11. Don Juan Zapata y Sandoval, native
of Mexico, of the order of St. Augustin ; he came
to Spain, was regent of the college of San Gabriel
de Valladolid, and elected bishop of Chiapa in
1612 ; then promoted to the archbishopric of Gua-
temala in' 1622.
12. Don Bernardino de Salazar y Frias, native
of Burgos, canon of Jaen, .collegiate in the college
of San Antonio de Portaceli de Siguenza ; pre-
sented to the bishopric in 1622 : he died in 1623.
13. Don Alonzo Munoz, dean of the holy church
of Mexico, professor of theology ; he died before
he was consecrated.
14. Don Agustin Ugarte de Saravia, elected in
1628 ; he was promoted in 1630 to the arch-
bishopric of Guatemala.
15. Don Fray Marcos Ramirez de Prado, of the
order of St. Francis, native of Madrid ; he studied
in Salamanca arts and theology with great credit,
was guardian of the convent of Lucena, vice-com-
missary general of the Indies, and guardian of the
convent of Granada, when he was elected bishop
of Chiapa in 1632 ; he entered its church in 1635,
and was promoted to that of Mechoacan in 1639.
16. Don Fray Christoval de Lazarraga, a monk
of the order of St. Bernard, native of Madrid, was
master and professor in Salamanca, abbot of the
monastery of that city, and qualificator of the in-
quisition ; he was presented to the bishopric of
Chiapa in 1639, and promoted to that of Carta-
gena of the Indies in 1641.
17. Don Fray Domingo de Villaescusa, a monk
of the order of St. Jerome, collegian in the col-
lege of San Lorenzo el Real, prior of the monas-
tery of Espeja, and of those of Parral de Segovia,
of San Geronimo de Guisando of Madrid, visitor
of the two Castillas, and general of his order ; was
presented to the bishopric of Chiapa in 1641, go-
verned until 165 1 , when he was promoted to the
church of Y ucatan.
18. Don JFrqy Francisco Nunez de la Vega, a
monk of the order of St. Dominic.
19. Don Christoval Bernardo de Quiros, native
of Tordelaguna, canon of the churches of Are-
quipa, Quito, and of Lima, pro visor and vicar-
general of the archbishopric, and judge of the in-
quisition ; he was elected in 1660, and was pro-
moted to the archbishopric of Popayan in 1670.
20. Don Manuel Fernandez de Santa Cruz y
Sahagun, a native of Palencia in Castilla de
Cuenca, in the university of Salamanca, first canon
of Segovia, was elected in 1672, and before he ar-
rived was promoted to Guadalaxara.
21. Don
22. Don
23. Don J uan Bautista Alvarez de Toledo, na-
tive of the town of San Salvador, in the province
of G uatemala, of the religious order of St. Francis,
professor in his religion, and prelate of many con-
vents ; he was elected in 1708, and promoted to the
archbishopric of Guatemala in 1714. ,
24. Don
25. Don Fray Joseph Cubero Ramirez de Arel-
lano, a monk of the order of Nuestra Senora de la
Merced ; elected in 1734, governed 19 years, until
1753, when he died.
26. Don Fray Joseph Vidal de Montezuma, of
the order of Nuestra Senora de la Merced, a native
of Mexico ; elected in 1753, governed till 1767,
when he died.
27. Don Miguel de Cilieza y Velasco ;• elected
in the above year, governed until 1768, when he
28. Don Fray Lucas Ramirez, of the order of
St. Francis ; he was promoted to the archbishopric
of Santa Fe in 1769.
29. Don Fray Juan Manuel de Vargas y Ri-
vera, a native of Lima, monk of the order of Nues-
tra Senora de la Merced ; elected in the afore-
said year of 1769, governed until 1774, when he
30. Don Antonio Caballero y Gongora, until
the following year of 1775, when he was promoted
to the church of Yucatan.
31. Don Francisco Polanco, until 1785, when
he died ; and,
32. Don Joseph Martinez Palomino Lopez de
Lerena, elected in 1786.
Chiapa, with the appellation of Mota, a settle-
ment of the alcaldia mayor of Xilotepec in Nucva
Espana. It contains 960 families of Otomies In-
dians, and is seven leagues to the n. w. of its ca-
CHIAPANTONGO, a settlement and head
settlement of the district of the alcaldia mayor of
Xilotepec in Nueva Espana ; annexed to the
curacy of its capital, from whence it lies two
leaffues to the n. It contains 102 familes of In-
CHIAPAS, a settlement of the province and
government of Cinaloa.
CHIAPILLA, a settlement of the province and
alcaldia mayor of Chiapa, and kingdom of Guate-
mala, in the district of its capital.
CHIARA, a settlement of the province and bi-
shopric of Huamanga in Peru ; annexed to the
curacy of the parish of Santa Maria Magdalena in
that city, from whence it is three leagues distant.
CHIAUTLA, S. Andres De, a settlement and
head settlement of the alcaldia mayor of Tezcoco