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4 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 05:44 PM





Presurapscot river. It has a good harbour at its
mouth for small vessels, and has several mills upon
it ; two miles higher a fall obstructs the navigation.
Between it and Kennebeck there are no rivers ;
some creeks and harbours of Casco bay throw them-
selves into the main land, affording harbours for
small vessels, and intersecting the country in various

CASCONA, a settlement of the province and
government of Antioquía ; situate at the mouth of
the river Nare, at its entrance into the Mag-

CASCUEMBEC, a small island of Nova Scotia,
close to the w. point of the island of San Juan.

CASIBANI, a river of the province and country
of the Amazonas : it rises in the cordillera of the
Mochovos and Pichambios Indians, runs in a ser-
pentine course to the n. then inclining for many
leagues to the s. e. enters the Maranon or Amazonas,
near the settlement of N uestra Seilora de Guada-

CASIDI, a river of the province and government
of Guayana : it enters the Orinoco, according to
Beilin, but which is afterwards contradicted by his
own map, since it is^there represented as having its
source to the e. of the city of Pamplona, and as
running into the river Apure.

CASIGUA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Maracaibo ; situate on the coast, and
near the entrance or mouth of the great lake.

CASILDA, Ensenada de, a bay on the s. coast
of the island of Cuba.

CASIMBUCO, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chayanta or Charcas in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Pocoata.

CASIMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of
the city of Santiago de los Atalayas, in the govern-
ment of San Juan de los Llanos, of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada : it is of a very hot temperature,
and abounds in fruits of a similar climate. Its na-
tives, who are numerous and consist of the Neolitos
Indians, are very industrious, docile, and of good
dispositions, having been reduced to the faith by
the missionaries of the extinguished society of Je-
suits. The settlement is at present in the charge of
the barefooted order of St. Francis, and lies three
leagues from the settlement of Surimena, on the
shore of the large river Meta.

CASIPA, a large lake of the province of Nueva
Andalucía Austral
or South, to the w. ofthe Vaca-
ronis Indians : it is 30 leagues in length from n. to s.
and 24 in width from e. to w. Four large rivers
flow from it, the principal of which areArous or Aroi
and Caroa, the which enter the Orinoco on its e.
side. Its woods are inhabited by some barbarous

nations of Caribes Indians, such as are the Canuris
to the n. the Bsparagois to the e. the Aravis to the
s. and the Chaguas and Lasipagotes to thezw. In
this lake tortoises and alligators abound ; its waters
are hurtful, and the climate here is unhealthy;
hurricanes are frequent here, from the winds which
blow from the neighbouring mountains.

CASIPOURE, a river of the province of
Guayana, in the French possessions ; it runs from
m. to e. and enters the sea, its mouth being half a
league wide, near cape Orange, in 5° 27'.

Casipoure, a cape or point of the coast opposite
the side of cape Orange.

CASIQUIN, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito, which
runs many leagues, and enters the Maranon.

CASIRI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Parinacocha in Peru ; annexed to the
.curacy of its capital : in its vicinity is an elevated
mountain, in which great Indian wealth is said to
be secreted.

CASIRIAQUI, Cano de, a large and copious
arm of the river Negro, by which this communi-
cates with the Orinoco, and through that with the
Maranon or Las Amazonas ; which communication,
however, has been frequently doubted and con-
troverted since the short time of its having been

CASIROUGE, a small island of the e. coast of
Newfoundland, betweea Bellisle and the port

CASIRRUENTI, a large and copious river
abounding in fine fish, of the province and govern-
ment of San Juan de los Llanos : it passes through
the llanuras of Cazanare and Meta, and, near the
settlement of San Joaquin de Atanari, enters the

CASIUINDO, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the
city of Xuxuy ; annexed to the curacy of Cochino-
ca ; it has two hermitages, which serve as chapels
of ease, with the dedicatory title of Rinconada and
Rio de San Juan. The natives fabricate powder
of excellent quality, and in its district are gold
mines, which are not worked.

CASMA, Alta, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Santa in Peru ; situate on the
coast of the S. sea, with a moderately good port.
It was sacked in 1586 by Edward David, an Eng-
lish pirate.

Casma, Alta, another settlement of this pro-
vince, called, for distinction’s sake, Casma Baxa.

CASMAL, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Olleros.


CASCONA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Antioquía, situado a la boca del río Nare a su entrada en el de la Magdalena.

CASCUEMBEC, Isla pequena de la Nueva Escocia junto a la punta del N de la Isla de San Juan.

CASIRRUCUTI, Río] grande y abundante de regalada pesca de la Provincia y Gobierno de San Juan de los Llanos: pasa por las llanuras de Cazanare y Meta, y cerca del Pueolo de San Joaquín de Atañan, entra en el Meta.

CASIBANI, Río] de la Provincia y Pais de las Amazonas: nace en la Cordillera de los Indios Mochovos y Pichambios, corre serpenteando casi al N, inclinándose después de correr muchas leguas al SE, y entra en el Marañon o Amazonas cerca del Pueblo de nuestra Señora de Guadalupe.

CASIDI, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de la Guayana, entra en el Orinoco según Bellin, que después se contradice en su Carta, pues pone su nacimiento al E de la Ciudad de Pamplona y le hace entrar en el de Apure.

CASIGUA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Maracaibo, situado en la Costa y cerca de la entrada o boca de la gran laguna.

CASILDA, Ensenada de, en la Costa Meridional de la Isla de Cuba.

CASIMBUCO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chayanta o Charcas en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Pocoata.

CASIMENA, Pueblo de la jurisdicion de la Ciudad de Santiago de las Atalayas en el Gobierno de San Juan de los Llanos del Nuevo Reyno de Granada: es de temperamento muy cálido, abundante de frutos de este clima: sus naturales, que son muchos Indios Neófitos, reducidos por los Misioneros de la extinguida Compañía, son muy laboriosos, dóciles y de buen natural: hoy está al cuidado de los Religiosos Descalzos de San Francisco, distante 3 leguas del Pueblo de Surimena a la orilla del caudaloso río Meta.

CASIPA, Laguna grande de. la Provincia de la Nueva Andalucía Austral al Poniente de los Indios Vacaronis: tiene 30 leguas de largo N S y 24 de ancho de Levante a Poniente: salen de ella quatro grandes ríos, de que son los principales Arous dá Aroi y Carera, los quaíes entran por su orilla Oriental en el Orinoco: en sus bosques habitan algunas naciones de Indios bárbaros y Caribes, como son los Canuris al N, los Eparagoís a Levante, los Aravis al S, y los Chaguas y Lasipagotes al Poniente: en esta laguna abundan las tortugas y los caimanes, sus aguas son dañosas y el clima poco sano; reynan las borrascas por los vientos fuertes, que soplan de las montañas vecinas: está su centro en. 4 gr. 1 1 min. de lat. bor

CASIPOURE,Riodek Provincia de Guayana en la parte que tienen los Franceses corre de Poniente a Levante y sale al mar, donde tiene media legua de. ancho, su boca cerca del Cabo de Orange en 5 gr.:

Tiene el mismo nombre un Cabo o Punta de la Costa enfrente del lado del Cabo de Orange. y CASIQLIN, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno de Mainas en el Reyno de Quito, que corre muchas leguas y entra en el Marañon.

CASIRI, Puebla de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Parinacocha en el Perú, anexo al Curato de su Capital: en su inmediación hay un elevado cerro en que dicen estar enterradas muchas riquezas de los Indios.

CASIRIAQUI, Caño de, brazo grande y caudaloso del río Negro, por donde se comunica con el Orinoco, y por aquel con el Marañon o de las Amazonas, cuya comunicación se ha dudado y controvertido mucho tiempo hasta que se descubrió pocos años hace.

CASIROUGE, Isla pequena de la Costa del E deTerranova entre la de BeHe Isle y el Puerto, de Gobos.

CASIUINDO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman en la jurisdicion de la Ciudad de Xuxuy, anexo al Curato de Cochinoca: tiene dos Ermitas que son ayudas de Parroquias, con la advocación de la rinconada y río de San Juan: sus naturales fabrican pólvora de excelente calidad, y en su distrito tienen minas de oro, pero no se trabajan.

CASMA, Alta, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Santa en el Perú, situado en la Costa de la mar del S, con un mediano Puerto: fue saqueado el año de 1585 por el Pirata Ingles Eduardo David.
Hay otro Pueblo del mismo nombre en, esta Provincia y llaman Casma Baxapara distinguirlo del otro.

CASMAL, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Chachapoyas en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Olleros.





Presurapscot river. It has a good harbour at its
mouth for small vessels, and has several mills upon
it ; two miles higher a fall obstructs the navigation.
Between it and Kennebeck there are no rivers ;
some creeks and harbours of Casco bay throw them-
selves into the main land, affording harbours for
small vessels, and intersecting the country in various

CASCONA, a settlement of the province and
government of Antioquía ; situate at the mouth of
the river Nare, at its entrance into the Mag-

CASCUEMBEC, a small island of Nova Scotia,
close to the w. point of the island of San Juan.

CASIBANI, a river of the province and country
of the Amazonas : it rises in the cordillera of the
Mochovos and Pichambios Indians, runs in a ser-
pentine course to the n. then inclining for many
leagues to the s. e. enters the Maranon or Amazonas,
near the settlement of N uestra Seilora de Guada-

CASIDI, a river of the province and government
of Guayana : it enters the Orinoco, according to
Beilin, but which is afterwards contradicted by his
own map, since it is^there represented as having its
source to the e. of the city of Pamplona, and as
running into the river Apure.

CASIGUA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Maracaibo ; situate on the coast, and
near the entrance or mouth of the great lake.

CASILDA, Ensenada de, a bay on the s. coast
of the island of Cuba.

CASIMBUCO, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Chayanta or Charcas in Peru ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Pocoata.

CASIMENA, a settlement of the jurisdiction of
the city of Santiago de los Atalayas, in the govern-
ment of San Juan de los Llanos, of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada : it is of a very hot temperature,
and abounds in fruits of a similar climate. Its na-
tives, who are numerous and consist of the Neolitos
Indians, are very industrious, docile, and of good
dispositions, having been reduced to the faith by
the missionaries of the extinguished society of Je-
suits. The settlement is at present in the charge of
the barefooted order of St. Francis, and lies three
leagues from the settlement of Surimena, on the
shore of the large river Meta.

CASIPA, a large lake of the province of Nueva
Andalucía Austral
or South, to the w. ofthe Vaca-
ronis Indians : it is 30 leagues in length from n. to s.
and 24 in width from e. to w. Four large rivers
flow from it, the principal of which areArous or Aroi
and Caroa, the which enter the Orinoco on its e.
side. Its woods are inhabited by some barbarous

nations of Caribes Indians, such as are the Canuris
to the n. the Bsparagois to the e. the Aravis to the
s. and the Chaguas and Lasipagotes to thezw. In
this lake tortoises and alligators abound ; its waters
are hurtful, and the climate here is unhealthy;
hurricanes are frequent here, from the winds which
blow from the neighbouring mountains.

CASIPOURE, a river of the province of
Guayana, in the French possessions ; it runs from
m. to e. and enters the sea, its mouth being half a
league wide, near cape Orange, in 5° 27'.

Casipoure, a cape or point of the coast opposite
the side of cape Orange.

CASIQUIN, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Mainas in the kingdom of Quito, which
runs many leagues, and enters the Maranon.

CASIRI, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Parinacocha in Peru ; annexed to the
.curacy of its capital : in its vicinity is an elevated
mountain, in which great Indian wealth is said to
be secreted.

CASIRIAQUI, Cano de, a large and copious
arm of the river Negro, by which this communi-
cates with the Orinoco, and through that with the
Maranon or Las Amazonas ; which communication,
however, has been frequently doubted and con-
troverted since the short time of its having been

CASIROUGE, a small island of the e. coast of
Newfoundland, betweea Bellisle and the port

CASIRRUENTI, a large and copious river
abounding in fine fish, of the province and govern-
ment of San Juan de los Llanos : it passes through
the llanuras of Cazanare and Meta, and, near the
settlement of San Joaquin de Atanari, enters the

CASIUINDO, a settlement of the province and
government of Tucumán, in the jurisdiction of the
city of Xuxuy ; annexed to the curacy of Cochino-
ca ; it has two hermitages, which serve as chapels
of ease, with the dedicatory title of Rinconada and
Rio de San Juan. The natives fabricate powder
of excellent quality, and in its district are gold
mines, which are not worked.

CASMA, Alta, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Santa in Peru ; situate on the
coast of the S. sea, with a moderately good port.
It was sacked in 1586 by Edward David, an Eng-
lish pirate.

Casma, Alta, another settlement of this pro-
vince, called, for distinction’s sake, Casma Baxa.

CASMAL, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Chachapoyas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Olleros.
