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4 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 18, 2018 03:32 PM




it has a large proportion of families of Spaniards,
Mustees^ and Mulalloes ; besides which, it con-
tains 387 of Indians, and a convent of monks of
St. Francis. Seven leagues to the n. n. w. of
Mexico, although the distance is commonly count-
ed at only six. Long. 274° 12'. Lat. 19° 50'.

COAUTLA, a province and alcaldia mayor oi
Nueva España ; bounded s. by the corregimiento
of Mexico. It is also called. Of Amilpas. Its
jurisdiction extends 25 leagues ; it is of a warm
and moist temperature, but is fertile, and abounds
in wheat, maize, French beans, lentils, barley,
and tares, as also in other productions, which serve
as a commerce to its natives. Great quantities of
sugar are also manufactured in various mills and
machines for the purpose. This province is water-
ed by two rivers, the one very large, called the
Amazinaquc, which runs e. and the other, some-
what less, to the e . ; in both of them are caught
many bagres and trout, which, being much es-
teemed in the neighbouring provinces, afford also
another considerable branch of commerce. It has
silver mines which produce tolerably well, and
from one, which is vulgarly called La Peregrina,
much riches were formerly extracted. The juris-
diction consists of the following settlements ;

The capital of the sarne Xamiltepec,

name, Tlacotepec,

Tetelzingo, Zacoalpan,

Tlamimilulpa, Temoaque,

Cacoyoc, Ancuilco.


The capital forms three streets, of regular pro-
portion and symmetry in the buildings, with two
elegant edifices, one of the monks of St. Domingo,'
and the other of the barefooted monks, or Descal-
zos, of St. Francis. It contains 36 families of Spa-
niards, 70 of 40 of Mulattoes, and 200

of Indians ; the part of the city inhabited by the
latter is never visited by the Spaniards but as a
walk, or place of recreation, and the Indians never
attempt to encroach upon the part not appropriated
to them. Twenty-five leagues 5. of Mexico. Long.
274° 10'. Lat. 19° 5'.

Same name, another settlement and real of the
silver mines of this province, in which are two
sugar mills, and some engines for grinding metal.
It contains 56 families of Spaniards, Mustees, and
Mulattoes, and lies 12 leagues to the s. w. of its

COAUTLACO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa
in Nueva Espana. It contains 35 families of In-
dians, and is two leagues to the n. e. of that place.

COAZA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru; annexed to the cu-
racy of Combaya.

COBAN, a settlement and capital of the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Vera Paz in the king-
dom of Guatemala. It contains a good convent of
the order of St. Domingo, and is 30 leagues from

[COBBESECONTE, or Copsecook, which
in the Indian language signifies the land where stur-
geons are taken, is a small river which rises from
ponds in the town of Winthorp, in the district of
Maine, and falls into the Kennebeck within three
miles of Nahunkeag island, and 15 from Moose

COBEQUIT, a large settlement of the province
and colony of Nova Scotia; situate on the side of
the basin of Minas, on the innermost shore of the
bay of Fundy.

[Cobequit or Colchester River, in Nova
Scotia, rises within 20 miles of Tatamogouche, on
the n. e. coast of Nova Scotia ; from thence it runs
s. ; then s. w. and w. info the e. end of the basin
of Minas. At its mouth there is a short bank, but
there is a good channel on each side, which vessels
of 60 tons burden may pass, and go 40 miles .up
the river. There are some scattered settlements on
its banks.]

[COBESEY, in the district of Maine. See


[COBHAM, a small town in Virginia, on the
s. bank of James river, opposite James town ; 20
miles n. w. of Suffolk, and eight or nine 5. w. of

[Cobh AM Isle, mentioned by Captain Mid-
dleton, in the journal of his voyage for finding a
71, e. passage. Its two extremities bear n. by e.
and e. by n. in lat. 63° «. long. 3° 50' from
Churchill, which he takes to be the Brook Cob-
ham of Fox.]

COBIJA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Atacama in Peru, and archbishopric
of Charcas; annexed to the curacy of Chinchin.
It is founded on the sea-shore, has a good port,
where the inhabitants are busied in the fishing for
congers ; and these being called charqnecillos, or
salted, are carried in abundance for sale to the
neighbouring provinces, to the sierra, and other
parts. In lat. 23° 20' s. according to Don Cosme
Bueno ; and according to the ex-jesuit Coleti,
in lat. 22° 25' s.

[COBEZA. See Cobija. This obscure port
and village is inhabited by about 50 Indian
families, and is the most barren spot on the
coast. This is, however, the nearest port to Lipei^
where there are silver mines, and also to Potosi,


familias de Españoles, Mestizos y Mulatos : ademas de los quales tiene 387 de Indios, y un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco: dista de México 7 leguas al N NO que por lo regular cuentan por 6: long. 274. .12. lat. 19... 50.

COAUTLA, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Nueva España, confinante por el S con el Corregimiento de México: llámase también de Amilpas: se extiende su jurisdicción 25 leguas: es de temperamento caliente y húmedo, pero fértil y abundante en trigo, maiz, fríxoles, lentejas, cebada y alverjones, como de otros frutos que sirven de comerció a sus vecinos, y cultivan los Indios en muchas huertas y jardines, no siendo de menor renglón la porción de azúcar y miel que hacen en muchos ingenios y trapiches: riegan esta Provincia dos rios, el uno muy caudaloso llamado Amazinaque que corre al E, y otro poco menos al O: en ambos pescan muchos vagres y truchas, que por estimarse en las jurisdicciones inmediatas hacen otro ramo de comercio considerable: tiene minas de plata que producen suficiente utilidad, y en una llamada vulgarmente la Peregrina se sacó mucha en otro tiempo: consta la jurisdicción de los Pueblos siguientes.
La Capital del mismo nombre.
La Capital forma 3 calles con arreglada proporción y simetría en sus fabricas, y 2 primorosos templos, uno de Religiosos de Santo Domingo, y el otro de Descalzos de San Francisco: tiene 36 familias de Españoles, 70 de Mestizos, 40 de Mulatos y 200 de Indios, en tal disposición, que éstos habitan la mitad del Pueblo divididos en 3 barrios, y los demás en la otra mitad: la línea de división es una calle, y es tando tan inmediatos, no tienen mezcla unos con otros, cy solo transitan como de paso a los barrios de los Indios por la amenidad de su territorio, poblado de huertas que están llenas de frutas y llores: está 2 5 leguas al S de México: long. 274...10. lat. 19. 5.

COAUTLACO, Pueblo de la Cabecera de partido y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 3? familias de Indios, y está 2 leguas al NE de aquella.

COAZA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de. Larecaja en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Gombaya.

COBAN, Pueblo Capital de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Vera Paz en el Reyno de Goatemala: tiene un buen Convento do. Religiosos de Santo Domingo, y está 30 leguas de Guatemala.

COBEQUIT, Pueblo grande de la Provincia y Colonia de Nueva Escocia, situado a orilla de la balsade las Minas en. lo mas interior de la Bahía de Fundy.

COBESICOUT Río pequeño de la Provincia y Colonia de Continent, una, de las quatro de la Nueva Inglaterra: nace de una laguna, corre al E y entra en el de Eenebéc

COBHAM, Isla del, mar del Norte, situada en 63 gr. de. lat. y 3 gr. 40 min. de long. oriental, descubierta. por el Capitán Midleton Ingles: algunos creen que esla misma que el Capitán Fox llamo antes Brook Cobham.

COBIJA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Atacama en el Perú y Arzobispado de Charcas, anexo al Curato de Chinchiu: está fundado a orilla del mar con un buen Puertodonde se ocupa su vecindario en la pesca de congrios, que con el nombre de salados o charquecillos, llevan con abundancia a vender a las Provincias inmediatas, a la Sierra y otras partes: el modo de salir a pescarlos es en balzas de cuero de lobo marino, llenas de ayre y atadas unas con otras en que van dos hombres: alguna vez sucede que los bufeos, tiburones u otros peces grandes las rebientan, y se ven en mucho riesgo los pescadores: está en 23 gr. 20 min„. de lat. aust. según Don Cosme Bueno, y según el ExJesuita Coleti en 22 gr. 25 min.




it has a large proportion of families of Spaniards,
Mustees^ and Mulalloes ; besides which, it con-
tains 387 of Indians, and a convent of monks of
St. Francis. Seven leagues to the n. n. w. of
Mexico, although the distance is commonly count-
ed at only six. Long. 274° 12'. Lat. 19° 50'.

COAUTLA, a province and alcaldia mayor oi
Nueva España ; bounded s. by the corregimiento
of Mexico. It is also called. Of Amilpas. Its
jurisdiction extends 25 leagues ; it is of a warm
and moist temperature, but is fertile, and abounds
in wheat, maize, French beans, lentils, barley,
and tares, as also in other productions, which serve
as a commerce to its natives. Great quantities of
sugar are also manufactured in various mills and
machines for the purpose. This province is water-
ed by two rivers, the one very large, called the
Amazinaquc, which runs e. and the other, some-
what less, to the e . ; in both of them are caught
many bagres and trout, which, being much es-
teemed in the neighbouring provinces, afford also
another considerable branch of commerce. It has
silver mines which produce tolerably well, and
from one, which is vulgarly called La Peregrina,
much riches were formerly extracted. The juris-
diction consists of the following settlements ;

The capital of the sarne Xamiltepec,

name, Tlacotepec,

Tetelzingo, Zacoalpan,

Tlamimilulpa, Temoaque,

Cacoyoc, Ancuilco.


The capital forms three streets, of regular pro-
portion and symmetry in the buildings, with two
elegant edifices, one of the monks of St. Domingo,'
and the other of the barefooted monks, or Descal-
zos, of St. Francis. It contains 36 families of Spa-
niards, 70 of 40 of Mulattoes, and 200

of Indians ; the part of the city inhabited by the
latter is never visited by the Spaniards but as a
walk, or place of recreation, and the Indians never
attempt to encroach upon the part not appropriated
to them. Twenty-five leagues 5. of Mexico. Long.
274° 10'. Lat. 19° 5'.

Same name, another settlement and real of the
silver mines of this province, in which are two
sugar mills, and some engines for grinding metal.
It contains 56 families of Spaniards, Mustees, and
Mulattoes, and lies 12 leagues to the s. w. of its

COAUTLACO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of the district and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa
in Nueva Espana. It contains 35 families of In-
dians, and is two leagues to the n. e. of that place.

COAZA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru; annexed to the cu-
racy of Combaya.

COBAN, a settlement and capital of the pro-
vince and alcaldia mayor of Vera Paz in the king-
dom of Guatemala. It contains a good convent of
the order of St. Domingo, and is 30 leagues from

[COBBESECONTE, or Copsecook, which
in the Indian language signifies the land where stur-
geons are taken, is a small river which rises from
ponds in the town of Winthorp, in the district of
Maine, and falls into the Kennebeck within three
miles of Nahunkeag island, and 15 from Moose

COBEQUIT, a large settlement of the province
and colony of Nova Scotia; situate on the side of
the basin of Minas, on the innermost shore of the
bay of Fundy.

[Cobequit or Colchester River, in Nova
Scotia, rises within 20 miles of Tatamogouche, on
the n. e. coast of Nova Scotia ; from thence it runs
s. ; then s. w. and w. info the e. end of the basin
of Minas. At its mouth there is a short bank, but
there is a good channel on each side, which vessels
of 60 tons burden may pass, and go 40 miles .up
the river. There are some scattered settlements on
its banks.]

[COBESEY, in the district of Maine. See


[COBHAM, a small town in Virginia, on the
s. bank of James river, opposite James town ; 20
miles n. w. of Suffolk, and eight or nine 5. w. of

[Cobh AM Isle, mentioned by Captain Mid-
dleton, in the journal of his voyage for finding a
71, e. passage. Its two extremities bear n. by e.
and e. by n. in lat. 63° «. long. 3° 50' from
Churchill, which he takes to be the Brook Cob-
ham of Fox.]

COBIJA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Atacama in Peru, and archbishopric
of Charcas; annexed to the curacy of Chinchin.
It is founded on the sea-shore, has a good port,
where the inhabitants are busied in the fishing for
congers ; and these being called charqnecillos, or
salted, are carried in abundance for sale to the
neighbouring provinces, to the sierra, and other
parts. In lat. 23° 20' s. according to Don Cosme
Bueno ; and according to the ex-jesuit Coleti,
in lat. 22° 25' s.

[COBEZA. See Cobija. This obscure port
and village is inhabited by about 50 Indian
families, and is the most barren spot on the
coast. This is, however, the nearest port to Lipei^
where there are silver mines, and also to Potosi,


familias de Españoles, Mestizos y Mulatos : ademas de los quales tiene 387 de Indios, y un Convento de Religiosos de San Francisco: dista de México 7 leguas al N NO que por lo regular cuentan por 6: long. 274. .12. lat. 19... 50.

COAUTLA, Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Nueva España, confinante por el S con el Corregimiento de México: llámase también de Amilpas: se extiende su jurisdicción 25 leguas: es de temperamento caliente y húmedo, pero fértil y abundante en trigo, maiz, fríxoles, lentejas, cebada y alverjones, como de otros frutos que sirven de comerció a sus vecinos, y cultivan los Indios en muchas huertas y jardines, no siendo de menor renglón la porción de azúcar y miel que hacen en muchos ingenios y trapiches: riegan esta Provincia dos rios, el uno muy caudaloso llamado Amazinaque que corre al E, y otro poco menos al O: en ambos pescan muchos vagres y truchas, que por estimarse en las jurisdicciones inmediatas hacen otro ramo de comercio considerable: tiene minas de plata que producen suficiente utilidad, y en una llamada vulgarmente la Peregrina se sacó mucha en otro tiempo: consta la jurisdicción de los Pueblos siguientes.
La Capital del mismo nombre.
La Capital forma 3 calles con arreglada proporción y simetría en sus fabricas, y 2 primorosos templos, uno de Religiosos de Santo Domingo, y el otro de Descalzos de San Francisco: tiene 36 familias de Españoles, 70 de Mestizos, 40 de Mulatos y 200 de Indios, en tal disposición, que éstos habitan la mitad del Pueblo divididos en 3 barrios, y los demás en la otra mitad: la línea de división es una calle, y es tando tan inmediatos, no tienen mezcla unos con otros, cy solo transitan como de paso a los barrios de los Indios por la amenidad de su territorio, poblado de huertas que están llenas de frutas y llores: está 2 5 leguas al S de México: long. 274...10. lat. 19. 5.

COAUTLACO, Pueblo de la Cabecera de partido y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 3? familias de Indios, y está 2 leguas al NE de aquella.

COAZA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de. Larecaja en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Gombaya.

COBAN, Pueblo Capital de la Provincia y Alcaldía mayor de Vera Paz en el Reyno de Goatemala: tiene un buen Convento do. Religiosos de Santo Domingo, y está 30 leguas de Guatemala.

COBEQUIT, Pueblo grande de la Provincia y Colonia de Nueva Escocia, situado a orilla de la balsade las Minas en. lo mas interior de la Bahía de Fundy.

COBESICOUT Río pequeño de la Provincia y Colonia de Continent, una, de las quatro de la Nueva Inglaterra: nace de una laguna, corre al E y entra en el de Eenebéc

COBHAM, Isla del, mar del Norte, situada en 63 gr. de. lat. y 3 gr. 40 min. de long. oriental, descubierta. por el Capitán Midleton Ingles: algunos creen que esla misma que el Capitán Fox llamo antes Brook Cobham.

COBIJA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Atacama en el Perú y Arzobispado de Charcas, anexo al Curato de Chinchiu: está fundado a orilla del mar con un buen Puertodonde se ocupa su vecindario en la pesca de congrios, que con el nombre de salados o charquecillos, llevan con abundancia a vender a las Provincias inmediatas, a la Sierra y otras partes: el modo de salir a pescarlos es en balzas de cuero de lobo marino, llenas de ayre y atadas unas con otras en que van dos hombres: alguna vez sucede que los bufeos, tiburones u otros peces grandes las rebientan, y se ven en mucho riesgo los pescadores: está en 23 gr. 20 min„. de lat. aust. según Don Cosme Bueno, y según el ExJesuita Coleti en 22 gr. 25 min.