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5 revisions
Mjones at Sep 10, 2024 08:32 AM


Southwestern Window Shades

By Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonio Texas

Builders of schools, courthouses and other public buildings ought
to find just what they have been looking for in the Southwestern
Adjustable Window Shade. It was placed on the market during the
present year, and has already won a place in the first rank.

It consists of two short shades made of cotton duck, hung in
the center of the window. One shade rolls up, the other down. Both
are securely anchored in any desired position by inelastic, braided
cords which work over frictionless pulleys. There is no complicated
mechanism, simplicity and durability being the strong features.

The shade is guaranteed for five years.

Waco Art Stone Co.

If you will notice the art stone on various buildings in Waco you
will get a good idea of the class of work we are in the habit of
turning out.

Notably the Raleigh Hotel, The Masonic Building and various
other ornamental stone jobs. We feel that our product will bear
favorable comparison with anything of the kind produced anywhere
in the country.

The Gilbert Manufacturing Co., located at Dallas, Texas, of which
Mr. Frank Jackson is the general manager, makes a specialty in
handling fireproof devices. They are the representa-
tives for the American Sheet Metal Works, of
New Orleans; Kinnear- Gear


Southwestern Window Shades

By Southwestern Seating Co., San Antonio Texas

Builders of schools, courthouses and other public buildings ought
to find just what they have been looking for in the Southwestern
Adjustable Window Shade. It was placed on the market during the
present year, and has already won a place in the first rank.

It consists of two short shades made of cotton duck, hung in
the center of the window. One shade rolls up, the other down. Both
are securely anchored in any desired position by inelastic, braided
cords which work over frictionless pulleys. There is no complicated
mechanism, simplicity and durability being the strong features.

The shade is guaranteed for five years.

Waco Art Stone Co.

If you will notice the art stone on various buildings in Waco you
will get a good idea of the class of work we are in the habit of
turning out.

Notably the Raleigh Hotel, The Masonic Building and various
other ornamental stone jobs. We feel that our product will bear
favorable comparison with anything of the kind produced anywhere
in the country.

The Gilbert Manufacturing Co., located at Dallas, Texas, of which
Mr. Frank Jackson is the general manager, makes a specialty in
handling fireproof devices. They are the representa-
tives for the American Sheet Metal Works, of
New Orleans; Kinnear- Gear