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9 revisions | jgo384 at Oct 19, 2018 10:37 AM | |
569C U X C U Y 569 CUTI, a river of the province and captainship of Maranan in Brazil. CUTIMERIN, a river of the province and cap- . tainship of Maranan in Brazil. CUTINANAS, Santo Tome de los, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Mainas and kingdom of Quito. CUTQUISCANAS, a barbarous and ferocious nation of Indians, who inhabit the n. e. of the ancient province of Los Panataguas. They are few, and little more is known of them than their name. CUTTS Island, a small island on the coast of York county, Maine. See Neddock River.] CUTUBUS, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the river Besani. CUTUN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. CUXUTEPEC, a settlement of the province and akaldia mayor of San Salvador in the kingdom of Guatemala. vol. i. CUYO, Cotio, or Cujo, a large province of the kingdom of Chile, and part of that which is called Chile Oriental or Tramontano, from its being on the other side of the cordiUera of the Andes; bounded e. by the country called Pampas ; n. by the district of Rioxa, in the province and government of Tucuman ; *. by the lands of Magellan, or of the Patagonians; and®, by the cordillera of the Andes, which is here called the Western, Cismontana, part of those mountains. It is of a benign and healthy climate ; and although in the summer, the heat on the llanuras is rather oppressive, extremely fertile, and abounding, independently of the fruits peculiar to the country, in wheat, all kinds of pulse, wine, and brandies, which were formerly carried to the provinces of Tucuman aud Buenos Ayres, although this traffic has of late fallen into decay, from the frequent arrivals of vessels from Spain. It abounds in all kinds of cattle, and in the cordiUera, and even ia the pampas, are large breeds of vicunas, huanacos, vizcachas, turtles, two kinds of squirrels, ostriches, tigers, leopards, and an infinite quantity of partridges, pigeons, and turtledoves. The flesh of the swine and mules is esteemed the best in all America; and, generally speaking, victuals areso cheap that it may be procured at little or no expence. The skirts of the mountains are covered with beautiful woods, and their tops are overspread with snow. Throughout nearly the whole province is found a great quantity of glasswort, and in the cordiUera are some mines of silver, especially in the valley of Iluspallata, which were formerly worked by fusion, to the great detriment of the metal, but which are to this day worked in the same manner as those of Peru, and consequently afford greater emolument. Here are also some gold mines, and others of very good copper. The rivers which water this province all rise in the cordiUera, and the most considerable of them are the Tunuyan, which is the first to the s. those of Mendoza, San Juan, Jachal, and the Colorado to the n. e. In the cordiUera, near the high road leading from Santiago to Mendoza, is the great lake of the Inca, wherein are said to be great treasures deposited by the Incas at the beginning of the conquest, to keep them from the Spaniards. This lake is bottomless, and it is thought to be formed of the snows melted and flowing down from the mountainous parts of the district. On the side towards Chile the lake has a vent by six or seven small branches, forming the river of Aconcagua ; and from the opposite side issue some other streams in a contrary direction, and form the Mendoza. In the very heat of summer this TranslationCUTI, Río] de la Provincia y Capitanía de Marañan en el Brasil. CUTIGUBA, Pueblo de los Portugueses en la Provincia y Capitanía del Para en el Brasil, situado a orilla del río de las Amazonas al N de la Ciudad del Para. Tiene el mismo nombre una Isla del río de las Amazonas que está frente de la Ciudad del Para. CUTIMERIN, Río] de la Provincia y Capitanía de Marañón en el Brasil. CUTINANAS, Santo Tomé de los, Pueblo de las Misiones que tenían los Regulares de la Compañía en la Provincia de Mamas y Reyno de Quito. CUTQUISCANAS, Nacion bárbara y feroz, aunque poco numerosa, de Indios que habitan al NE de la antigua Provincia de los Panataguas: apenas se sabe de ellos mas que el nombre. CUTUBUS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Sonora en Nueva España, situado a orilla del río Besanú CUTUCUCHE, Río] de la Provincia y Gobierno de Tacunga en el Reyno de Quito: baxa por la parte del Mediodía de la falda del monte y volcan de Cotopacsi, y unido con el de A laques, forman el de San Miguel, que baña parte de la llanura de Callo, y corre cerca del Pueblo de Mulahaló por las tierras de la Ciénega, hacienda de recreo de la casa de los Marqueses de Maenza, que tienen allí muy buenos obrages de paños: corre este río muy rápido, y el año de 1766 por la erupción del volcan, inundó con mucho daño aquellas campañas, y aunque en el mismo tuvo otra avenida por la misma causa, no hizo tanto extrago. CUTUN, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Coquimbo en el Reyno de Chile. CUTUNLAGUA, Paso delcamino que va de la Ciudad de Quito a Machadle, quasi impracticable en tiempo de invierno, y solo famoso por ser paraje de gran riesgo y fatiga para los que viajan por él. CUTUPITE, Caño de, Brazo del río Orinoco en la Provincia y Gobierno de la Guayana, uno de los que forman sus diferentes bocas 6 entradas: es la mas inmediata a la Costa de TierraFirme, y con ella hace parte del canal de Manao. CUXUTEPEC, Pueblo de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de San Salvador en el Reyno de Goatemala. CUYO, Provincia grande del Reyno de Chile y parte del que llaman Chile Oriental o Trasmontano, por estar de la otra parte de la Cordillera de los Andes: confina a Levante con el País llamado Pampas: al N con el partido de Rioxa en la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucuman: al S con las tierras Magallanicas o de los Patagones, y al Poniente con la Cordillera de los Andes, y con la parte Occidental o cismontana del Reyno: es de clima benigno y sano, aunque en el verano es bastante molesto el calor en las llanuras: sumamente fértil y abundante, pues ademas de los frutos propios del Pais, produce mucho trigo, legumbres, vinos y aguardientes que se llevaban antes a las Provincias de Tucuman y Buenos-Ayres, cuyo comercio ha decaído por la frecuencia con que van embarcaciones de España: abunda de toda especie de ganados, y cerca de la Cordillera, y aun en las Pampas, se crian muchas vicuñas, huanacos, vizcachas, tortugas, dos especies de quirquinchos, avestruces, tigres, leopardos é infinitas perdices, palomas y tórtolas; la carne de cerdo y de macho se tiene por la mejor de toda la América, y generalmente los víveres son tan baratos, que casi no cuestan dinero: los montes tienen las faldas llenas de hermosos bosques, y las cimas cubiertas de nieve: en casi toda la Provincia hay mucha sosa o barrilla, y en la parte de la Cordillera minas de plata, especialmente en el Valle de Huspallata, que antes se trabajaban por fundición, con gran desperdicio del metal, pero hoy se benefician como en el Perú, y dan mas utilidad: tiene también algunas de oro, y otras de muy buen cobre: los ríos que riegan esta Provincia nacen todos de la Cordillera, los mas considerables son el de Tunuyan, que es el primero al S, los de Mendoza, de San Juan, de Jachal, y el Colorado al N E: en la Cordillera, cérea del camino real que va de Santiago a Mendoza, está la gran laguna del Inca, donde dicen que hay grandes tesoros que arrojaron allí los Incas al principio de la Conquista por los Españoles, que no tiene fondo, y se cree que se forma de las nieves derretidas en sus elevados contornos, que por la parte de Chile rebienta en 6 o 7 ojos que forman el río de Aconcagua, y por la parte opuesta salen otros con dirección contraria, y forman el de Mendoza: aun en el rigor del estío | 569C U X C U Y 569 CUTI, a river of the province and captainship of Maranan in Brazil. CUTIMERIN, a river of the province and cap- . tainship of Maranan in Brazil. CUTINANAS, Santo Tome de los, a settlement of the missions which were held by the regulars of the company of Jesuits, in the province of Mainas and kingdom of Quito. CUTQUISCANAS, a barbarous and ferocious nation of Indians, who inhabit the n. e. of the ancient province of Los Panataguas. They are few, and little more is known of them than their name. CUTTS Island, a small island on the coast of York county, Maine. See Neddock River.] CUTUBUS, a settlement of the province and government of Sonora in Nueva Espana ; situate on the shore of the river Besani. CUTUN, a settlement of the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of Chile. CUXUTEPEC, a settlement of the province and akaldia mayor of San Salvador in the kingdom of Guatemala. vol. i. CUYO, Cotio, or Cujo, a large province of the kingdom of Chile, and part of that which is called Chile Oriental or Tramontano, from its being on the other side of the cordiUera of the Andes; bounded e. by the country called Pampas ; n. by the district of Rioxa, in the province and government of Tucuman ; *. by the lands of Magellan, or of the Patagonians; and®, by the cordillera of the Andes, which is here called the Western, Cismontana, part of those mountains. It is of a benign and healthy climate ; and although in the summer, the heat on the llanuras is rather oppressive, extremely fertile, and abounding, independently of the fruits peculiar to the country, in wheat, all kinds of pulse, wine, and brandies, which were formerly carried to the provinces of Tucuman aud Buenos Ayres, although this traffic has of late fallen into decay, from the frequent arrivals of vessels from Spain. It abounds in all kinds of cattle, and in the cordiUera, and even ia the pampas, are large breeds of vicunas, huanacos, vizcachas, turtles, two kinds of squirrels, ostriches, tigers, leopards, and an infinite quantity of partridges, pigeons, and turtledoves. The flesh of the swine and mules is esteemed the best in all America; and, generally speaking, victuals areso cheap that it may be procured at little or no expence. The skirts of the mountains are covered with beautiful woods, and their tops are overspread with snow. Throughout nearly the whole province is found a great quantity of glasswort, and in the cordiUera are some mines of silver, especially in the valley of Iluspallata, which were formerly worked by fusion, to the great detriment of the metal, but which are to this day worked in the same manner as those of Peru, and consequently afford greater emolument. Here are also some gold mines, and others of very good copper. The rivers which water this province all rise in the cordiUera, and the most considerable of them are the Tunuyan, which is the first to the s. those of Mendoza, San Juan, Jachal, and the Colorado to the n. e. In the cordiUera, near the high road leading from Santiago to Mendoza, is the great lake of the Inca, wherein are said to be great treasures deposited by the Incas at the beginning of the conquest, to keep them from the Spaniards. This lake is bottomless, and it is thought to be formed of the snows melted and flowing down from the mountainous parts of the district. On the side towards Chile the lake has a vent by six or seven small branches, forming the river of Aconcagua ; and from the opposite side issue some other streams in a contrary direction, and form the Mendoza. In the very heat of summer this Translation |