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3 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 18, 2018 03:47 PM


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c o c

which is above 100 leagues distant, and that
through a desert country.]

COBITU, a river of the province and mis-
sions of the Gran Paititi. It rises in the
mountains of the infidel Indians, which serve
as a boundary to the province of Larecaja ;
runs nearly due n. collecting the waters of many
others, and enters theMarmore w ith the name of Mato.

COBLER’S Rock, a rock or isle of the North sea,
very close upon the e. coast of the island of Bar-

[COBLESKILL, a new town in the county of
Schoharie, New York, incorporated March 1797.]

COBO, a river of the province and government
of Neiva in the Nuevo Reyno de Granada. It
rises in a llanura^ or plain, runs w, and enters the
river Magdalena, opposite the city of La Plata.

COBORCA, a large and capacious bay of the
province of Pimeria in Nueva Espana.

COBOS, a fortress of the province and govern-
ment of Tucuman in Peru ; of the district and ju-
risdiction of the city of Salta, from whence it is
nine leagues distant ; having been founded in 1693
at the foot of a declivity, to serve as an outwork
or defence against the Indians of Chaco, it is at
present destroyed and abandoned, and serves as a
country-house on the estate of an individual.

COBRE, Santa Clara de, a settlement of
the alcald'ia mayor of Valladolid, in the province
nnd bishopric of Mechoacan. It contains 100 fa-
milies of Spaniards, bO oi Mustees, 38 of Mulat-
toes, and 135 of Indians ; some of whom speculate
in working the mines of copper which are close
by, others in the cultivation of maize, and others
gain their livelihood as muleteers. Three leagues
s. of the city of Pasquaro.

COBRE, another settlement in the island of Cuba,
on the s. coast.

Same name, a river of the province and government
of Veragua in the kingdom of Tierra Firrae. It
has its origin in the sierras of Guanico to the s.
and enters the Pacific sea.

Same name, a mountain on the coast of the province
and corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of
Chile. It derives its name from some very abun-
dant copper mines. Great quantities of this metal
are carried from hence to Spain for founding artil-
lery, and for different purposes.

COBULCO, a settlement of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Los Zacatepeques in the king-
dom of Guatemala.

COCA, a large river of the kingdom of Quito.
It rises from different streams which flow down
from the cordillera oi t\\e paramo, or mountain de-
sert, of Cotopaxi. It continually follows the course


of the large river Napo, and at last becomes in-
corporated with the same.

COCAGNE, a small river of Nova
. It runs e. and enters the sea in the gulf of
St. Lawrence, and in the strait formed by the island
of St. John, opposite the island of its own name.

[COCALICO, a township in Lancaster county,

COCAMA, a great lake in the midst of the
thick woods which lie in the country of Las Amazonas,
to the s. and w. of tlie river Ucayale. It is
10 leagues long from n. to s. and six wide from e.
to w. On the e. it flows out, through a little
canal, into the river Ucayale, and on the w. it
forms the river Cassavatay, which running n. and
then e. enters also the Ucayale. Its shores are
constantly covered with alligators and tortoises.

COCAMAS, a barbarous nation of Indians of
the country of Las Amazonas, who inhabit the
w'oods to the s. of the river Maraiion, and in the
vicinities of Ucayale. It takes its name from the
former lake, called La Gran Cocama. They
are a barbarous and cruel race, wandering over the
forests in quest of birds and wild beasts for mere
sustenance. Their arms are the macana, and the
Indian cimeter, or club of chonia, a very strong

COCANIGUAS, a settlement of the province
and government of Esmeraldas in the kingdom of

COCAS, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Castro Vireyna in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Uuachos.

Same name, another settlement, in the province and
corregimienito of Vilcas Huaiman, of the same
kingdom ; annexed to the curacy of Tofos.

COCATLAN, San Luis de, a settlement of
the head settlement of Coatlan, and alcadia mayor
of Nexapa, in Nueva Espana. It contains 160 fa-
milies of Indians, employed in the trade in cochi-
neal and cotton stuffs. It is four leagues to the n.
of its head settlement.

COCAYA, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Maynas in the kingdom of Quito. It
unites itself with the Ibinelo, and then takes the
name of Unquizia, and enters the Putumayo.

COCHA, a settlement of the province and go-
vernment of Jaen de Bracamoros in the kingdom
of Quito.

Same name, another settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Cotabambas in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Llaaquas.

COCHA, another (settlement), of the province and corregimi-
ento of Vilcas Huaiman in the same kingdom ; an-
nexed to the curacy of Vilcas.

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