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6 revisions | jgo384 at Oct 18, 2018 03:51 PM | |
565CUR CUR CURAHUARI an ancient province of Peru, to CURAHUASI, a settlement of tlie province CURAI, a settlement of the province and cor~ CURAL, a settlement of the province and cap- CURAMA, a river of the province and govern- CURAMPA, an ancient settlement of the pro- CURANARIS, a barbarous and numerous nation CURANTA, an islet or rocky shoal of the CURAPO, a settlement of the missions which CURAUAUA, a river of the kingdom of Chile, CURASAY a large and navigable river of the CURARICARU, a river of the province and CURASANA, a river of the province of Barcelona, and government of Cumana. It rises near 665 enters the Orinoco, near the Angostura, or narrow CURASCO, a settlement of the province and CURASENI, a small river of the province and CURASIRI, a small river of the province and CURATAQUICHE, a settlement of the pro- CURAZAICILLO, a small river of the pro- CURAZILLO, or Curaza Chico, or Little, CURBA, a settlement of the province and cor- CURBATI, a small settlement of Indians of CURE River of, in the island of Guadalupe, CURECA, a river of the province and captain- [CURIACO, a bay in Tierra Firme, S. Ame- CURIANCHE, an habitation or palace, built Translation | 565CUR CUR CURAHUARI an ancient province of Peru, to CURAHUASI, a settlement of tlie province CURAI, a settlement of the province and cor~ CURAL, a settlement of the province and cap- CURAMA, a river of the province and govern- CURAMPA, an ancient settlement of the pro- CURANARIS, a barbarous and numerous nation CURANTA, an islet or rocky shoal of the CURAPO, a settlement of the missions which CURAUAUA, a river of the kingdom of Chile, CURASAY a large and navigable river of the CURARICARU, a river of the province and CURASANA, a river of the province of Barcelona, and government of Cumana. It rises near 665 enters the Orinoco, near the Angostura, or narrow CURASCO, a settlement of the province and CURASENI, a small river of the province and CURASIRI, a small river of the province and CURATAQUICHE, a settlement of the pro- CURAZAICILLO, a small river of the pro- CURAZILLO, or Curaza Chico, or Little, CURBA, a settlement of the province and cor- CURBATI, a small settlement of Indians of CURE River of, in the island of Guadalupe, CURECA, a river of the province and captain- [CURIACO, a bay in Tierra Firme, S. Ame- CURIANCHE, an habitation or palace, built Translation |