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4 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 16, 2018 11:11 AM





Tvliich rises in the mountains of the cordillera.
On its shores is caught a much esteemed sort of
shell-fish, called iascas. It runs into the sea in
lat. 31° 40'.

Same name, a volcano of the same kingdom (Chile), ce-
lebrated for the irruptions it has made. It is 23
leagues from the coast, and to the n. of the city
of San Juan de la Frontera, in lat. 31° 30' s.

CHUAZINGO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Es-
pana. It contains 124 families of Indians, and is
two leagues to the n. n. w. of that of Tlapa.

CHUBISCA, a settlement of the missions
which belong to the religious order of St. Francis,
in the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of
Nueva Vizcaya, lying four leagues to the s. e.
one-fourth to the s. of the settlement and real of the
mines of San Felipe de Chiguaga. Fivfe leagues
to the s. €. of this settlement are two large estates,
called Fresnos and Charcas.

CHUCAPA, a settlement of the province and
norregimiento of Angaraes in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Acoria.

Same name another settlement, in the province and corre-
ghniento of Xauja in the same kingdom.

CHUCANTI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra
Firrae. it rises in the mountains towards the n.
and enters the sea between the islands Las Palmas
and Pinos.

CHUCAY, a settlement of the province of
Venezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate on
the extremity of the peninsula formed by the cape
of San Roman.

CHUCHA, a bay in the port of Portobelo, and
lying quite in the interior of the same. It is an
harbour, or second port, of a circular figure,
closed in on all sides, its access being through a
narrow channel. Several rivers flow into it.

CHUCHE, a small island of the S. sea, in the
bay and gulph of Panama. It lies the farthest of
any from the coast, and to the w. of the large
island of Rey.

CHUCHULAIA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed
to the curacy of Combaya, in which there is a
pious sanctuary of Our Lady, much frequented.

CHUCUNAQUI, a large river of the province
of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It
rises in the mountainous parts, and runs 13
leagues as far as the fort Royal of Santa Maria,
collecting in its course the waters of 20 rivers less
than itself ; it then enters the grand river Tuira.

CHUCHUNGA, a settlement of the province
and government of Jaen do Bracamoros in the
kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the
river of its name, having a port, which is a lad-
ing-place for the river Maranon. The above river
rises in the sierra of the province of Luya and
Chilians, enters the Ymasa, being united to the
Cumbassa ; these together run into the Maranon,
and at their conflux is the aforesaid port. Its
mouth is in lat. 5° 12' SO* s.

CllUCMI. See Julumito.

CHUCO, Santiago de, a settlement of the
province and corregimiento of Huamachuco in

CHUCUITO, a province and government of
Peru ; bounded e. by the great lake of its name,
and part of the province of Omasuyos ; n. by that
of Paucarcolla orPuno ; s. e. by that of Pacages ;
and s. w. and w. by the cordillera of the coast
which looks towards Moquehua. It is 23 leagues
long from «. to s. and 36 wide. It was extremely
populous at the time of the conquest, and was on
that account considered wealthy. Its governors
had the controul of political afiairs, and enjoyed
the title of vice-patron and captain-general of the
immediate provinces, including some which lay
upon the coast. It is of a cold but healthy tempe-
rature, particularly in the rainy months, which
are December, February, and March. It produces
sweet and bitter papas, of which are made chum,
bark, canagua, hagua, and barley. In some of
the glens, where the soil is moister, they grow
pulse, flowers, and fruit-trees. This province
abounds in cattle, such as cows, sheep and pigs,
and native sheep, which the natives use for trad-
ing instead of asses ; the regular load for each
being four or five arrohas. Here are also bred
alpacas, huanacos, vicunas, deer, cuyes, and vizca-
chas, which are similar in shape and figure to a
hare ; also pigeons, partridges, ducks, and os-
triches. From (he fleeces of the cattle many kinds
of woven articles are made for useful and orna-
mental apparel, beautifully dyed ; and from the
wool of the alpaca handsome carpets, quilts, and
mantles of various designs and colours. This pro-
vince has many silver mines, which are worked
with emolument ; also streams of hot medicinal
waters. It is situate on the shores of the great
lake of Chucuito, from which large quantities of
fish are taken, and sold for a good price to the
neighbouring provinces. It is watered by several
rivers, all of which enter the lake : the largest or
most considerable of them is the Hilava. Its na-
tives amount to 30,000, separated in 10 different
settlements. Its repartimiento used to amount to
101,730 dollars, and its alcavala to 813 dollars an-
nually. The capital is of the same name. This


Tiene el mismo nombre, Un Volcan del mismo Reyno (Chile), célebre por las erupciones que ha hecho: está 23 leguas de la Costa y al N de la Ciudad de San Juan de la Frontera en 31 gr. 16 min. de lat. aust.

CHUAZINGO, Pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 124 familias de Indios, y está 2 leguas al N NO del de Tlapa.

CHUBISCA, Pueblo de las Misiones que tiene la Religión, de San Francisco en la Provincia de Taraumara y Reyno del Nueva Vizcaya, distante 4 leguas al SE, I al S del Pueblo y Real de Minas de San Felipe de Chiguagua: 5 leguas de él a la parte del SE hay dos haciendas de campo muy grandes llamadas los Fresnos y los Charcas.

CHUCAPA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Angaraes en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Acoriá.

Otro Pueblo hay del mismo nombre en la Provincia y Corregimiento de Xauja en el propio Reyno.

CHUCANTI, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Darien en el Reyno de Tierra-Firme: nace en las montañas de la parte del N y sale al mar entre las Islas de Palmas, y la de Pinos.

CHUCAY, Pueblo de la Provincia de Venezuela y Gobierno de Maracaibo, situado en la Península que forma el Cabo de San Román y en la extremidad

CHUCHA, bahía dentro del Puerto de Portovelo en lo mas interior de él: es una Ensenada o segundo Puerto, de figura circular, cerrado por todas partes, quedando solo un estrecho canal para entrar: desaguan en él diferentes, rios.

CHUCHE, Isla pequeña de la mar del Sur en la Ensenada y Golfo de Panamá: es la mas distante de la Costa, situada al O de fa Isla grande del Rey.

CHUCHULAIA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Larecaja en el Perú, anexo al Curato de Combaya, en que hay un célebre Santuario de nuestra Señora muy frecuentado.

CHUCUNAQUI, Río caudaloso de la Provincia del Darien y Reyno de Tierra-Firme: nace en sus montañas, y corre al SO I 3 leguas hasta el Fuerte 6 Real de Santa María, recogiendo en su cursó las aguas de mas de otros 20 menores que él, para entrar en el grande de Tuira.

CHUCHUNGA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno de Jaén de Bracamoros en el Reyno de Quito, situado a orilla del río de su nombre, con un Puerto que es el embarcadero para salir al río Marañon. El río citado nace en la sierra de la Provincia de Luya y Chillaos entra en el de Ymasá unido al de Cumbassá, y ambos en el Maranon, en cuya junta tiene el Puerto referido: su boca está en 5 gr. 12 min. 30 seg. de lat. aust.

CHUCMI, Véase Julumito.

CHUCO, Santiago de, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Huamachuco en el Perú.

CHUCUITO, Provincia y Gobierno del Perú: confina por el E con la gran laguna de su nombre, y parte de la Provincia de Omasuyos: por el N con la de Paucarcolla o Puno, por el SE con la de Pacages, y por el SO y O con la Cordillera de la Costa que mira a Móquehua: tiene 25 leguas de largo N S, y 36 de ancho: estuvo sumamente poblada al tiempo de la conquista, y así se consideró por opulenta, gozando sus Gobernadores el mando político, VicePatronato y Capitanía General de las Provincias inmediatas, inclusas algunas de la Costa: es de temperamento frío pero sano, particularmente en los meses de lluvias que son Diciembre, Enero, Febrero y Marzo: las cosechas son generalmente de papas dulces y amargas, de que hacen chuño, quinoa, cañahagua y cebada: en algunas quebradas de mas abrigo se cultiban legumbres, flores y árboles frutales: tiene abundancia de ganados, bacas, ovejas y cerdos, carneros de la tierra, con que trafican los naturales en lugar de borricos, cargando cada uno de 4 a 5 arrobas: se crian también alpacas, huanacos, vicuñas, venados, cuyes y vizcachas, que son semejantes en la figura y gusto a la liebre, palomas, perdices, patos, y muchos avestruces: de las lanas del ganado referido fabrican las Indias algunos texidos para vestuarios y galas, en que emplean los. tintes, y de la de alpacas, hacen alfombras, sobrecamas y mantas de varios dibuxos y colores: tiene esta Provincia muchos minerales de oro y plata, que se trabajan con alguna utilidad: manantiales de agua caliente medicinal: está situada a las orillas de la gran laguna referida, de cuya pesca sacan mucho lucro para vender el pescado en las demas Provincias inmediatas: riéganla varios ríos que todos desaguan en la laguna, y el mayor o de mas consideración es el de Hilave: sus naturales llegan a 300 repartidos en 10 Pueblos: tenia de repartimiento este Gobierno ioi0730 pesos, pagando 813 en cada año: la Capital tiene el mismo nombre.





Tvliich rises in the mountains of the cordillera.
On its shores is caught a much esteemed sort of
shell-fish, called iascas. It runs into the sea in
lat. 31° 40'.

Same name, a volcano of the same kingdom (Chile), ce-
lebrated for the irruptions it has made. It is 23
leagues from the coast, and to the n. of the city
of San Juan de la Frontera, in lat. 31° 30' s.

CHUAZINGO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment and alcaldia mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Es-
pana. It contains 124 families of Indians, and is
two leagues to the n. n. w. of that of Tlapa.

CHUBISCA, a settlement of the missions
which belong to the religious order of St. Francis,
in the province of Taraumara, and kingdom of
Nueva Vizcaya, lying four leagues to the s. e.
one-fourth to the s. of the settlement and real of the
mines of San Felipe de Chiguaga. Fivfe leagues
to the s. €. of this settlement are two large estates,
called Fresnos and Charcas.

CHUCAPA, a settlement of the province and
norregimiento of Angaraes in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of Acoria.

Same name another settlement, in the province and corre-
ghniento of Xauja in the same kingdom.

CHUCANTI, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra
Firrae. it rises in the mountains towards the n.
and enters the sea between the islands Las Palmas
and Pinos.

CHUCAY, a settlement of the province of
Venezuela, and government of Maracaibo ; situate on
the extremity of the peninsula formed by the cape
of San Roman.

CHUCHA, a bay in the port of Portobelo, and
lying quite in the interior of the same. It is an
harbour, or second port, of a circular figure,
closed in on all sides, its access being through a
narrow channel. Several rivers flow into it.

CHUCHE, a small island of the S. sea, in the
bay and gulph of Panama. It lies the farthest of
any from the coast, and to the w. of the large
island of Rey.

CHUCHULAIA, a settlement of the province
and corregimiento of Larecaja in Peru ; annexed
to the curacy of Combaya, in which there is a
pious sanctuary of Our Lady, much frequented.

CHUCUNAQUI, a large river of the province
of Darien, and kingdom of Tierra Firme. It
rises in the mountainous parts, and runs 13
leagues as far as the fort Royal of Santa Maria,
collecting in its course the waters of 20 rivers less
than itself ; it then enters the grand river Tuira.

CHUCHUNGA, a settlement of the province
and government of Jaen do Bracamoros in the
kingdom of Quito; situate on the shore of the
river of its name, having a port, which is a lad-
ing-place for the river Maranon. The above river
rises in the sierra of the province of Luya and
Chilians, enters the Ymasa, being united to the
Cumbassa ; these together run into the Maranon,
and at their conflux is the aforesaid port. Its
mouth is in lat. 5° 12' SO* s.

CllUCMI. See Julumito.

CHUCO, Santiago de, a settlement of the
province and corregimiento of Huamachuco in

CHUCUITO, a province and government of
Peru ; bounded e. by the great lake of its name,
and part of the province of Omasuyos ; n. by that
of Paucarcolla orPuno ; s. e. by that of Pacages ;
and s. w. and w. by the cordillera of the coast
which looks towards Moquehua. It is 23 leagues
long from «. to s. and 36 wide. It was extremely
populous at the time of the conquest, and was on
that account considered wealthy. Its governors
had the controul of political afiairs, and enjoyed
the title of vice-patron and captain-general of the
immediate provinces, including some which lay
upon the coast. It is of a cold but healthy tempe-
rature, particularly in the rainy months, which
are December, February, and March. It produces
sweet and bitter papas, of which are made chum,
bark, canagua, hagua, and barley. In some of
the glens, where the soil is moister, they grow
pulse, flowers, and fruit-trees. This province
abounds in cattle, such as cows, sheep and pigs,
and native sheep, which the natives use for trad-
ing instead of asses ; the regular load for each
being four or five arrohas. Here are also bred
alpacas, huanacos, vicunas, deer, cuyes, and vizca-
chas, which are similar in shape and figure to a
hare ; also pigeons, partridges, ducks, and os-
triches. From (he fleeces of the cattle many kinds
of woven articles are made for useful and orna-
mental apparel, beautifully dyed ; and from the
wool of the alpaca handsome carpets, quilts, and
mantles of various designs and colours. This pro-
vince has many silver mines, which are worked
with emolument ; also streams of hot medicinal
waters. It is situate on the shores of the great
lake of Chucuito, from which large quantities of
fish are taken, and sold for a good price to the
neighbouring provinces. It is watered by several
rivers, all of which enter the lake : the largest or
most considerable of them is the Hilava. Its na-
tives amount to 30,000, separated in 10 different
settlements. Its repartimiento used to amount to
101,730 dollars, and its alcavala to 813 dollars an-
nually. The capital is of the same name. This
