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2 revisions
josiembrum at Oct 08, 2018 10:16 AM


[fo confirm, the experiments of M. Lassone, pliy-
sicmn to the queen of France, in the cure of the
small-pox witli cow’s milk, published by himself
in the Medical Transactions of Paris for the year
1779. The couniryman, however, employed milk
alone, whereas M. De Lassone thought it advisable
to mix it with a decoction of parsley roots. These
instances would seem to prove that milk has the
singular property of lessening the virulence of this
disorder, and repressing its noxious and deadly
qualities. It is for the Jennerians to consider how
far these facts may corroborate, or what may be
their analogy to the principles that are inculcated
by the vaccine institutions of this country.

11. Manners, moral and physical . — The inhabi-
tants of the country are generally very benevolent.
Contented with a comfortable subsistence, they may
be said scarcely to know what parsimony or ava-
rice is, and are very rarely affected with tliat vice.
Their houses are open to all travellers that come,
whom they freely entertain without any idea of
pay, and often on these occasions regret that they
are not more wealthy, in order to exercise their
hospitality to a greater extent. This virtue is also
common in the cities, and Feuille observes, that
the ill return that they have frequently met with
from individuals of our nation, has never been able
to produce a diminution of tlieir native hospi-
tality.” vol. II. To this hospitality it is owing
that they have not hitherto been attentive to the
erection of inns and public lodging houses ; whicli
will, however, become necessary when the com.
merce of the interior is more increased. Lord
Anson, in his voyage, gives a particular descrip-
tion of the dexterity of the South American pea-
sants in managing the laqiii, with whicii they take
animals, either wild or domestic. In Chile, the
inhabitants of the country constantly carry this
laqui with them, fastened to their saddles, in order
to have it ready upon occasion, and are very skil-
ful in the use of it. It consists merely in a strip of
leather several fathoms in length j well twisted in
the manner of a cord, and termiiiated by a strong
noose of the same material. They make use of it
both on foot and on horseback, and in the latter
case with equal certainty, whether amidst woods,
mountains, or steep declivities. On these occa-
sions one end of it is fastened under the horse’s
belly, and the other held by the rider, who throws
it over the flying animal with a dexterity that
scarcely ever misses its aim. Herodotus makes
mention of a similar noose which was used in battle
by the Sagartians. “ The Sagartii,” he observes,
“ w ere originally of Persian descent, and use the
Persian language : they have no oflensive Aveapons

either of iron or brass, except their daggers : their
principal dependence in action is upon cords made
of twisted leather, Avhich they use in this manner ;
when they engage an enemy, they throw out these
cords, having a noose at ihe extremity ; if thej'
entangle in them either horse or man, they without
difficulty put them to death.” Bcloe’s Hcrodqtus,
vol. ill. Polymnia, p. 205. The Chilians have
also employed the laqid with much success against
the English pirates who have landed upon their
coast. TJiey are also skilful in the management of
horses, and in the opinion of travellers, who have
had an opportunity of witnessing their dexterity
and courage in this exercise, they might soon be
formed into the best body of cavalry in the world.
Their attachment to horses renders them particu-
larly fond of horse-racing, which they conduct in
the English manner. The Negroes, avIio have been
introduced into Chile Avholly by contraband means,
are subjected to a state of servitude, which may be
considered as tolerable in comparison to that which
they endure in many parts of America, Avhere the
interest of the planter stifles every sentiment of hu-
manity. As the planting of sugar and other ar-
ticles of West Indian commerce has not been esta-
blished in Chile, the slaves are employed in do-
mestic services, where by attention and diligence
they may readily acquire the favour of their mas-
ters. Those in most esteem are either such as are
born in the country of African parents, or the Mu-
latlocs, as they become more attached to the fa-
mily fo which they belong. The humanity of the
government or the inhabitants has introduced in
favour of this unfortunate race a very proper regu-
lation. Such of them as by their industry have
obtained a sum of money sufficient for the purchase
of a slave, can ransom tliemsclves by paying it to
their masters, avIu) arc obliged to receive it, and
set them at liberty ; and numbers wlio have in tliis
maimer obtained their freedom, are to be met Avith
throughout the country. The same laAv subsists
in all the Spanish colonics; and a slave Avho can-
not redeem himself entirely, is alloAved to redeem
one or more days in the Aveek, by paying a pro-
portion of his price. Those who are ill treated by
their OAvners can demand a letter of sale, Avhich is
a Avritten permission to them to seek a purchaser.
In case of the n-yister’s refusal, they have the pri-
vilege of applying to the judge of the place, aaLo
examines their complaints, and if well founded,
grants them the permission required. Such in-
stances are, however, very unusual, either because
the master, on account of his reputation, avoids re-
ducing his slaves to this extremity, or that the
slaves themselves contract such an attachment to ’
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