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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Oct 19, 2018 05:23 PM




emolument which used to be derived to the Eng-
lish froPA the skins of the castor, is at present
greatly abridged from the circumstance of the In-
dians invariably destroying this animal; but the
loss is in a great measure made up from the great
gain acquired in the sale of turpentine, fish, and
pitch. Here they cultivate quantities of indigo
of three sorts, much maize, and in the low lands
excellent rice. All this province is a plain 80
miles in length, carrying on a great commerce in
the above productions, and formerly that of rice
was very considerable; it being computed to have
yielded that article to the value of 150,000/. ster-
ling per annum. In its woods are many exquisite
kinds of timber, and the country abounds with
rabbits, hares, dantas, deer, pheasants, partridges,
cranes, pigeons, and other birds, and with num-
bers of ravenous and fierce wolves, against the
attacks of which it is difficult to preserve the
cattle. The European animals have also multi-
plied here astonishingly, so that it is not unusual
for persons, who at first had not more than three or
four cows, now to possess as many thousands.
These two provinces forming Carolina have 10
navigable rivers, with an infinite number of smaller
note, all abounding in fish ; but they hare few
good ports, and the best of these is Cape Fear.
N. Carolina is not so rich as is S. Carolina, and
Denton was formerly the capital of the former,
but it is at present reduced to a miserable village ;
the capital of both is Charlestown, which since the
last w^r is independent of the jEnglish, together
with all the country, which now forms one of the 13
provinces composing the United States of America.
[See North Carolina and South Carolina.]

(CAROLINE County, in Virginia, is on the s.
side of Rappahannock river, which separates it
from King George’s county. It is about 40 miles
square, and contains 17,489 inhabitants, including
10,292 slaves.)

(Caroline County, on the e. shore in Mary-
, borders on Delaware state to the e. and con-
tains 9506 inhabitants, including 2057 slaves. Its
chief town Danton.)

CARONI, a settlement of the province of
Guayana, and government of Cumana ; one of
those of the missions held in that province by the
Catalanian Capuchin fathers.

Caroni, another, in the government of Mara-
, and jurisdiction of Varinas. It is very poor
and of a hot temperature, but abounding in fruits
of maize, yucas, plaintains, and sugar-canes.

Caroni, another, in the government of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada
; situate on a lofty spot, and
one of the most pleasant and delightful of any in the

whole province. It abounds in gold mines, and
is fertile in all the fruits peculiar to the climate,
but it is much reduced.

Caroni, a large and abundant river of the pro-
vince of Guayana. It rises in the mountains in-
habited by the Mediterranean Caribes Indians,
runs many leagues, laving the territory of the Ca-
puchin missionaries of Guayana. Its shores are
very delightful, from the variety of trees and birds
found upon them. It enters the Orinoco on the s.
side, eight leagues from the garrison of Guayana,
and 72 leagues before this river enters the sea, be-
ing divided into two arms, which form a small
island. It is very abundant and wide, but it is
not navigable, on account of the rapidity of its cur-
rent, and from its being filled with little islands and
shoals, as likewise on account of a great waterfall
or cataract, which causes a prodigious noise, and is
close to the mission and settlement of Aguacagua.
Its waters are very clear, although at first sight
they appear dark and muddy, which effect is pro-
duced from the bed of the river being of a sand of
this colour. Its source, though not accurately
known, is affirmed by the Caribes Indians to be
in the snowy sierra to the n. of the lake of Parime,
that also being the source by which this lake is
supplied. At its entrance into the Orinoco, it
gushes with &uch impetuosity as to repel the waters
of this river the distance of a gun’s shot, [or, as
'Depons observes, half a league. Its course is di-
rectly from s. to n. and its source is more than
100 leagues from its mouth.]

CAROPI, a river of the island and government
of Trinidad. It runs from e. to w. and enters the
sea in the gulf Triste.

==CARORA, S. Juan Bautista del Por-
tillo DE
==, a city of the province and government
of Venezuela, founded by Captain John Salamanca
in 1572, and not in 1566, as is asserted by Father
Coleti, in the Siege of Baraquiga. It is situate in
the savanas or Uanuras ; is of a hot temperature,
but very healthy, although deficient in water,
since the river Morere, which passes in its vicinity,
affords but a trifling stream in tlie summer, and is
at times entirely dry. In its district are bred all
kinds of cattle, but particularly thegoat, as the quan-
tities of thorns and thistles found in this country
render it peculiarly adapted for the nourishment
of this animal. It abounds in very fine grains,
also in aromatic balsams and gums, noted for the
cure of w'ounds. At present it is reduced to a
miserable population, unworthy of the name of a
city, consisting of Mustees, Mulattoes, and some In-
dians.; but it still preserves a very good parish
church, a convent of monks of St. hhancisco, and


producto que tenia antes de las pieles de castores está hoy destruido por haber permitido a los Indios que los matasen; pero lo han compensado los Ingleses en gran parte con el lucro que sacan de la trementina, pez y brea; cultivan mucho añil de tres especies, gran cantidad de maiz, y en las tierras baxas exquisito arroz; toda esta Provincia es una llanura de 80 millas de largo, que hace un gran comercio de los frutos referidos, y antes era de mucha consideración el del arroz, que se computaba producir 150000 libras esterlinas cada año: en sus bosques hay muchas maderas exquisitas, y abunda de conejos, liebres, dantas, ciervos, faysanes, perdices, grullas, palomas y otras aves, y muchos lobos carniceros y atrevidos, siendo necesario murenas precauciones para librar de ellos al ganado, que como los demás animales de Europa han multiplicado tanto, que siendo antes muy raro el que tenia tres o quatro bacas, hoy es muy común tener millares: tienen estas dos Provincias que forman la Carolina 10 rios navegables, sin otros infinitos mas pequeños, que todosabundan de pesca; pero pocos Puertos buenos, de los quales es el mejor Cabo Fear: la Carolina Septentrional no es tan rica como la Meridional; Edenton fue antes la Capital de aquella; pero hoy está reducida a un Pueblo miserable; la de ambas es Charlestown, que desde la guerra última quedó independiente de los Ingleses con todo el Pais, y es una de las 1 3 Provincias que componen los Estados unidos de la América.

CARONI, Pueblo de la la Provincia de Guayana y Guayana y Gobierno de Cumaná, uno de los de las Misiones que tienen en ella les Padres Capuchinos Catalanes.
Otro hay del mismo nombre en el Gobierno de Maracaibo y jurisdicción de Barinas, es muy corto y de temperamento cálido; pero abundante en frutos de maiz, yucas, plátanos y cañas dulces.
Otro en el Gobierno de Neiba del nuevo Reyno de Granada, situado en un parage alto, el mas ameno y delicioso de toda la Provincia, abundante en minas de oro, y fértil en quantos frutos da aquella; pero muy corto y reducido.
Un río grande y caudaloso de la Provincia de Guayana: nace en las montanas que habitan los Indios Caribes mediterráneos; corre muchas leguas, bañando el territorio de los Misioneros Capuchinos de la Guayana; sus orillas son muy deliciosas por la variedad de árboles y de páxaros de que están pobladas; entra en el Orinoco por la parte austral, 8 leguas del Presidio de la Guayana, y 72 antes de salir este al mar dividido en dos brazos, con los quales forma una Isle— ta; es muy caudaloso y ancho; pero no se puede navegar así a causa de la rapidez de su corriente y multitud de Islas y peñascos que tiene, como por un gran salto o despeñadero que forma con extraordinario ruido junto a la Misión y Pueblo de Aguacagua; sus aguas son muy claras aunque a la vista parecen negras y turbias por el fondo de arena de este color que tiene; aunque se ignora con certidumbre su nacimiento, aseguran los Indios Caribes ser en la sierra nevada que está al N de la laguna Parime, de donde esta recoge también sus aguas; en su entrada al Orinoco va tan rápido que rechaza las corrientes de este mas de un tiro de fusil; en 6 gr. 23. m. de 1. b.

CAROPA, S. Juan Bautista del Portillo de, Ciudad de la Provincia y Gobierno de Venezuela, fundada por el Capitán Juan de Salamanca el año de 1 5 7 2 y no el de 1566 como dice el Padre Coleti, en el Sitio de Baraquigua; está situada en unas sábanas o llanuras de temperamento cálido; pero muy sano, aunque escasa de agua, porque el río Morere que pasa a su inmediación escasea en tiempo de verano sus caudales, y a veces suele secarse enteramente: en su distrito se cria toda especie de ganados; pero con mas abundancia el cabrío, porque los muchos espinos y cardones que produce su terreno le hacen mas a propósito para esta especie: hay también grana muy fina, bálsamos y resinas aromáticas experimentadas por antídoto para curar heridas; hoy está reducida a una miserable población que no merece el nombre de Ciudad, con un corto vecindario de Mestizos, Mulatos y algunos Indios; pero conserva la Iglesia Parroquial muy buena, un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco, y




emolument which used to be derived to the Eng-
lish froPA the skins of the castor, is at present
greatly abridged from the circumstance of the In-
dians invariably destroying this animal; but the
loss is in a great measure made up from the great
gain acquired in the sale of turpentine, fish, and
pitch. Here they cultivate quantities of indigo
of three sorts, much maize, and in the low lands
excellent rice. All this province is a plain 80
miles in length, carrying on a great commerce in
the above productions, and formerly that of rice
was very considerable; it being computed to have
yielded that article to the value of 150,000/. ster-
ling per annum. In its woods are many exquisite
kinds of timber, and the country abounds with
rabbits, hares, dantas, deer, pheasants, partridges,
cranes, pigeons, and other birds, and with num-
bers of ravenous and fierce wolves, against the
attacks of which it is difficult to preserve the
cattle. The European animals have also multi-
plied here astonishingly, so that it is not unusual
for persons, who at first had not more than three or
four cows, now to possess as many thousands.
These two provinces forming Carolina have 10
navigable rivers, with an infinite number of smaller
note, all abounding in fish ; but they hare few
good ports, and the best of these is Cape Fear.
N. Carolina is not so rich as is S. Carolina, and
Denton was formerly the capital of the former,
but it is at present reduced to a miserable village ;
the capital of both is Charlestown, which since the
last w^r is independent of the jEnglish, together
with all the country, which now forms one of the 13
provinces composing the United States of America.
[See North Carolina and South Carolina.]

(CAROLINE County, in Virginia, is on the s.
side of Rappahannock river, which separates it
from King George’s county. It is about 40 miles
square, and contains 17,489 inhabitants, including
10,292 slaves.)

(Caroline County, on the e. shore in Mary-
, borders on Delaware state to the e. and con-
tains 9506 inhabitants, including 2057 slaves. Its
chief town Danton.)

CARONI, a settlement of the province of
Guayana, and government of Cumana ; one of
those of the missions held in that province by the
Catalanian Capuchin fathers.

Caroni, another, in the government of Mara-
, and jurisdiction of Varinas. It is very poor
and of a hot temperature, but abounding in fruits
of maize, yucas, plaintains, and sugar-canes.

Caroni, another, in the government of the Nuevo
Reyno de Granada
; situate on a lofty spot, and
one of the most pleasant and delightful of any in the

whole province. It abounds in gold mines, and
is fertile in all the fruits peculiar to the climate,
but it is much reduced.

Caroni, a large and abundant river of the pro-
vince of Guayana. It rises in the mountains in-
habited by the Mediterranean Caribes Indians,
runs many leagues, laving the territory of the Ca-
puchin missionaries of Guayana. Its shores are
very delightful, from the variety of trees and birds
found upon them. It enters the Orinoco on the s.
side, eight leagues from the garrison of Guayana,
and 72 leagues before this river enters the sea, be-
ing divided into two arms, which form a small
island. It is very abundant and wide, but it is
not navigable, on account of the rapidity of its cur-
rent, and from its being filled with little islands and
shoals, as likewise on account of a great waterfall
or cataract, which causes a prodigious noise, and is
close to the mission and settlement of Aguacagua.
Its waters are very clear, although at first sight
they appear dark and muddy, which effect is pro-
duced from the bed of the river being of a sand of
this colour. Its source, though not accurately
known, is affirmed by the Caribes Indians to be
in the snowy sierra to the n. of the lake of Parime,
that also being the source by which this lake is
supplied. At its entrance into the Orinoco, it
gushes with &uch impetuosity as to repel the waters
of this river the distance of a gun’s shot, [or, as
'Depons observes, half a league. Its course is di-
rectly from s. to n. and its source is more than
100 leagues from its mouth.]

CAROPI, a river of the island and government
of Trinidad. It runs from e. to w. and enters the
sea in the gulf Triste.

==CARORA, S. Juan Bautista del Por-
tillo DE
==, a city of the province and government
of Venezuela, founded by Captain John Salamanca
in 1572, and not in 1566, as is asserted by Father
Coleti, in the Siege of Baraquiga. It is situate in
the savanas or Uanuras ; is of a hot temperature,
but very healthy, although deficient in water,
since the river Morere, which passes in its vicinity,
affords but a trifling stream in tlie summer, and is
at times entirely dry. In its district are bred all
kinds of cattle, but particularly thegoat, as the quan-
tities of thorns and thistles found in this country
render it peculiarly adapted for the nourishment
of this animal. It abounds in very fine grains,
also in aromatic balsams and gums, noted for the
cure of w'ounds. At present it is reduced to a
miserable population, unworthy of the name of a
city, consisting of Mustees, Mulattoes, and some In-
dians.; but it still preserves a very good parish
church, a convent of monks of St. hhancisco, and
