| page_0019Important Notice
At our executive meeting held in Waco, Sept; 15, 1917, it was
decided to eliminate article 5 section 1 of our constitution in its en-
“Section 1. Three months previous to the annual meeting, there
shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive
Committee, a Nominating Committee of three active members, none
of whom shall be an officer of the association, and no two of whom
shall be from the same firm, who shall nominate candidates for each
office except that of Secretary-Treasurer. The ticket so nominated
by the Nominating Committee shall be mailed to each member not
less than sixty days before the annual meeting. Not less than thirty
days before the annual meeting, not less than ten active members
may nominate other candidates. Such nominations shall be in writing,
shall be signed by the members making them, and shall be placed in
the hands of the Secretary, who then shall have the names of all
legally nominated candidates printed on an official ticket with the
office for which the candidates are severally nominated, together
with a copy of this by-law and his certificate that the nominations
so printed have been made in accordance therewith. Not less than
fifteen days before the annual meeting, the official ticket shall be
sent to each active member, who may vote it by mail or in person
No other form of ticket shall be polled or counted by the judges of
election. Each member voting shall place a cross opposite the name
of the candidate for each office for whom he votes, and only the
names so indicated shall be counted by the judges of election. Each
ticket voted shall be placed in a plain, sealed envelope bearing the
name of the member voting and if voted by mail, shall be enclosed
in a second envelope and sent to the Secretary, who shall deposit
it in the ballot box if received before the hour for closing the polls,
and if voted in person, shall be deposited in the ballot box before
the hour for closing the polls.” Substitute following in its place:
“All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the asso-
ciation by a majority ballot vote of the members present. Nomina-
tions to be made from the floor, and the president shall appoint two
judges who shall count the votes cast, and report their findings to
the president.”
The United States Roofing Title Co.
Parkersburg, W. Ya.
U. S. Quarry Tiles are made from shale, thoroughly hard burned
to a beautiful red shade and the absorption is very low.
They are made in sizes 12x12 to 3x3, in thickness of 1½ to ¾
Sizes 6x6 and under are also made in ½-inch thickness.
Special attention is given to sizing and shading and the tiles
are acknowledged to be the best on the market.
Two factories are being operated on
quarry tiles, with a daily capacity of ten
thousand square feet.
The Acme Brick Co. of Fort Worth are
Texas distributors for these tiles and
carry stocks of our material at Denton,
C. H. Ruebeck is Central Texas rep-
17 | page_0019Important Notice
At our executive meeting held in Waco, Sept; 15, 1917, it was
decided to eliminate article 5 section 1 of our constitution in its en-
“Section 1. Three months previous to the annual meeting, there
shall be appointed by the President, with the approval of the Executive
Committee, a Nominating Committee of three active members, none
of whom shall be an officer of the association, and no two of whom
shall be from the same firm, who shall nominate candidates for each
office except that of Secretary-Treasurer. The ticket so nominated
by the Nominating Committee shall be mailed to each member not
less than sixty days before the annual meeting. Not less than thirty
days before the annual meeting, not less than ten active members
may nominate other candidates. Such nominations shall be in writing,
shall be signed by the members making them, and shall be placed in
the hands of the Secretary, who then shall have the names of all
legally nominated candidates printed on an official ticket with the
office for which the candidates are severally nominated, together
with a copy of this by-law and his certificate that the nominations
so printed have been made in accordance therewith. Not less than
fifteen days before the annual meeting, the official ticket shall be
sent to each active member, who may vote it by mail or in person
No other form of ticket shall be polled or counted by the judges of
election. Each member voting shall place a cross opposite the name
of the candidate for each office for whom he votes, and only the
names so indicated shall be counted by the judges of election. Each
ticket voted shall be placed in a plain, sealed envelope bearing the
name of the member voting and if voted by mail, shall be enclosed
in a second envelope and sent to the Secretary, who shall deposit
it in the ballot box if received before the hour for closing the polls,
and if voted in person, shall be deposited in the ballot box before
the hour for closing the polls.” Substitute following in its place:
“All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of the asso-
ciation by a majority ballot vote of the members present. Nomina-
tions to be made from the floor, and the president shall appoint two
judges who shall count the votes cast, and report their findings to
the president.”
The United States Roofing Title Co.
Parkersburg, W. Ya.
U. S. Quarry Tiles are made from shale, thoroughly hard burned
to a beautiful red shade and the absorption is very low.
They are made in sizes 12x12 to 3x3, in thickness of 1½ to ¾
Sizes 6x6 and under are also made in ½-inch thickness.
Special attention is given to sizing and shading and the tiles
are acknowledged to be the best on the market.
Two factories are being operated on
quarry tiles, with a daily capacity of ten
thousand square feet.
The Acme Brick Co. of Fort Worth are
Texas distributors for these tiles and
carry stocks of our material at Denton,
C. H. Ruebeck is Central Texas rep-
17 |