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3 revisions
Mjones at Sep 09, 2024 04:31 PM



Board of Directors, that at their meeting in Atlanta, Sept. 1st,
1892, the resignation of W. W. Goodrich, Atlanta, Ga., of
membership in this Chapter, was accepted.

On motion of Mr. Lind the meeting adjourned till eight
o'clock tomorrow night, in order that the hospitality of the
Birmingham Street Railway Company, tendering an excursion
to the Bessemer, Howard-Harrison Pipe Works and Ensley
Furnaces, tomorrow, be accepted.


Meeting opened according to adjournment.

On motion of Mr. Bruce the following resolution was
unanimously adopted :

Resolved, That the thanks of this Chapter be extended to the Press
of this city, and to all persons who have in any way contributed to the
pleasure and success of this meeting, and especially to the persons who
have so kindly prepared and read pages upon the various topics before
this Convention, and last, but not least, of all, to the Caldwell Hotel for
its kindness and attention shown the members of this Chapter during
their stay in this city.

Mr. Bruce : I desire to offer the following resolution :

Resolved, That the thanks of this Chapter be unanimously extended
to all invited guests for the numerous courtesies and pleasant associa-
tions during our session.

Unanimously adopted.

On motion of Mr. Burke the Secretary was voted $100.00 as
a recognition of his services, for the ensuing year.

The Secretary returned thanks for the kindness shown him
during the past year, and for the co-operation of the various
officers and members, and pledged his best efforts for the con-
trol of the office for the ensuing year.

The President : Gentlemen, I wish to speak in praise of
the untiring efforts put forward by our Secretary during the
past year. I know that his duties were arduous, and I also
know that he performed them nobly, and I think that we con-
not hold the services of our Secretary in too high esteem.

Mr. Bruce : I move that Mr. Lind be requested to illustrate
his treaties on "The relation of color to music."

Which motion was carried, and Mr. Lind illustrated, to the
edification and delight of the members present.

The President : I must thank Mr. Lind in behalf of the