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4 revisions
Mjones at Sep 06, 2024 11:06 PM


There was a young man up this way,
Who couldn't make Architecture pay;
So he says to his wife,
It's the bane of my life;
Our name's not Burnett,
It's Bernet (Burneigh).

The years they sped faster and faster,
Yet he stuck to his job like a plaster?
So behold him tonight,
He has won his great fight,
He's our Friend and a damned good Toastmaster.

Sentiments to a bright young man expressed to Waco Society-
Dallas Society entertainment by Bob Potts (sometimes pronounced


There was a young man up this way,
Who couldn't make Architecture pay;
So he says to his wife,
It's the bane of my life;
Our name's not Burnett,
It's Bernet (Burneigh).

The years they sped faster and faster,
Yet he stuck to his job like a plaster?
So behold him tonight,
He has won his great fight,
He's our Friend and a damned good Toastmaster.

Sentiments to a bright young man expressed to Waco Society-
Dallas Society entertainment by Bob Potts (sometimes pronounced