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4 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 18, 2018 02:45 PM


4S0 C O A


Santiaijo de la Monclava, and the other settlements
arc as follows :

J>an Buenaventura,

Villa del Saltillo,

Las Juntas,

La Hacienda del Alamo,
Los Ranchos,

San Pedro de Boca Leo-

San Francisco Aguayo,

San Miguel,

El Presidio del Sacra-

San Juan Bautista de

Rio Grande,


San Francisco de Bizar. nes,

ron, Monte Rey.

Nra. Sra. de la Victoria,

COAHUITLAN, Santiago de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Amuzgos, alcaldia
ynayoT of Xicayan, of Nueva Espana. It is com-
posed of 10 families of Indians, who are busied
in cultivating cochineal, cotton, and hainilla.
Twenty -two leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

COAI, a small river of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay. It runs e. and enters the
Parana close to the settlement of the mission of
St. Thomas.

COAILLO, a settlement of the province and
4torreeimiento of Cañete in Peru.

COAJUSCO, San Francisco de, a
settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of
Zultepec in Nueva Espana. It contains S6 fami-
lies of Indians, and is three leagues to the s. of its

COALAQUE, a settlement of the province and
torregimiento of Moquehua in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Puguina.

COANDA, a province uncultivated and little
known, s. t of that of Jaen de Bracamoros in
the kingdom of Quito. It is full of forests, rivers,
lakes, and pools ; the climate is hot, moist, and

COAPA, a settlement of the head settlement of
San Luis, of the coast and alcaldia mayor of
Tlapa in Nueva Espafia. It is of a hot tempera-
ture, and contains 86 families of Indians.

Same name, another settlement in the alcaldia mayor
of Comitlan, of the kingdom of Guatemala.

COAPAN, San Pablo de, a settlement of the
head settlement of Tlacolula, and alcaldia mayor
of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana. It is very close on
the s. w. side of its head settlement.

COAPETENGO, San Martin de, a
settlement of the head settlement of Zitepec, and alcaldia
mayor of Tenango del Valle, in Nueva Espana.
It belonged formerly to the jurisdiction of Tancuba,
and was united to this of Tenango, on account of
being closer to it than to its former jurisdiction.
It contains 35 families of Indians.

COAPILLA, a settlement of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COARI, a large river of the kingdom of Peru,
the head and course of which are unknown, save
that it runs through countries belonging to the in-
fidel Indians till it enters the Maranon : according
to the map of Don Juan de la Cruz, it has its
source from the large ri vers of Cuchivara or Purus,
and of Tefe. It runs $. e. then «. and then turn-
ing to a s. e. course, enters with a large body of
water into the Maranon, through the territory of
the Zurinas Indians.

Same name, a settlement of the province and coun-
try of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese posses-
sions. It is upon the shore of the Maranon, and
at the mouth of the fornn;er river.

COATA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Paucarcolla. in Peru. In its vicinity
are three eminences of 20 yards in height, and
wrought by the hand ; there being a tradition
amongst the Indians, that in one of them is inclosed
a certain great treasure taken at the time that the
Incas conquered this country : in its church is
venerated an image of Nuestra Senora de la Pre-
sentacion, which is a subject of devotion to all the
faithful of the neighbouring provinces. It is si-
tuate on the bank of the great lake Titicaca.

COATE, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Combaya.

COATEPEC, San Geeonimo de, a head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Xalapa in
Nueva Espana. Its district is eight leagues in
length, and its own situation is very pleasant, and
its productions are many, such as maize, French
beans, and tobacco, the latter being its chief ar-
ticle of commerce. Its inhabitants are composed
of 12 families of Spaniards, 214 of Mustees and
Mulattoes, and 138 of Indians ; of the latter, some
employ themselves as drovers, and others in fatten-
ing pigs for the supply of Vera Cruz ; land being
very deficient, and the Avhole of the territory allot-
ted to them not exceeding 600 yards. Two leagues
s.e. of Xalcomulco.

COATEPEC, another settlement, in the head
settlement of Teutalpan, and alcaldia mayor of Za-
catlan, in the same kingdom. It contains 120
families of Indians, and is three leagues from its
head settlement.

Same name, another (settlement), which is the head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Zaqualpa in the
same kingdom. It contains 150 families of In-

Same name, another (settlement), with the dedicatory title
of San Francisco, of the head settlement of Esca-


San Francisco Aguayo.
San Miguel.
El Presidio del Sacramento.
San Juan Bautista de río grande.
San Francisco de Bizarron.
Ntra. Sra, de la Victoria.
San Buenaventura.
Villa del Saltillo.
Las Juntas.
La hacienda del Alamo.
Los Ranchos.
San Pedro de Boca Leones.
Monte Rey.

COAHUITLAN, Santiago de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Amuzgos y Alcaldía mayor de Xicayán, se compone de 10 familias de Indios que sé ocupan en beneficiar y cultivar grana, algodón y bainilla: está 2 2 leguas al Poniente de su Cabecera,

COAI, Río pequeño de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay: corre al E y entra en el Paraná junto al Pueblo de la Misión de Santo Tomas.

COAILLO, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cañete en el Perú.

COAJUSCO, San Francisco de, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Zultepec en Nueva España: tiene 36 familias de indios, y está 3 leguas al S de su Capital.

COALAQUE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Moquehua en el Perú, anexo al Curato del de Puquiná.

COANDA, Provincia inculta y poco conocida al SO de la de Jaén de Bracamoros en el Reyno de Quito: está toda llena de bosques, rios, lagunas y pantanos: el clima es, cálido y húmedo y por tanto poco sano.

COAPA, Pueblo de la Cabecera de San Luis de la Costa y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: es de temperamento cálido y tiene 86 familias de Indios.

Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Alcaldía mayor de Comitlán del Reyno de Goatemala.

COAPAN, San Pablo de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Tlacolula y Alcaldía mayor de Xalapa en Nueva España: está muy inmediato a su Cabecera por el SO.

COAPATENGO, San Martin de, Pueblo de la Cabecera de Zitepec y Alcaldía mayor de Tenango del Valle en Nueva España: era antes de la jurisdicción de Tacuba, y se agregó a ésta por estar mas inmediato que de aquella: tiene 35 familias de Indios.

COAPILLA, Pueblo de la Alcaldía mayor de Zoques en el Reyno de Goatemala.

COARI, Río caudaloso del Reyno del Perú, cuyo nacimiento y curso se ignoran por correr entre países de Indios infieles hasta entrar en el Marañon: según la carta de Don Juan de la Cruz Nace, nace entre el caudaloso Cuchivara o SjírtSs y el de Tefe, corre al SE, luego al N, y torciendo otra vez a aquel rumbo entra muy grande en el Marañon por el territorio de los Indios Zurinas.

Tiene el mismo nombre un Pueblo de la Provincia y País de las Amazonas en la parte que poseen los Portugueses: está a orilla del Marañon y boca del río antecedente.

COATA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Paucareolla en el Perú: en su inmediación hay tres cerros hechos a mano como de 20 varas de alto, y es tradición de los Indios que en uno de ellos fue enterrado el tesoro del gran Colla, al tiempo que los Incas conquistaron este Pais: en su Iglesia se venera una Imagen de nuestra Señora de la Presentación, que es frecuentada por la devoción de los fieles de todas las Provincias inmediatas: está situado a orilla de la gran laguna Titicaca.

COATE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Larecaja en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Combayá.

COATEPEC, San Gerónimo de, Pueblo y Cabecera de la Alcaldía mayor de Xalapa en Nueva España: tiene de longitud su partido 8 leguas, es pueI blo muy ameno, y produce muchas frutas, maiz, fríxoles y tabaco, que es lo que comercia: su vecindario compuesto de 1 2 familias de Españoles, 214 de Mestizos y Mulatos, y 138 de Indios que la mayor parte son arrieros, y los demas aplicados a engordar ganado de cerda para el abasto de la Vera-Cruz, por carecer de tierras, de lo que se quexan, pues no tienen ni aun las 600 varas de término que están concedidas a las poblaciones de Indios: está 2 leguas al SE del de Xaicomulco.

Tiene el mismo nombre Otro Pueblo del mismo nombre hay en la Cabecera de Teutalpan y Alcaldía mayor de Zacatlán en el propio Reyno: tiene 1 20 familias de Indios, y está 3 leguas de su Cabecera.


4S0 C O A


Santiaijo de la Monclava, and the other settlements
arc as follows :

J>an Buenaventura,

Villa del Saltillo,

Las Juntas,

La Hacienda del Alamo,
Los Ranchos,

San Pedro de Boca Leo-

San Francisco Aguayo,

San Miguel,

El Presidio del Sacra-

San Juan Bautista de

Rio Grande,


San Francisco de Bizar. nes,

ron, Monte Rey.

Nra. Sra. de la Victoria,

COAHUITLAN, Santiago de, a settlement
of the head settlement of Amuzgos, alcaldia
ynayoT of Xicayan, of Nueva Espana. It is com-
posed of 10 families of Indians, who are busied
in cultivating cochineal, cotton, and hainilla.
Twenty -two leagues to the w. of its head settlement.

COAI, a small river of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay. It runs e. and enters the
Parana close to the settlement of the mission of
St. Thomas.

COAILLO, a settlement of the province and
4torreeimiento of Cañete in Peru.

COAJUSCO, San Francisco de, a
settlement of the head settlement and alcaldia mayor of
Zultepec in Nueva Espana. It contains S6 fami-
lies of Indians, and is three leagues to the s. of its

COALAQUE, a settlement of the province and
torregimiento of Moquehua in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Puguina.

COANDA, a province uncultivated and little
known, s. t of that of Jaen de Bracamoros in
the kingdom of Quito. It is full of forests, rivers,
lakes, and pools ; the climate is hot, moist, and

COAPA, a settlement of the head settlement of
San Luis, of the coast and alcaldia mayor of
Tlapa in Nueva Espafia. It is of a hot tempera-
ture, and contains 86 families of Indians.

Same name, another settlement in the alcaldia mayor
of Comitlan, of the kingdom of Guatemala.

COAPAN, San Pablo de, a settlement of the
head settlement of Tlacolula, and alcaldia mayor
of Xalapa, in Nueva Espana. It is very close on
the s. w. side of its head settlement.

COAPETENGO, San Martin de, a
settlement of the head settlement of Zitepec, and alcaldia
mayor of Tenango del Valle, in Nueva Espana.
It belonged formerly to the jurisdiction of Tancuba,
and was united to this of Tenango, on account of
being closer to it than to its former jurisdiction.
It contains 35 families of Indians.

COAPILLA, a settlement of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Zoques in the kingdom of Guatemala.

COARI, a large river of the kingdom of Peru,
the head and course of which are unknown, save
that it runs through countries belonging to the in-
fidel Indians till it enters the Maranon : according
to the map of Don Juan de la Cruz, it has its
source from the large ri vers of Cuchivara or Purus,
and of Tefe. It runs $. e. then «. and then turn-
ing to a s. e. course, enters with a large body of
water into the Maranon, through the territory of
the Zurinas Indians.

Same name, a settlement of the province and coun-
try of Las Amazonas, in the Portuguese posses-
sions. It is upon the shore of the Maranon, and
at the mouth of the fornn;er river.

COATA, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Paucarcolla. in Peru. In its vicinity
are three eminences of 20 yards in height, and
wrought by the hand ; there being a tradition
amongst the Indians, that in one of them is inclosed
a certain great treasure taken at the time that the
Incas conquered this country : in its church is
venerated an image of Nuestra Senora de la Pre-
sentacion, which is a subject of devotion to all the
faithful of the neighbouring provinces. It is si-
tuate on the bank of the great lake Titicaca.

COATE, a settlement of the province and cor-
regimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Combaya.

COATEPEC, San Geeonimo de, a head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Xalapa in
Nueva Espana. Its district is eight leagues in
length, and its own situation is very pleasant, and
its productions are many, such as maize, French
beans, and tobacco, the latter being its chief ar-
ticle of commerce. Its inhabitants are composed
of 12 families of Spaniards, 214 of Mustees and
Mulattoes, and 138 of Indians ; of the latter, some
employ themselves as drovers, and others in fatten-
ing pigs for the supply of Vera Cruz ; land being
very deficient, and the Avhole of the territory allot-
ted to them not exceeding 600 yards. Two leagues
s.e. of Xalcomulco.

COATEPEC, another settlement, in the head
settlement of Teutalpan, and alcaldia mayor of Za-
catlan, in the same kingdom. It contains 120
families of Indians, and is three leagues from its
head settlement.

Same name, another (settlement), which is the head
settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Zaqualpa in the
same kingdom. It contains 150 families of In-

Same name, another (settlement), with the dedicatory title
of San Francisco, of the head settlement of Esca-
