| 466C H U
466 C H U
of Key in Brazil. It runs s. and turning e. en-
ters the lake Mini.
Same name, a settlement of this province (Rey) ; situate on
the sea-coast, and lying between this and the lake
CHUIGOTES. See Chiugotob.
CHUILLE, a river of the province and go-
vernment ot Darien in the kingdom of Tierra
Firme. It has its source in the mountains towards
the e. runs n. e. and enters the river Tarena.
CHUIRIEUI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay. It runs n. and enters the
Iguy near the mission of San Miguel.
CHULK, a small port or creek of the coast of
the S. sea, in the province and corregimiento of
Arequipa. It is shallow, insecure, and exposed
to the ,v. w. winds.
settlement of tlie province and government of Potosi
in Peru.
CHULINA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Charazani.
CHULISANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru; annexed to
the curacy of Cachi.
CHULUMANI, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru.
Same name, a river of the above province (Cicasica),
which rises at the end of the cordillera of Ancuma,
begins its course to the e. and forming a large bend
towards the n. enters the Beni just at its source,
and where it keeps the name of the Chuquiavo.
CHUMA, a river of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada,
which flows down from the mountains of
Bogota. It waters the territory of Merida, pass-
ing opposite the city, and enters through the s.
side into the lake of Maracaybo.
Same name, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.
CHUMATLAN, a settlement of the head settle-
nidnt of Zozocoles, and alculdia mayor of Papantla,
in Nueva Espana. It is situate at the top of an
higli mountain, and from it may be seen all the set-
tlements belonging to this jurisdiction. Its popu-
lation amounts to 183 families of Indians, and it
lies to the n. of its head settlement, three leagues
distant from this, and 14 from the capital.
CHUMBE, a village of the province and corre-
gimiento of Cuenca in the kingdom of Quito. It
is to the xd. of Tarqui, and on the w. shore of one
of the torrents rising in fhe river Paute. Not far
from it are some excellent hot baths, of which no
use is made. LHere the stately melastoma and the
embothriuin are growing at an elevation of 12,000
feet, according to Humboldt, who visited this vil-
lage in 1802. Lat. 3° 10' s.]
CHUMBES, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Vilcas Huaman in Peru ; annexed
to the curacy of Vizchongo.
CHUMBI, a settlement of the province and cor-
of Parinacochas in Peru, where there
is a pious sanctuary, with an excellent painting of
the blessed virgin, said to have been given by a
pontitf to the curate of this settlement when he was
at Rome.
CHUMBICHA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Tucuman in Peru; situate to the
w. of the valley of San Fernando de Cata-
CHUMBICOS, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; situate on the
shore of a small river of the same name.
CHUMBILLA, a mountain of the province and
corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru ; celebrated
for a rich silver mine. It lies three leagues from
a small settlement called Canaria, which is at pre-
sent abandoned and deserted.
CHUMBIVILCAS, a province and corregi-
miento of Peru. It is bounded n. by the province
of Quispicanchialgo, and by that of Chilques
and Masques on the n. w. ; by those of Cota-
bamba and Aymaraez on the jr. ; by that of Con-
dcsuyos de Arequipa on the s . ; and on the e. by
that of Canes and Cauches. Its temperature is
for the most part cold, although in some places
temperate, so that it produces the fruits peculiar to
either climate ; such as wheat, barley, maize, pa-
pas, and other seeds, though none in abundance,
but plenty of neat cattle. In this province are
found the lofty and vast snowy mountains called
Condesuyos del Cuzco. It lies on the boundaries
of the province of Parinacocha, being separated
from it by the river which flows down from the
province of Camana. Here much cloth peculiar
to the country is manufactured ; and in its district
are many mouths of gold and silver mines, the
mounds and pits of which, together with the re-
mains of several mills for working metal, indicate
that in former times they were probably worked to
no small advantage. They gather here a great
quantity of Cochineal, which is called macno, with
which cloths are dyed of very fine colours. It
has likewise fountains and mineral streams of hot
water, and is subject to earthquakes. Its reparti-
mento used to amount to 85,800 dollars, and its al-
cavala to 685 dollars per annum. Its inhabitants,
including the district of Condesuyos, amount to
16,000 souls, who live in the 22 following set-
tlements :
TranslationTiene el mismo nombre un Pueblo de esta Provincia (Rey), situado en la Costa del mar, entre, ella y la laguna del Mini.
CHUIGOTES, Véase. Chíugotos.
CHUILLE, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Darien en el Reyno de Tierra-Firme: tiene su nacimiento en. las montañas de la parte del E: corre al N. E, y entra; en el de Tarena.
CHUIRIEUI, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay:, corre al N, y; entra en el de Iguy, cerca de la. Misión de San Miguel...
CHULE,. Puerto pequeño o Caleta de la Costa de la mar del Sur en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Arequipa: es de poco fondo, abierto y de ninguna seguridad por los vientos del SO.
CHULIHUCAN Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Potosí en el Perú.
CHULINA, Pueblo de la: Provincia y Corregimiento de Larecaja en. el Perú, anexo al Curato de Charazani.
CHULISANA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Andahuailas en el Perú, anexo al. Curato de Cachi.
CHULUMANI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cicasica en el Perú.
CHUMAY Río del Nuevo Reyno de Granada, que baxade las montañas de Bogotá: riega el territorio de Mérida, pasando delante _de esta Ciudad, y entra por la parte austral, en la laguna, de Maracaybo.
CHUMATLAN, Pueblo de la Cabecera, de Zozocolco y Alcaldía mayor de Papantla en Nueva España: está situado en la cumbre de un cerro tan alto; que desde él se registran casi todos los Pueblos de estia jurisdicción: tiene, de vecindario, 183 familias de: Indios, y está al N de su Cabecera, distante 3 leguas y 14 de la Capital.
CHUMBE, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Cuenca en el Reyno de Quito: está al Poniente del de Tarqui, y a la orilla Occidental de un torrente, uno de los que nace el río Paute: no lejos de él hay unas excelentes aguas termales, de que no se hace uso alguno: está en 3 gr. lo min. de ht. aust.
CHUMBES, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Vilcas Huaman en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Vizchongo.
CHUMBI, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Parinacochas en el Perú, donde hay un Santuario, célebre de nuestra Señora de la Asunción, de excelente pincel, y dicen fue dádiva de un Pontífice al Cura de este Pueblo que estuvo en Roma.
CHUMBICHA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Tucumán en el Perú, situado al O de la Villa de San Fernando de Catamarca.
CHUMBICOS, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimíento de Piura en el Perú, situado a orilla de un pequeño río del mismo nombre.
CHUMBILLA, Monte de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huamanga en el Perú, célebre por una rica mina de plata que hay en él, distante 3 leguas de un Pueblocito llamado la Canaria, que hoy está abandonado y desierto.
CHUMBIVILCAS, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú: confina con el N con la de Quispicanchi algo, y con la de Chilques y Masques por el N O; con las de Cotabamba y Aymaraez por el O; por el S con la de Condesuyos de Arequipa, y por el E con la de Canes y Canches: su temperamento es en la mayor parte frío, aunque en algunas quebradas se goza templado, por lo qual produce frutos de uno, y otro, como trigo, cebada, maíz, papas y otras semillas; pero todo con mucha escasez: ésta y la falta de comercio la hacen muy pobre; pero abunda de ganados particularmente vacuno: tiene anexo un Partido hacia la Costa distante de la Provincia, intermediando algunos cerros nevados y corpulentos que llaman Condesuyos del Cuzco, y confípa con la de Parinacocha, mediando el río que baxa de la de Camaná en que tiene quatro Curatos: fabrica alguna ropa de la tierra, y en su distrito se hallan muchas bocas minas de oro y plata, cuyos desmontes y profundidades, como los vestigios de varios trapiches de metales, manifiestan que en el siglo pasado se disfrutaron sus labores con utilidad: cujese bastante grana que allí llaman macno, con que tiñen sus texidos de lana con muy buenos colores: tiene fuentes y minerales de agua caliente, y padece muchos terremotos; tenia de repartimiento 85 0800 pesos, pagando de alcavala 68 al año: sus habitantes, incluso el partido de Condesuyos, llegan a 160 almas en los 22 Pueblos siguientes: | 466C H U
466 C H U
of Key in Brazil. It runs s. and turning e. en-
ters the lake Mini.
Same name, a settlement of this province (Rey) ; situate on
the sea-coast, and lying between this and the lake
CHUIGOTES. See Chiugotob.
CHUILLE, a river of the province and go-
vernment ot Darien in the kingdom of Tierra
Firme. It has its source in the mountains towards
the e. runs n. e. and enters the river Tarena.
CHUIRIEUI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Paraguay. It runs n. and enters the
Iguy near the mission of San Miguel.
CHULK, a small port or creek of the coast of
the S. sea, in the province and corregimiento of
Arequipa. It is shallow, insecure, and exposed
to the ,v. w. winds.
settlement of tlie province and government of Potosi
in Peru.
CHULINA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Charazani.
CHULISANA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Andahuailas in Peru; annexed to
the curacy of Cachi.
CHULUMANI, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Cicasica in Peru.
Same name, a river of the above province (Cicasica),
which rises at the end of the cordillera of Ancuma,
begins its course to the e. and forming a large bend
towards the n. enters the Beni just at its source,
and where it keeps the name of the Chuquiavo.
CHUMA, a river of the Nuevo Reyno de Granada,
which flows down from the mountains of
Bogota. It waters the territory of Merida, pass-
ing opposite the city, and enters through the s.
side into the lake of Maracaybo.
Same name, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru.
CHUMATLAN, a settlement of the head settle-
nidnt of Zozocoles, and alculdia mayor of Papantla,
in Nueva Espana. It is situate at the top of an
higli mountain, and from it may be seen all the set-
tlements belonging to this jurisdiction. Its popu-
lation amounts to 183 families of Indians, and it
lies to the n. of its head settlement, three leagues
distant from this, and 14 from the capital.
CHUMBE, a village of the province and corre-
gimiento of Cuenca in the kingdom of Quito. It
is to the xd. of Tarqui, and on the w. shore of one
of the torrents rising in fhe river Paute. Not far
from it are some excellent hot baths, of which no
use is made. LHere the stately melastoma and the
embothriuin are growing at an elevation of 12,000
feet, according to Humboldt, who visited this vil-
lage in 1802. Lat. 3° 10' s.]
CHUMBES, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Vilcas Huaman in Peru ; annexed
to the curacy of Vizchongo.
CHUMBI, a settlement of the province and cor-
of Parinacochas in Peru, where there
is a pious sanctuary, with an excellent painting of
the blessed virgin, said to have been given by a
pontitf to the curate of this settlement when he was
at Rome.
CHUMBICHA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Tucuman in Peru; situate to the
w. of the valley of San Fernando de Cata-
CHUMBICOS, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Piura in Peru ; situate on the
shore of a small river of the same name.
CHUMBILLA, a mountain of the province and
corregimiento of Huamanga in Peru ; celebrated
for a rich silver mine. It lies three leagues from
a small settlement called Canaria, which is at pre-
sent abandoned and deserted.
CHUMBIVILCAS, a province and corregi-
miento of Peru. It is bounded n. by the province
of Quispicanchialgo, and by that of Chilques
and Masques on the n. w. ; by those of Cota-
bamba and Aymaraez on the jr. ; by that of Con-
dcsuyos de Arequipa on the s . ; and on the e. by
that of Canes and Cauches. Its temperature is
for the most part cold, although in some places
temperate, so that it produces the fruits peculiar to
either climate ; such as wheat, barley, maize, pa-
pas, and other seeds, though none in abundance,
but plenty of neat cattle. In this province are
found the lofty and vast snowy mountains called
Condesuyos del Cuzco. It lies on the boundaries
of the province of Parinacocha, being separated
from it by the river which flows down from the
province of Camana. Here much cloth peculiar
to the country is manufactured ; and in its district
are many mouths of gold and silver mines, the
mounds and pits of which, together with the re-
mains of several mills for working metal, indicate
that in former times they were probably worked to
no small advantage. They gather here a great
quantity of Cochineal, which is called macno, with
which cloths are dyed of very fine colours. It
has likewise fountains and mineral streams of hot
water, and is subject to earthquakes. Its reparti-
mento used to amount to 85,800 dollars, and its al-
cavala to 685 dollars per annum. Its inhabitants,
including the district of Condesuyos, amount to
16,000 souls, who live in the 22 following set-
tlements :
Translation |