust.
COLLANI, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la Compañía en el Nuevo México.
COLLATA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huarochiri en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Santa Olaya.
COLLAY, Véase Pataz.
COLLETON, Condado de la Provincia de la Carolina en la América Septentrional, situado al N del de Granville, y regado del río Stono, que se une con un brazo del de Wadmoolaw, la parte de aquel que mira al NE está poblada de establecimientos de Indios, y forma con el otro una Isla llamada Buono, que está un poco mas abaxo de Charles Toun,bien cultivada y poblada: los rios principales de este Condado son el Edistow Meridional y Edistow Septentrional, y a 2 o 3 millas subiendo por aquel, se ven ambas orillas llenas de plantaciones que continúan por mas de otras 3 millas al N, donde se encuentra con el Edistow Septentrional, y en la Isla que forman se regula que hay 20 Frceholder que son propietarios libres, porque en la asignación y distribución de terrenos en las Nuevas Colonias, no concedía el Gobernador de Inglaterra la propiedad absoluta y perpetua sino a uno u otro Colono, y sí el dominio libre, útil, y franco de toda contribución, cuya concesión era alguna vez por la vida, otras por una línea, otras transmisible a la muger, hijos o parientes, y otras con mas restricciones, los quales votan en la asamblea y envian a ella dos miembros o Individuos: en el recinto de este Condado hay una Iglesia Episcopal.
Tiene el mismo nombre otro Condado de la Provincia y Colonia de Georgia.
Un Pueblo de la Isla de Barbada en el distrito de la Parroquia de Todos Santos.
COLLICO, Río] pequeño del partido de Tolten Baxo en el Reyno de Chile: corre al N NO y entra efi el de Tolten.
COLLIQUEN, Llanura de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Traxillo en el Perú, fértil, y de un clima seco y sano, pero despoblada é inculta.
COLLIUE Pueblo de Indios del Reyno de Chile, situado a orilla del río Tolpan.
COLLQUE, Pueblo antiguo, grande y bien poblado del Perú al N del Cuzco: lo conquistó y ganó a fuerza de armas el Inca Huayna-capac, XIII Emperador del Perú.
COLNACA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chichas y Tarija en el Perú, del partido del segundo anexo al Curato de su Capital.
COLOATPA, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Olinalá y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 29 familias de Indios que se ocupan en el comercio de chía y grana en que abunda el territorio: está al NO de su Cabecera.
COLOCA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Santa Cruz de la Sierra en el Perú, situado a orilla del río de la Plata y al N de su Capital.
COLOCINA, San Carlos de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Cartagena en el partido de la Villa de Tola, fundado el año de 1776 por el Gobernador Don Juan Pimienta.
Tienen el mismo nombre unas montañas de esta Provincia y Gobierno llamadas también de Betanzi, que corren desde el Valle de Penco al N muchas leguas.
COLOCOLO y Pueblo de indios del Reyno de Chile, situado a orilla del río Carara pangue, y llamado asi por el célebre Cazique de este nombre, uno de los caudillos de la guerra que hicieron a los Españoles.
COLOLO, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos-Ayres: corre al N y entra en el río Negro cerca de su salida al de Uruguay.
COLOMBAINA, Pueblo pequeño de la jurisdicción de Tocaima en el Gobierno de Mariquita y Nuevo Reyno de Granada, anexo al Curato del de Arabalema: está situado a orilla del río de la Magdalena, es de temperamento muy cálido y | 493COL
tirely unknown to tiiis. Its inlmbitants lead a
regular life ; they give without cxjicctation of in-
demnification, and are governed l!)roughoiit the
■whole tribe by the sounding of a bell. In short,
they might serve as a model for all the other settle-
ments of Indians in the kingdom.
COLLANA, another settlement of the same pro-
vince and corregimicnto ; annexed to the curacy of
COLLANES, a chain of very lofty mountains,
almost continually covered with snow, in the pro-
vince and corre"imiento of Riobamba in the king-
dom of Quito, to the s. of the river Pastaza, and of
the mountain runguragua. They take their name
from the nation of barbarous Indians who live
scattered in the woods of these mountains, which
run from w. to e. forming a semicircle of 20
leagues. The mountain which out-tops the rest,
they call the Altar.
COLLANI, a settlement of the missions which
were held by the regulars of the company of the
Jesuits in Nuevo Mexico.
COLLATA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Huarochiri in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Santa Olaya.
COLLAY. See Pataz.
COLLETON, a county of the province of Ca-
rolina in N. America ; situate n. of the county of
Grenville, and watered by the river Stone, which
unites itself with an arm of the Wadrnoolan. That
part which looks to the n, e. is peopled with es-
tablishments of Indians, and forms, with the other
part, an island called Buono, which is a little below
Charlestown, and is well cultivated and in-
habited. The principal rivers of this country are,
the Idistows, the S. and N. Two or three miles up
the former river, the shores are covered with plan-
tations, which continue for more than three miles
further n. where the river meets with the N. Edis-
tow, and in the island formed by both of them,
it is reckoned that 20 freeholders reside. These
are thus called, from the nature of the assignment
and distribution of lands which took place in the
new colonies. But the English governor did not
grant an absolute and perpetual property, save to
particular individuals : the concession was some-
times for life, sometimes considered as lineal,
sometimes to descend to the wife, children, or re-
lations, and sometimes with greater restrictions.
The above-mentioned people have, however, their
vote in the assembly, and send to it two members.
In the precinct of this county is an Episcopal
Colleton, another county, of the province
and colony of Georgia.
Colleton, a settlement of the island of Bar-
badoes, in the district of the parish ot Todos
COLLICO, a small river of the district of Tol-
ten Baxo in Ihe kingdom of Chile. It runs h. n.
w. and enters the river Tolten.
COLLIQUEN, a llanura, or plain, of the
corregimiento of Truxillo in Peru. It is fertile, and
of a dry and healthy climate, although thinly in-
habited and uncultivated.
COLLIUE, a settlement of Indians of the king-
dom of Chile, situate on the shore of the river
COLLQUE, an ancient, large, and well peo-
pled settlement of Peru, to the n. of Cuzco ; con-
quered and carried by force of arms by the Inca
Huayna Capac, thirteenth Emperor of Peru.
COLNACA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chichos and Tarija in Peru, of
the district of the second, and annexed to the cu-
racy of its capital.
COLOATPA, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of Olinalá, and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa, in
Nueva Espana. It contains 29 families of In-
dians, who occupy themselves in the commerce
of chia^ a white medicinal earth, and cochineal,
which abounds in this territory. It lies to the
n. w. of its head settlement.
COLOCA, a settlement of the province and
government of Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Peru,
situate on the shore of the river of La Plata, and to
the n. of its capital.
COLOCINA, San Carlos de, a settlement of
the province and government of Cartagena, in the
district of the town of Tolu; founded in 1776 by
the governor Don J uan Pimienta.
COLOCINA, some mountains of this province and
government, also called Betanzi, which run n. for
many leagues from the valley of Penco.
COLOCOLO, a settlement of Indians of the
kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the river
Carampangue, and thus called from the celebrated
cazique of this name, one of the chiefs in the war
in which these Indians were engaged with the
COLOLO, a small river of the province and
government of Buenos Ayres. It runs n. and en-
ters the river Negro, near where this enters tire
COLOMBAINA, a small settlement of the ju-
riscidiction of Tocaima, and government of Mari-
quita, and in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada ; an-
nexed to the curacy of the settlement of Amba-
leina. It is situate on the shore of the river
Magdalena; is of a very hot temperature, and
Translation |