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3 revisions
kmr3934 at Sep 20, 2018 04:26 PM




16. Don FV. Diego de Tores Atamairano, a
monk of the order of St. Francis, native of Trux-
illo in Estremadura, commissary-general of the
provinces of Peru ; he received his consecration at
Eiraa, entered Cartagena in 1620, and died in the
following year, 1621.

17. Don Fr. Francisco de Sotomayor, of the
order of St. Francis, native of San Tome, in the
bishopric of Tuy, guardian of the convents in
Montforte and Salamanca, difimdor general in the
chapter which was celebrated at Rome ; elected to
the bishopric of Cartagena in 1622, and promoted
to that of Quito before he left Madrid, in 1623.

18. Don Fr. Luis Ronquillo de Cordova, of the
order of the Santissirna Trinidad, native of Gra-
nada, where he read arts and theology, was mi-
nister in the convent of Malaga, and twice in that of
Seville, provincial and vicar-general of Andalucia ;
he was elected bishop in 1630 : he governed eight
years, and returned to Spain without a licence ;
he received notice of his promotion to the bishop-
ric of Truxillo in Peru, which honour he declined,
and retired to his convent in Granada, where he
died in 1642.

19. Don Fr. Christoval Perez de Lazarraga, of
the order of San Bernardo, native of Madrid,
qualificator of the inquisition ; he took to an eccle-
siastical life when quite a child, was collegian of
the college of Meira, afterwards of those of Sala-
manca and Alcala, professor of philosophy, moral
and theological, abbot of the college of Nuestra Se-
hora ' de Salamanca, a most learned theologist ;
elected and consecrated bishop of Chiapa, and be-
fore he left the court promoted to the bishopric of
Cartagena, of which he took possession in 1640 :
he thrice visited his bishopric, and after a grievous
illness of 90 days duration, died in 1648.

20. Don Francisco Rodriguez de Zepeda Val-
carcel, native of Zamora ; he studied grammar in
the town of Garcia, jurisprudence in Salamanca,
was professor of laws in Valladolid, abbot of Ci-
fuentes, and canonical doctor of the church of
Siguenza ; elected bishop of Cartagena, of which
he took possession in 1650 ; and having governed
only 11 months, he died in the following.

21. Don Diego del Castillo y Arteaga, native of
Tudela ; he studied in the university of Alcala,
was collegian of Malaga, professor of arts, hav-
ing substituted this title for that of theology, cano-
nical master of the church of Avila; presented
to the bishopric of Cartagena in 1632, which he

22. Don Garcia Martinez Cabezas, native of the
town of Don Benito in Estremadura ; he was pub-

lic professor of the institutes, primate of canons
in the university of Maese Rodrigo de Sevilla,
w hen he was adopted as provisor by the archbishop
of Lima, Don Gonzalo de Ocampo, as he passed
through that city ; he was doctoral canon of the
church of Charcas, afterwards school-master, trea-
surer, and archdeacon, from whence he went to
Lima as inquisitor, and was elected bishop of Car-
tagena, but died before he took possession of his
office, in 1653.

23. Don Antonio Sanz Lozano, native of Cava-
nillas, chief collegian iti Alcala, public professor
of theology, a man of learning and of acute ge-
nius ; being rector of his college, he was presented
by the king to the bishopric ot Cartagena, of which
he took possession in 1661, governed with great
skill for 20 years, and was promoted to the arch-
bishopric of Santa Fe in 1681.

24. Don Antonio dc Benavides and Piedrola,
native of the city of Andujar, canon of Badajoz ;
elected bishop of Cartagena in 1681 : his govern-
ment being very troublesome, and disturbed by a
cessation of religious rites, occasioned by the cir-
cumstance of the nuns of Santa Clara, who were
under the care of the religious order of St. Fran-
cis, having been put under the ordinary jurisdic-
tion, he was called to the court, and arrived there
in 1691 ; and not being willing to accept of any
other bishopric in Spain, he died in Cadiz.

25. Don Fr. Antonio Maria Casiani, monk of
Basilio, of the university of Alcala; elected in

26. Don Francisco Gomez Calleja, doctoral Ca-
non of the church of Zamora; elected in 1718.

27. Don Manuel Antoniode Silva, dean of Lima,
named through promotion of the former, who not
having accepted of the same, there became a dis-
pute as to which was rightly entitled to the bishop-
ric of Cartagena, when it was declared by the
court in favour of the former, who governed from
1725 till 1736.

28. Don Gregorio de Molleda y Clerque, native
of Lima, consecrated at Rome with the title of
bishop of Isauria, domestic prelate to his holiness,
and made bishop of Cartagena in 1736, afterwards
promoted to the see of Truxillo in 1740.

29. Don Diego Martinez Garrido, of the order
of Santiago, opponent to the professors in the uni-
versity of Salamanca; elected in 1740: he died
in 1746.

30. Don Bernardo de Arbiza y Ugarte, native
of Cuzco, in the university of which he studied
and graduated as doctor of both laws ; he was
chief auditor of the royal audience of Panama,


