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3 revisions | Mjones at Sep 09, 2024 04:31 PM | |
3936 THE SOUTHERN CHAPTER, A. I. A. Board of Directors, that at their meeting in Atlanta, Sept. 1st, On motion of Mr. Lind the meeting adjourned till eight THIRD DAY—NIGHT SESSION. Meeting opened according to adjournment. On motion of Mr. Bruce the following resolution was Resolved, That the thanks of this Chapter be extended to the Press Mr. Bruce : I desire to offer the following resolution : Resolved, That the thanks of this Chapter be unanimously extended Unanimously adopted. On motion of Mr. Burke the Secretary was voted $100.00 as The Secretary returned thanks for the kindness shown him The President : Gentlemen, I wish to speak in praise of Mr. Bruce : I move that Mr. Lind be requested to illustrate Which motion was carried, and Mr. Lind illustrated, to the The President : I must thank Mr. Lind in behalf of the | 39 |