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3 revisions
LLILAS Benson at Oct 08, 2018 11:18 AM




CHIMALAPA, Santa Maria de a
settlement of the head settlement of the district and
alcaldia mayor of Tehuantepec in Nueva Espana.
It is of a cold temperature, and the whole of its
district is covered with very large trees, especially
firs fit for ship-building. Twenty-five leagues
n.w. of its capital,

CHIAMLHUACAN, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Coatepec in
Nueva Espana. It contains a good convent of the
religious order of St. Domingo, 300 families of
Spaniards, il/wsfees, and Mulattoes, who employ
themselves in labour, and in the commerce of seeds
and large and small cattle, which are bred in the
estates contiguous ; but the latter in no great de-
gree, owing to the scarcity of water and pasture
which prevails here.

Same name, another settlement and head
settlement of the district in the alcaldia mayor of
Chaleo, of the same kingdom. It contains 166
families of Indians, and a convent of the religious
order of St. Domingo. Five leagues n. of its

CHIMALTENANGO, a province and
corregimiento of the kingdom of Guatemala ; situate
in the valley of this capital. It is very pleasant
and fertile, and peopled with Indians.

CHIMALTEPEC, a settlement of the alcaldia
mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 29
families of Indians, and is two leagues from the
real of the mines of Cairo.

Same name, another small settlement of the
head settlement of Malcatepec, and alcaldia mayor
of Nexapa, very near its head settlement.

CHIMAN, a settlement of the province and
government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra
Firme ; situate near the coast of the S. sea, and on
the shore of the river of its name, having a small
port, which is garrisoned by a detachment from
Panama, for the purpose of restraining the inva-
sions which are continually made by the Indians.

Same name, a river of this province, and govern-
ment, which rises in the mountains on the s. coast,
and runs into the sea opposite the island of Nar-

CHIMBA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of
Chile. It has the celebrated talc gold-mine which
was discovered 36 years ago by a fisherman, who
pulling up a plant of large and prickly leaves,
called cordon, or fuller’s thistle, for the purpose of
fuel for his fire, observed that particles of gold
dropped from its roots; and having more narrowly
inspected it, found pieces amidst the mould of
considerable size and of very fine quality. Thus


a mine became established here, and when it was
first dug it yielded from 300 to 500 dollars each

Same name, another settlement of the province and
corregimienio of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Andajes.

a settlement of the kingdom of Quito, in
the corregimienio of the district of Las Cinco
Leguasde la Capital, (ofthe Five Leagues from the
Capital), of which this is looked upon as a suburb
from its proximity.

CHIMBARONGO, a river of the kingdom of
Chile. It rises in the mountains of its cordillera^
and unites itself with that of Tinguiragua to enter
the Napel. This river waters and fertilizes some
very pleasant and delightful valleys, abounding in
pastures, whereon breed and fatten an infinite num-
ber of cattle. On its shores are two convents, one
ofthe religious order of Nuestra Senora de la Mer-
ced, for the instruction of the Indians in the Chris-
tian faith ; and another a house for novices, which
belonged to the regulars of the society of Jesuits ;
and also within a league’s distance from the latter,
is a convent of the order of St. Domingo.

Same name, a settlement of the province
and corregimienio of Colchagua in the same king-
dom ; situate in the Former valley, between the
rivers Tinguiririca and Teno. There is also
another small settlement annexed, with a chapel
of ease. In its district is a convent of the religious
order of La Merced.

[CHIMBO, a jurisdiction in the province of
Zinto in South America, in the torrid zone. The
capital is also called by the same name.]

CHIMBO Y ALAUSI, a province and corregimiento
of the kingdom of Quito ; bounded n. oy
the serrania of the asiento of Ambato ; s, by the
government and jurisdiction of Guayaquil ; e. by
the district of the point of Santa Elena of this govern-
ment; and ro. by the province of Riobamba. Its dis-
trict is barren and poor, and the country being
mountainous, the inhabitants have no resource for
getting their livelihood other than by acting as
carriers between the provinces of Riobamba and
Tacunga on the one hand, and the warehouses of
Babahoyo on the other, where also are the royal
magazines ; and thus they bring back goods from
the provinces of Peru, having for this traffic a
number of requas, or droves of mules, amounting
in the whole to 1500 head. This commerce can
only be carried on in the summer, the roads being
impassable in the winter through the mountains,
when they say that these are shut up : at the same
season the rivers become swollen to such a degree


CHIMALAPA, Santa María de, pueblo de la Cabecera de partido y Alcaldía mayor de Tehuantepec en Nueva España: es de temperamento frío, todo su distrito está poblado de árboles muy crecidos, especialmente de pinos, de que hacen cortes para arboladuras de Jiavíos y otras embarcaciones que conducen a la Vera-Cruz por el río de Goazacoalco: está 2 5 leguas entre Poniente y N de su Capital.

CHIMALHUACAN, pueblo de la Cabecera y Alcaldía mayor de Coatepec en Nueva España: tiene un buen Convento de Religiosos de Santo Domingo, 300 familias de Indios y 40 de Españoles, Mestizos y Mulatos, que se emplean en la labor y comercio de semillas y ganado mayor y menor que crian en las haciendas, aunque no es mucho por la escasez de aguas y de pastos,

Tiene el mismo nombre otro pueblo y Cabecera de partido en la Alcaldía mayor de Chalco del propio Reyno: tiene 166 familias de Indios, y un Convento de Religiosos de Santo Domingo: está 5 leguas al N de su Capital.

CHIMALTENANGO, provincia y Corregimiento del Reyno de Goatemala, situado en el valle de esta Capital: es muy amena, fértil y poblada de Indios.

CHIMALTEPEC,, pueblo de la Alcaldía mayor de Tlapa en Nueva España: tiene 29 familias de Indios, y está 2 leguas del Real de Minas de Cairo.
Hay otro Pueblo pequeño del mismo nombre en la Cabecera de Malacatepee y Alcaldía mayor de Nexapa, muy inmediato a su Cabecera.

CHIMAN, pueblo de la Provincia y Gobierno del Darien en el Reyno de Tierra-Firme, situado cerca de la Costa del mar del S, y a orilla del río de su nombre, con un pequeño fuerte que guarnece un destacamento de la Plaza de Panamá, para contener las invasiones que con frecuencia hacen aquellos Indios.

Tiene el mismo nombre un río de esta Provincia y Gobierno que nace en las montañas de la Costa del Sur, y sale al mar frente de la Isla del Naranjal.

CHIMENE, Puerto de la Costa del E de la Isla de San Juan en la Nueva Escocia.

CHIMIRAL, río de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Copiapó en el Reyno de Chile: nace en la Cordillera Nevada, corre al O y sale al mar en la Punta de su nombre: las mas veces trae tan poca agua, que se pierde en la playa antes de entrar al mar.

Tiene el mismo nombre con el aditamento de alto un Pueblo de esta Provincia y Reyno, situado a orilla del río antecedente.
Una Punta de la Costa del mismo Reyno.

CHIMBA, Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Coquimbo en el Reyno de Chile: tiene el célebre mineral de oro de talca que 36 años ha descubrió cerca del mar un pescador, que arrancando una mata de hojas largas y espinosas que llaman cardones para encender fuego, observó que de las raices corría oro, y examinado, se encontraron allí granos y pepitas de muy buena ley, y se estableció el mineral, dando al principio 300 y aun 500 pesos por caxon.

Tiene el mismo nombre otro Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Caxatambo en el Perú anexo al Curato de Andajes.

CHIMBACALLE, o San Juan Evangelista, Pueblo del Reyno de Quito, en el Corregimiento del distrito de las cinco leguas de la Capital, de quien se reputa como arrabal por su inmediación.

CHIMBARONGO, Río del Reyno de Chile: nace en las montañas de su Cordillera, y se junta con el de Tinguiragua para entrar en el de Rapel: riega y fertiliza unos valles muy amenos, deliciosos y abundantes de pastos en que crian y engordan muchísimo ganado: en sus orillas hay dos Conventos de Religiosos de nuestra Señora de la Merced para doctrina de aquellos Indios, y una Casa de Noviciado que fue de los Regulares de la Compañía, y a una legua de distancia de éste otra de Religiosos de Santo Domingo.

Tiene el mismo nombre un Pueblo de la Provincia y Corregimiento de Colchagua en el mismo Reyno, situado en el valle antecedente, entre los rios Tinguiririca y Teño: tiene otro Pueblecillo anexo, y una Vice-Parroquia, y en su distrito un Convento de Religiosos de la Merced.

CHIMBO Y ALAUSI Provincia y Corregimiento del Reyno de Quito: confina por el N con la Serranía del Asiento de Ambato: por el S con el Gobierno y jurisdicción de Guayaquil: por el E con el partido de la Punta de Santa Elena de esta gobernación; y por el O con la Provincia de Riobamba: su distrito es corto y muy pobre, por ser pais montuoso que no ofrece mas utilidad a sus naturales que la de conducir efectos de las Provincias de Riobamba y Tacunga, a las bodegas de Babahoyo donde están las Aduanas Reales, y volver con los de las Provincias del Perú, para cuyo trafico tienen numerosas requas que componen mas de 1500 mulas: este comercio solo le hacen en verano porque en invierno están impenetrables loscaminos de aquellos montes, que llaman cerrarse la montaña, y tan crecidos los rios,




CHIMALAPA, Santa Maria de a
settlement of the head settlement of the district and
alcaldia mayor of Tehuantepec in Nueva Espana.
It is of a cold temperature, and the whole of its
district is covered with very large trees, especially
firs fit for ship-building. Twenty-five leagues
n.w. of its capital,

CHIAMLHUACAN, a settlement of the head
settlement and alcaldia mayor of Coatepec in
Nueva Espana. It contains a good convent of the
religious order of St. Domingo, 300 families of
Spaniards, il/wsfees, and Mulattoes, who employ
themselves in labour, and in the commerce of seeds
and large and small cattle, which are bred in the
estates contiguous ; but the latter in no great de-
gree, owing to the scarcity of water and pasture
which prevails here.

Same name, another settlement and head
settlement of the district in the alcaldia mayor of
Chaleo, of the same kingdom. It contains 166
families of Indians, and a convent of the religious
order of St. Domingo. Five leagues n. of its

CHIMALTENANGO, a province and
corregimiento of the kingdom of Guatemala ; situate
in the valley of this capital. It is very pleasant
and fertile, and peopled with Indians.

CHIMALTEPEC, a settlement of the alcaldia
mayor of Tlapa in Nueva Espana. It contains 29
families of Indians, and is two leagues from the
real of the mines of Cairo.

Same name, another small settlement of the
head settlement of Malcatepec, and alcaldia mayor
of Nexapa, very near its head settlement.

CHIMAN, a settlement of the province and
government of Darien, in the kingdom of Tierra
Firme ; situate near the coast of the S. sea, and on
the shore of the river of its name, having a small
port, which is garrisoned by a detachment from
Panama, for the purpose of restraining the inva-
sions which are continually made by the Indians.

Same name, a river of this province, and govern-
ment, which rises in the mountains on the s. coast,
and runs into the sea opposite the island of Nar-

CHIMBA, a settlement of the province and
corregimiento of Coquimbo in the kingdom of
Chile. It has the celebrated talc gold-mine which
was discovered 36 years ago by a fisherman, who
pulling up a plant of large and prickly leaves,
called cordon, or fuller’s thistle, for the purpose of
fuel for his fire, observed that particles of gold
dropped from its roots; and having more narrowly
inspected it, found pieces amidst the mould of
considerable size and of very fine quality. Thus


a mine became established here, and when it was
first dug it yielded from 300 to 500 dollars each

Same name, another settlement of the province and
corregimienio of Caxatambo in Peru ; annexed to
the curacy of Andajes.

a settlement of the kingdom of Quito, in
the corregimienio of the district of Las Cinco
Leguasde la Capital, (ofthe Five Leagues from the
Capital), of which this is looked upon as a suburb
from its proximity.

CHIMBARONGO, a river of the kingdom of
Chile. It rises in the mountains of its cordillera^
and unites itself with that of Tinguiragua to enter
the Napel. This river waters and fertilizes some
very pleasant and delightful valleys, abounding in
pastures, whereon breed and fatten an infinite num-
ber of cattle. On its shores are two convents, one
ofthe religious order of Nuestra Senora de la Mer-
ced, for the instruction of the Indians in the Chris-
tian faith ; and another a house for novices, which
belonged to the regulars of the society of Jesuits ;
and also within a league’s distance from the latter,
is a convent of the order of St. Domingo.

Same name, a settlement of the province
and corregimienio of Colchagua in the same king-
dom ; situate in the Former valley, between the
rivers Tinguiririca and Teno. There is also
another small settlement annexed, with a chapel
of ease. In its district is a convent of the religious
order of La Merced.

[CHIMBO, a jurisdiction in the province of
Zinto in South America, in the torrid zone. The
capital is also called by the same name.]

CHIMBO Y ALAUSI, a province and corregimiento
of the kingdom of Quito ; bounded n. oy
the serrania of the asiento of Ambato ; s, by the
government and jurisdiction of Guayaquil ; e. by
the district of the point of Santa Elena of this govern-
ment; and ro. by the province of Riobamba. Its dis-
trict is barren and poor, and the country being
mountainous, the inhabitants have no resource for
getting their livelihood other than by acting as
carriers between the provinces of Riobamba and
Tacunga on the one hand, and the warehouses of
Babahoyo on the other, where also are the royal
magazines ; and thus they bring back goods from
the provinces of Peru, having for this traffic a
number of requas, or droves of mules, amounting
in the whole to 1500 head. This commerce can
only be carried on in the summer, the roads being
impassable in the winter through the mountains,
when they say that these are shut up : at the same
season the rivers become swollen to such a degree
