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14 revisions
adamrabinowitz at Sep 14, 2024 05:15 PM



clout(?) in Massachusetts and in a Connecticut news paper.
What miserable fools! For they should know that in
times like these, the favor of a Sultan means wealth
if one were base enough to betray his trust +
accept it.

There is much transpiring both at the Porte
and in diplomatic confidence, that I transfer in
Cipher, which would intensely interest you, but which
I cannot write. I violated instructions in sending
the few confidential papers I have sent to wife,
but it was to guard against future contingencies
pe[...]al to myself.

My wife must feel like a fish out of water --
nothing to do, but flounder around. Tell her just to go
over a little oftener, and look at farm -- tenants + colts
not to mention the remnant of my fine cattle -- it will
do her good. She has made a better farmer [...];
[...] I Mariah the [...] and greeting [...] new close,
Lewie I go back, for she [...] [lease?] new no [...]


There is much thankings both as the Prilo
and is [...] [...]. There I [...]
Cipher, whihc have [...] interest you, [...] which
I cannot miss. I [...] [...] in [...]
no fewer coincidences [...] I have seen to [...],
that is now to [...} again [...] coincidences
[...] to [...]
My wife [...] feel like a [...] and I wallow -
nothing to do, for dreams [...] [...] love her just to go
now a little [...], [...] loath of fame - [...] and Caleb
not to mention [...] [...] y my Lewie [...] is [...]
do her good - she has made a [...] farmer [...];
[...] I Mariah the [...] and greeting [...] new close,
Lewie I go back, for she [...] [lease?] new no [...]