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3 revisions
Mjones at Sep 10, 2024 09:07 AM


John H. Van Zandt, with offices at Dallas and representing the
C. A. Dunham Co., the J. L. Mott Iron Works, Thatcher Furnace
Co., Kewanee Boiler Co., Spencer Turbine Cleaner Co. and the Amer-
ican Steam Pump Co., will be in attendance at the convention in
the interest of the well known and standard products manufactured
by these people.

Mr. Van Zandt will probably have an exhibit in the Chamber of
Commerca display room during the convention.

Some men have religion for the same reason they have putty—
to cover their sins.

The Northwestern Terra Cotta Co. will be represented at the
convention by Mr. Frank T. Johnstone, who has handled their prod-
ucts in Texas for several years.

They will have for distribution, booklets, profusely illustrated,
showing many new and important buildings which have been faced
with Northwestern Terra Cotta. One of the illustrations in the Year
Book of a building (the National Bank of West), entered for the
year's prize, was faced with their material.

The Mesker Broth- ers' Iron Co. have,
since the methods of construction have ad-
vanced, built up an enormous plant in
which they manufac- ture Fire Windows,
Fire Doors and in fact everything made if
iron and steel used in modern construction.
Their "labeled" mate- rials are extensively
used in Texas and no doubt their use will
increase with the in- crease of modern ideas
in construction.

The Texas Cement Plaster Co. is another
concern whose prod- uct is of a staple and
standard character and as the architects
should all know the arguments for cement
plasters, there is really nothing much for them to say except to
express their good wishes toward the members of the Texas State
Association of Architects.

The Kinnear Manufacturing Co. of Columbus Ohio, are makers
of Steel Rolling Doors, Shutters and Partitions and their products
are handled in Texas by the Gilbert Manufacturing Co. of Dallas,

The Texas Carnegie Steel Co. will have a representative at
the convention who will recall to the minds of the members of the
Texas State Association, the very pleasant and instructive trip to their
mammoth plant at Galveston last year.

The Dahlstrom Metallic Door Company have a job in Waco of
which they are justly proud. The Trim and Doors in the Amicable
Life Insurance Building were supplied by this concern.

The Gilbert Manufacturing Company of Dallas is their Texas

Some owners aer like newspapers; they issue extras every few

