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5 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 05:44 PM



CASONA, a river of the province of Guayana :
it runs e. and enters the Esquivo,

CASPANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Atacama, and of the archbishopric
of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of

(CASPEAN, or Beautiful, a small lake in
Greensborough, Vermont. It has Hazen block-
house on its w. side. It is a head water of La
Moille river.)

CASPIYACU, a small river of the province
and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Qui-
to ; it runs from s. s. e, to n. n, w. and enters the
Yana at its sources.

(CASQUIPIBIAC, a river on the n. side of Cha-
leur bay
, about a league from Black cape, n. w.
by n. in the bottom of Casquipibiac cove, at the
distance of about one league from which is the
great river of Casquipibiac. It lies about w, from
the former, and affords a small cod and salmon

(CASSITAH, an Indian town in the w. part of
Georgia; which, as well as the Coweta town, is
60 miles below the Horse ford, on Chattahousee

CASTA, San Pedro de, a settlement of the
province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the
kingdom of Chile : it runs n. n. e. and enters the
Mames near the sea-coast.

(CASTAHANA, Indians of N. America, who
resemble the Dotames, except that they trade
principally Avith the Crow Indians, and that they
would most probably prefer visiting an establish-
ment on the Yellow Stone river, or at its mouth on
the Missouri.)

CASTEENS, a small river of the province of
Sagadohook : it runs s. and enters the sea in the
bay of Penobscot. On its shore and at its mouth is
a settlement of Indians, where the English have a
fort and an establishment.

CASTELA, a large and navigable river of the
province and government of Moxos in the king-
dom of Quito, being formed from those of the Beni
and Paravari ; it afterwards unites itself with that
oftheYtenes, and changes its name to Madera,
which joins the Maranon on the s. side, in lat. 3°
13' 18" s.

CASTELLANOS, Puerto, a port in the large
island of San Sebastian, and near the coast of Bra-
zil, and province and captainship of San Vin-

CASTILLA, Santo Tomas de, a settlement
of the province and government of Honduras in the
kingdom of Guatemala. Its port is good, and well
frequented with vessels.

CASTILLA DEL ORO. See Tierra Firme*

CASTILLO, a river of the province and district
of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile : it runs w-
and joins the Pcrquilabquien to enter the Lon-

Castillo, a port of the coast, in the same pro-
vince and kingdom, between the former river and
the port Valparaiso.

Castillo, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the
city of Cordova ; situate on the shores of the river
Tercero, near the mouth Avhere this enters the Sa-

CASTILLOS Grandes, an island of the pro-
vince and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It is very
near the coast, between the cape Santa Maria of
the river La Plata and the cape of Las Yncas;
the Portuguese have a fort in it.

Castillos Grandes, another island, with
the addition of Chicos, to distinguish it from the
other in the same province and kingdom, and at
a little distance from the above island.

Castillos Grandes, a point of land or ex-
tremity of the island of Guadalupe, opposite those
of Deseada and of Marigalante.- It is thus called
from two castles which it has in it.

(CASTINE, the shire town of Hancock county,
district of Maine, is situate on Penobscot bay. It
was taken from the town of Penobscot, and incor-
porated in Feb. 1796. It is named after a French
gentleman who resided here ISO years ago, as

(Castine River, which is about 14 miles
long, is navigable lor six miles, and has several
mills at the head of it. It empties into Penobscot

(CASTLE Island. See Crooked Island.)

(CASTLETOWN, a township in Richmond
county, Stateti island, New York, which contains
805 inhabitants, including 114 slaves; 114 of its
inhabitants are electors.)

(CASTLETON, a township and river in Rut-
county, Vermont, 20 miles s. e. of mount In-
dependence at Ticonderoga. Lake Bombazon is
chiefly in this town, and sends its waters into Cas-
tleton river, which, rising in Pittsford, passes
through this town in a s. westerley course, and fails
into Pultney river in the town of Fairhaven, a little
below Colonel Lyon’s iron Avorks. Fort War-
ner stands in thistoAvn. Inhabitants 805.)

(CASTOR’S River, in Newfoundland island,
empties in the harbour of St. John’s. Its size is
considerable for 15 miles from the sea.)

(Castor, Estanque del, a lake of the pro-
vince and colony of Virginia, on the shore of the


CASONA, Río] de ja Provincia de Guayana, corre al E y entra en el de Esquivo.

CASPANA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Atacama y del Arzobispado de Charcas en. el Perú, anexo al Curato de Chiuchiu.

CASPIYACU, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas en el Reyno de Quito: corre del SSE aL N NO y entra en el de Yana en sus principios.

CASTA, San Pedro de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Píuarochiri en el Perú.

CASTAÑO, Río] pequeño de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Coquimbo en el Reyno de Chile, corre al N NE y entra en el de Mames, cerca de la Costa del mar.

CASTEENS, Río] pequeño de la Provincia de Sagadohook, corre al S y sale al mar en la Bahía de Penobscot: a su orilla y boca hay un Pueblo de Indios en que tienen los Ingleses un Tuerte y establecimiento.

CASTELA, Río] grande y navegable de la Provincia y Gobierno de Moxos en el Réyno de Quito, que se forma de los de Beni y Paravari: se une luego con el de Ytenes y muda nombre en el de Madera, que entra en el Marañon por la parte austral en 3 gr. 13 min. 18 seg. de lat. ausr.

CASTELLANOS, Puerto, en la Isla grande de San Sebastian, y cerca de la Costa del Brasil y Provincia y Capitanía de San Vicente.

CASTILLA, Santo Tomas de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Honduras en el Reyno de Guatemala: tiene un buen Puerto muy frequentado de embarcaciones.

CASTILLA DEL ORO, Véase Tierra-Firme.

CASTILLO, Río] de la Provincia y Partido de Quillota en el Reyno de Chile ; corre al O, y se une con el de Pcrquilabquien para entrar en el de Longomilla.

Tiene el mismo nombre con el aditamento de Viejo un Puerto de la Costa en la misma Provincia y Reyno, entre el río antecedente y el Puerto de Valparaíso.
Un Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en la jurisdicion de la Ciudad de Córdova, situado a orilla del río tercero cerca de la boca por donde le entra el Saladillo.

CASTILLOS GRANDES, Isla de la Provincia y Capitanía del Rey en el Brasil: está muy cerca de la Costa entre el Cabo de Santa María del río de la Plata y la laguna de los Yncas: tienen los Portugueses en ella una fortaleza.
Tiene el mismo nombré otra Isla con el aditamento de Chicos, para distinguirla de la otra en la misma Provincia y Reyno, y poco distante de aquella.
Una punta de tierra o extremidad de la Isla de Guadalupe, enfrente de la Deseada y de la Marigalante; tieae este nombre por dos Castillos que hay en ella.

CASTOR, Estanque del, Laguna de la Provincia y Colonia de Virginia, a orilla del



CASONA, a river of the province of Guayana :
it runs e. and enters the Esquivo,

CASPANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Atacama, and of the archbishopric
of Charcas, in Peru ; annexed to the curacy of

(CASPEAN, or Beautiful, a small lake in
Greensborough, Vermont. It has Hazen block-
house on its w. side. It is a head water of La
Moille river.)

CASPIYACU, a small river of the province
and government of Mainas in the kingdom of Qui-
to ; it runs from s. s. e, to n. n, w. and enters the
Yana at its sources.

(CASQUIPIBIAC, a river on the n. side of Cha-
leur bay
, about a league from Black cape, n. w.
by n. in the bottom of Casquipibiac cove, at the
distance of about one league from which is the
great river of Casquipibiac. It lies about w, from
the former, and affords a small cod and salmon

(CASSITAH, an Indian town in the w. part of
Georgia; which, as well as the Coweta town, is
60 miles below the Horse ford, on Chattahousee

CASTA, San Pedro de, a settlement of the
province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the
kingdom of Chile : it runs n. n. e. and enters the
Mames near the sea-coast.

(CASTAHANA, Indians of N. America, who
resemble the Dotames, except that they trade
principally Avith the Crow Indians, and that they
would most probably prefer visiting an establish-
ment on the Yellow Stone river, or at its mouth on
the Missouri.)

CASTEENS, a small river of the province of
Sagadohook : it runs s. and enters the sea in the
bay of Penobscot. On its shore and at its mouth is
a settlement of Indians, where the English have a
fort and an establishment.

CASTELA, a large and navigable river of the
province and government of Moxos in the king-
dom of Quito, being formed from those of the Beni
and Paravari ; it afterwards unites itself with that
oftheYtenes, and changes its name to Madera,
which joins the Maranon on the s. side, in lat. 3°
13' 18" s.

CASTELLANOS, Puerto, a port in the large
island of San Sebastian, and near the coast of Bra-
zil, and province and captainship of San Vin-

CASTILLA, Santo Tomas de, a settlement
of the province and government of Honduras in the
kingdom of Guatemala. Its port is good, and well
frequented with vessels.

CASTILLA DEL ORO. See Tierra Firme*

CASTILLO, a river of the province and district
of Quillota in the kingdom of Chile : it runs w-
and joins the Pcrquilabquien to enter the Lon-

Castillo, a port of the coast, in the same pro-
vince and kingdom, between the former river and
the port Valparaiso.

Castillo, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the
city of Cordova ; situate on the shores of the river
Tercero, near the mouth Avhere this enters the Sa-

CASTILLOS Grandes, an island of the pro-
vince and captainship of Rey in Brazil. It is very
near the coast, between the cape Santa Maria of
the river La Plata and the cape of Las Yncas;
the Portuguese have a fort in it.

Castillos Grandes, another island, with
the addition of Chicos, to distinguish it from the
other in the same province and kingdom, and at
a little distance from the above island.

Castillos Grandes, a point of land or ex-
tremity of the island of Guadalupe, opposite those
of Deseada and of Marigalante.- It is thus called
from two castles which it has in it.

(CASTINE, the shire town of Hancock county,
district of Maine, is situate on Penobscot bay. It
was taken from the town of Penobscot, and incor-
porated in Feb. 1796. It is named after a French
gentleman who resided here ISO years ago, as

(Castine River, which is about 14 miles
long, is navigable lor six miles, and has several
mills at the head of it. It empties into Penobscot

(CASTLE Island. See Crooked Island.)

(CASTLETOWN, a township in Richmond
county, Stateti island, New York, which contains
805 inhabitants, including 114 slaves; 114 of its
inhabitants are electors.)

(CASTLETON, a township and river in Rut-
county, Vermont, 20 miles s. e. of mount In-
dependence at Ticonderoga. Lake Bombazon is
chiefly in this town, and sends its waters into Cas-
tleton river, which, rising in Pittsford, passes
through this town in a s. westerley course, and fails
into Pultney river in the town of Fairhaven, a little
below Colonel Lyon’s iron Avorks. Fort War-
ner stands in thistoAvn. Inhabitants 805.)

(CASTOR’S River, in Newfoundland island,
empties in the harbour of St. John’s. Its size is
considerable for 15 miles from the sea.)

(Castor, Estanque del, a lake of the pro-
vince and colony of Virginia, on the shore of the
