| 286nardo. On the shore at its mouth the French,
under Robert la Sale, made their first establish-
ment in the year 1683.
(CANELON, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Buenos Ayres, situate on a branch of
the river of the same name, about seven leagues
n. of Monte Video. Lat. 34° 35' 23" s. Long.
56° 15' w.)
CANELONES, River of the, in the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the
s. and enters the sea on the coast of the Rio de la
Plata, on the side of Monte Video.
CANELOS, a large province of the kingdom
of Quito, discovered by Gonzalo Pizarro in the
year 1540, who gave it this name on account of
the quantity of cinnamon trees found in it, which
grow very strong, shedding an odour something
like camphor, and very pungent. This cinnamon,
which is called raspado, is carried to Quito, and
sold at six reals a pound, being made use of in-
stead of the fine cinnamon. A small viper is fre-
quently met with in it of the same colour as the
cinnamon, and extremely venomous. This pro-
vince is uncultivated, full of impenetrable forests
and rivers, and contains only one settlement of the
same name, on the n. shore of the river Bobonaza,
in which is the port of Canoas, and the residence
of a religious Dominican, who is the curate of
those few miserable Indians. In lat. 1° 32' 20" s.
CANES AND Canches, a province and cor-
regiminto of Peru, bounded on the e. by Cara-
baya, towards the town of Mauclani, on the s. e.
by Lampa in the cordillera of Villacanota, on
the s. by Cailloma, s. e. by a part of the province
of Condesuios of Arequipa, w. by Chumbivilca,
being divided by the river Apurimac, and n. w.
by Quispicanchi. It is in length from n. to s.
30 leagues, and 15 in width : Its climate is, for
the greater part, extremely cold, on account of
its being nearly covered with mountains of snow ;
nevertheless they cultivate here barley, maize,
potatoes, cavi, and quinoa; and in the warm parts,
which consist of uneven and broken grounds near
the rivers, some kinds of fruit, though in no abun-
dance. Here also are great quantities of animals
which breed upon the mountains from the luxu-
riance of the pastures ; and of these are the vigog-
nes, huanacos, and viscachas, which latter are a
species of hare or rabbit ; deer also, and par-
tridges, abound here. In the rivers are found
bagres a foot in length. The principal rivers
which water this province, are the Vilcamayo,
which runs from the province of Quispicanchi,
into which runs another flowing down from the
snowy sierras on the e. part called Combapata.
This river has a stone bridge, and descends from
the heights of Cailloma. This province has many
lakes, which are filled with water-fowl, such as
ducks, widgeons, and others ; these birds are
found more particularly in lake Lanchug, which is
three leagues long and one and a half broad, and
in it there is also found the load-stone. Linen
cloth is fabricated here. In the district of San
Pedro de Cacha, in a place called Rache, there is
an ancient and grand edifice with nine gates, half
of the walls of which, as high as the first stories,
are made of carved stone ; the rest of the edifice
being of earth upon five galleries of stone, forming
as it were so many other walls. This building is
said to have served as a temple in Viracocha in the
time of the gentilism of the Indians. At a small
distance there is an artificial lake with aqueducts
which keep it always at a proper height ; this
lake is situate upon a black mountain, which may
be about two leagues in circumference ; also in
the same vicinity are vestiges of a considerable
population, and here is found a mineral earth
from which they fabricate jars, large pitchers, and
other vessels, which are carried to be sold in the
neighbouring provinces. In this province are
many mines of silver, but they are not worked, on
account of their being some of them filled with
water, and some of them broken in, with the ex-
ception, however, of those of Condoroma, which,
although they have experienced the former ca-
lamity, do not fail to render yearly many marks
of gold, a pretty good testimony of their riches.
Great indeed have been the labour and expence in
the attempts to empty them of the water, but in
this they have not as yet succeeded. Here are also
four good sugar-mills ; and in the jurisdiction of
the town of Yauri, are two mines of copper, which
are worked : Some gold mines also are not wanting,
although they be of little note. In the establish-
ment of Condoroma it is not unusual to expe-
rience, in the tempests of thunder and lightning,
a sort of prickly sensation on the hands and feet
and other parts of the body, which they call mos-
cas, or flies, without, however, being able to
discover any of these insects ; and it should seem
that the effect is to be attributed to the state of the
atmosphere, since the heads' of canes, buckles,
and silver or gold galloons, though during such
times highly affected by the electric matter, cease
to be so on the cessation of the tempest. The in-
habitants of this province amount to 18,000 souls,
dwelling in 24 settlements, which are,
Sicuani, Tunganuca,
San Pablo, Yanacoa,
Chacuyupi, Layo,
Translation | 286nardo. On the shore at its mouth the French,
under Robert la Sale, made their first establish-
ment in the year 1683.
(CANELON, a town of the province and go-
vernment of Buenos Ayres, situate on a branch of
the river of the same name, about seven leagues
n. of Monte Video. Lat. 34° 35' 23" s. Long.
56° 15' w.)
CANELONES, River of the, in the province
and government of Buenos Ayres. It runs to the
s. and enters the sea on the coast of the Rio de la
Plata, on the side of Monte Video.
CANELOS, a large province of the kingdom
of Quito, discovered by Gonzalo Pizarro in the
year 1540, who gave it this name on account of
the quantity of cinnamon trees found in it, which
grow very strong, shedding an odour something
like camphor, and very pungent. This cinnamon,
which is called raspado, is carried to Quito, and
sold at six reals a pound, being made use of in-
stead of the fine cinnamon. A small viper is fre-
quently met with in it of the same colour as the
cinnamon, and extremely venomous. This pro-
vince is uncultivated, full of impenetrable forests
and rivers, and contains only one settlement of the
same name, on the n. shore of the river Bobonaza,
in which is the port of Canoas, and the residence
of a religious Dominican, who is the curate of
those few miserable Indians. In lat. 1° 32' 20" s.
CANES AND Canches, a province and cor-
regiminto of Peru, bounded on the e. by Cara-
baya, towards the town of Mauclani, on the s. e.
by Lampa in the cordillera of Villacanota, on
the s. by Cailloma, s. e. by a part of the province
of Condesuios of Arequipa, w. by Chumbivilca,
being divided by the river Apurimac, and n. w.
by Quispicanchi. It is in length from n. to s.
30 leagues, and 15 in width : Its climate is, for
the greater part, extremely cold, on account of
its being nearly covered with mountains of snow ;
nevertheless they cultivate here barley, maize,
potatoes, cavi, and quinoa; and in the warm parts,
which consist of uneven and broken grounds near
the rivers, some kinds of fruit, though in no abun-
dance. Here also are great quantities of animals
which breed upon the mountains from the luxu-
riance of the pastures ; and of these are the vigog-
nes, huanacos, and viscachas, which latter are a
species of hare or rabbit ; deer also, and par-
tridges, abound here. In the rivers are found
bagres a foot in length. The principal rivers
which water this province, are the Vilcamayo,
which runs from the province of Quispicanchi,
into which runs another flowing down from the
snowy sierras on the e. part called Combapata.
This river has a stone bridge, and descends from
the heights of Cailloma. This province has many
lakes, which are filled with water-fowl, such as
ducks, widgeons, and others ; these birds are
found more particularly in lake Lanchug, which is
three leagues long and one and a half broad, and
in it there is also found the load-stone. Linen
cloth is fabricated here. In the district of San
Pedro de Cacha, in a place called Rache, there is
an ancient and grand edifice with nine gates, half
of the walls of which, as high as the first stories,
are made of carved stone ; the rest of the edifice
being of earth upon five galleries of stone, forming
as it were so many other walls. This building is
said to have served as a temple in Viracocha in the
time of the gentilism of the Indians. At a small
distance there is an artificial lake with aqueducts
which keep it always at a proper height ; this
lake is situate upon a black mountain, which may
be about two leagues in circumference ; also in
the same vicinity are vestiges of a considerable
population, and here is found a mineral earth
from which they fabricate jars, large pitchers, and
other vessels, which are carried to be sold in the
neighbouring provinces. In this province are
many mines of silver, but they are not worked, on
account of their being some of them filled with
water, and some of them broken in, with the ex-
ception, however, of those of Condoroma, which,
although they have experienced the former ca-
lamity, do not fail to render yearly many marks
of gold, a pretty good testimony of their riches.
Great indeed have been the labour and expence in
the attempts to empty them of the water, but in
this they have not as yet succeeded. Here are also
four good sugar-mills ; and in the jurisdiction of
the town of Yauri, are two mines of copper, which
are worked : Some gold mines also are not wanting,
although they be of little note. In the establish-
ment of Condoroma it is not unusual to expe-
rience, in the tempests of thunder and lightning,
a sort of prickly sensation on the hands and feet
and other parts of the body, which they call mos-
cas, or flies, without, however, being able to
discover any of these insects ; and it should seem
that the effect is to be attributed to the state of the
atmosphere, since the heads' of canes, buckles,
and silver or gold galloons, though during such
times highly affected by the electric matter, cease
to be so on the cessation of the tempest. The in-
habitants of this province amount to 18,000 souls,
dwelling in 24 settlements, which are,
Sicuani, Tunganuca,
San Pablo, Yanacoa,
Chacuyupi, Layo,
TranslationCANELOS, Provincia grande del Reyno de Quito: la descubrió Gonzalo Pizarro, el año de 1 5 40, y le dio este nombre por los muchos árboles de canela silvestre de que abunda, y es muy fuerte, tirando su olor a alcanfor y de grande actividad; se lleva a Quito, que llaman raspada, y se vende a 6 reales la libra, supliendo por la fina; con frequencia se encuentra entre ella una víbora peqúeñita del mismo color de la canela, y sumamente venenosa: esta Provincia está inculta, llena de bosques impenetrables y de ríos, y solo tiene un Pueblo del mismo nombre a la orilla septentrional del río Bobonaza, en que está el Puerto de Canoas, y reside un Religioso Dominico, que es el Párroco de aquellos pocos Indios miserables: está en 1 grad. 32 min. 20 seg. de lat. aust.
CANELONES, Río de los, en la Provincia y Gobierno de Buenos Ayres: corre al S, y sale al mar en la Costa del río de la Plata, al lado de Montevideo.
CANES y Canches, Provincia y Corregimiento del Perú; confina por el E con la de Carabaya, hacia el Pueblo de Maculani, por el SE con la de Lampa, en la Cordillera de Villacanota, por el S con la de Cailloma, por el SE con parte de la de Condesuios de Arequipa, por el O con la de Chumbivilca, dividiéndola el río Apurimac, por el NO con la de Qnispicanchi; tiene de largo de N a S 30 leguas y 1 5 de ancho; su temperamento es sumamente frío en la mayor parte, por tener casi toda ella muchos cerros nevados: cultívanse no obstante trigo, cebada, maíz, papas, ocas y quinoa, y en los parages calientes, que son las quebradas cercanas a los rios, alguna fruta aunque no con abundancia; en los altos se cria ganado por el mucho pasto que hay, y también crecido número de vicuñas, huanacos y viscachas, que son corno liebres o conejos, ciervos y perdices: en los rios se cogen bagres hasta de una tercia de largo; los que la bañan son Vilcamayo, que sale de la Provincia de Quispicanchi, en el qual entra otro que viene de las sierras nevadas de la parte del E nombrado Combapata, que tiene un puente de piedra, y baxa de los altos de Cailioma. Hay muchas lagunas que crian con abundancia aves de agua, como patos, gallaretas y otras, especialmente en la de Lanhuy, que tiene 3 leguas de largo y una y media de ancho, hállase piedra imán, y se fabrica alguna ropa de la tierra: en el distrito de San Pedro de Cacha, en un parage nombrado Rache, se ve un edificio antiguo y grande, con nueve puertas; la mitad de las paredes de piedra labrada, y la otra de tierra sobre cinco andenes de piedras, que sirven de otros tantos muros; dícese que sirvió de Templo en Viracocha en tiempo de la gentilidad de los indios: a una quadra de distancia hay una laguna hecha a mano, con conductos de agua que la mantienen siempre en un mismo ser; su sitio es una montaña negra, que tendrá 2 leguas de circuito, y en su inmediación hay vestigios de una población grande, en que se halla un mineral de tierra con que fabrican tinajas, cántaros y vasijas, que llevan a vender a las Provincias vecinas: el año de J582 a 22 de Enero se hundió en Janoaca un Pueblo con sus habitantes; hállanse en esta Provincia muchas minas de plata; pero no se trabajan por haberse aguado unas y derrumbado otras, a excepción de las del asiento de Condoroma, que aunque han padecido el primer accidente, dan todavía muchos marcos al año por haber sido abundantes; se han hecho muchas diligencias y grandes gastos para desaguarlas, pero no se ha conseguido; hay 4 trapiches corrientes, y en la jurisdicción del Pueblo de Yauri dos minas de cobre que se trabajan, y no faltan algunas de oro; pero de poca consideración: en el asiento de Condoroma se experimenta en las tempestades de truenos y relámpagos unas picadas a las manos, cara y otras partes, que llaman moscas, sin verse alguno de estos insectos, y parece poderse atribuir al ayre muy electrizado entonces, porque lo mismo se, observa en los puños de bastón, evillas y galones, lo qual cesa quando acaba la tempestad J en cuyo tiempo se hace muy activa en estos parages la electricidad que no se ha visto en otras: los habitantes de esta Provincia llegan a 18.000 en 24 Pueblos, que son:
San Pedro de Caca
San Pablo.
Pueblo Nuevo.
Santuario de Tan-
Layo. |