Cold spring is 4200 feet above the level of the sea ;
and few or none of the tropical fruits will flourish
in so cold a climate. The general state of the
thermometer is from 55° to 63° ; and even some-
times so low as 44° : so that a fire there, even at
noon-day, is not only comfortable, but necessary,
a great part of the year. Many of the English
fruits, as the apple, the peach, and the strawberry,
flourish there in great perfection, with several other
valuable exotics, as the tea-tree and other oriental
(Cold Spring Cove, near Burlington, New Jer-
sey, is remarkable for its sand and clay, used in
the manufacture of glass ; from whence the glass
works at Hamilton, 10 miles w. of Albany, are sup-
plied with these articles.)
COLE, a settlement of the island of Barbadoes,
in the district of the parish of St. George, distinct
from the other of its name in the same parish.
COLEA, a river of the province and govern-
ment of Maynas in the kingdom of Quito. It runs
s. and enters the Tigre.
(COLEBROOKE, in the «. part of New Hamp-
shire, in Grafton county, lies on the e. bank of
Connecticut river, opposite the Great Monadnock,
in Canaan, state of Vermont ; joining Cockburne
on the s. and Stuartstown on the n. ; 126 miles n.
w. by «. from Portsmouth.)
(COLEBROOKE, a Tougb, hilly township on the
n. line of Connecticut, in Litchfield county, 30
miles n. w. of Hartford city. It was settled in
1736. Here are two iron works, and several mills,
on Still river, a n. w. water of Farmington river.
In digging a cellar in this town, at the close of the
year 1796, belonging to Mr. John Hulburt, the
workmen, at the depth of about 9 or 10 feet, found
three large tusks and two thigh-bones of an animal,
the latter of which measured each about four feet
four inches in length, and 12|; inches in circum-
ference. When first discovered they were entire,
but as soon as they were exposed to the air they
mouldered to dust. This adds another to the
manj^ facts which prove that a race of enormous
animals, now extinct, once inhabited the United
(COLERAIN, a township in Lancaster county,
(COLERAIN, a town on the». bank of St. Mary’s
river, Camden county, Georgia, 40 or 50 miles
from its mouth. On the 29th of June 1796, a
treaty of peace and friendship was made and con-
cluded at this place, between the president of the
United States, on the one part, in behalf of the
United States, and the king’s chiefs and warriors
of the Creek nation of Indians, on the other. By
this treaty, the line between the white people and
the Indians was established to run from the
Currahee mountain to the head or source of the
main s. branch of the Oconee river, called by the
white people Appalatohee, and by the Indians
Tulapoeka, and down the middle of the same.”
Liberty was also given by the Indians to the pre-
sident of the United Stutes to “ establish a trading
or military post on the s. side of Alatamaha,
about one mile from Beard’s bluff', or any where
from thence down the river, on the lands of the
Indians and the Indians agreed to “ annex to
said post a tract of land of five miles square ;
and in return for this and other tokens of friendship
on the part of the Indians, the United States stipu-
lated to give them goods to the value of 6000
dollars, and to furnish them with two blacksmiths
with tools.)
COLGUE, a settlement of the island of Laxa in
the kingdom of Chile ; situate on the shore of the
river Tolpan.
COLIMA, the alcaldia mayor and jurisdiction
of the province and bishopric of Mechoacán in
Nueva Espana. It is bounded e. by the jurisdic-
tion of Zapotlan, s. by that of Mortincs, n. by that
of Tuzcacuesco, and w. by that of Autlan, and the
port of La Navidad in the kingdom of Nueva Ga-
licia. It carries on a great trade in salt, collected
on the coasts of the S. sea, where there are wells
and salt grounds, from which great emolument
is derived, supplying, as they do, the inland
provinces with this article. Formerly the best
cocoa wine of any in the kingdom was made here,
from the abundance of this fruit found in all the
palm estates ; but the art of bringing it to perfec-
tion was lost, and this branch of commerce died
away, from the additional cause, that the making of
this liquor was prohibited by the viceroy, the Duke
of Albuquerque, as being a drink calculated to
produce great inebriety. The capital is of the same
name ; and the settlements of this district are,
Almoloioyan, Zinacantepec,
Comala, Totolmoloyan,
Zaqualpa, Caxitlan,
Xulua. Tecoman,
Xilotlan, Ixtlahuaca,
Guezalapa, Tomala,
Nagualapa, Cuatlan. ,
The capital is a town sitimteupon the coast of
the S. sea, near the frontiers ofXalisco, in the
most fertile and pleasant valley of Nueva Espaiia.
It abounds in cacao and other vegetable produc-
tions ; is of a hot temperature, and the air is very
pure. Its buildings are regular and handsome,
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