| 19A G U
anti government of Darien, near the n. coast, and
thus "called from an eagle Avitli two heads, which
was caught here in 1608, and which Avas sent to
the queen, Doha Maria-Ana of Austria, mother
of Philip III. At its skirt is a bay, or swampy
ground, which is round, and has a very narroAV
inlet. Forty-five leagues from Cartagena.
Aguila (point), a point or cape of the larger island of
the Malvinas or Falkland isles ; thus named from
having been discovered by the French frigate, the
Aguila, or Eagle. It is one of those whith form
tlie great bay or port.
AGUILUSCO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of the district of Arantzan, and alcaldia
mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishop-
ric of Mechoacan. It contains 32 families of In-
dians, who employ themselves in sowing seed,
cutting Avood, manufacturing vessels of fine
earth en-Avare, and saddle-trees for riding.
AGUIRRE, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Venezuela. It rises by the side of the
city of Niura, runs s. passes through the town of
San Carlos, and enters the Sarara.
Aguirre (pastures), some pastures for young horses in
the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo, of
the kingdom of Chile, between the rivers Ramos
and Mamas,
AGUJA, Point of the, on the coast of Tierra
Firme, and of the province and government of
Santa Marta, between this city and Cape Chichi-
bacoa. It is the part of land which projects far-
thest into the sea.
Aguja, Point of the, another point on the
coast of the S. sea,, and of the province and corre-
gimiento of Piura in Peru.
Aguja, Point of the. See article Eguille.
AGUR, Francisco, a settlement of the pro-
vince and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Bra-
zil, situate near the coast and the bay of Espiritu
AGUSTIN, San, a capital city of the pro-
vince and government of E. Florida, situate on the
e. coast, in a peninsula, or narrow strip of land.
It has a good port, which was discovered by Ad-
miral Pedro Menendes de Aviles, on St. Augus-.
tin’s day in the year 1565, which was his reason
for giving the place this title, which has, however,
been tAvice changed. He also built here a good
castle for its defence. The city has a very good
parish church, and a convent of the Franciscan
order; and, as far as relates to its spiritual con-
cerns, it is subject to the bishop of Cuba, who has
at various times proposed the erection of an
abbey, but has not obtained his wish, although it
had been approved by the council of the Indies.
It has two hospitals, one for the garrison troops,
and another for the community ; it has also an
hermitage, Avith the dedicatory title of Santa Bar-
bara. It was burnt by Francis Drake in 1586;
by Captain Davis, Avith the Bucaniers, in 1665 ;
but it was immediately afterwards rebuilt. In
1702 it Avas besieged by the English, under the
command of Colonel Moore, who, failing in his
attempts to take the castle, which Avas defended by
the governor, Don Joseph de Zuniga, exhibited
his revenge by burning and destroying the town.
In 1744 the English returned to the siege, under
the command of General Oglethorp, who was
equally unsuccessful, in as much as it w^as most
valiantly defended by the governor, Don Manuel
de Montiano, who defied the bombardment of the
enemy. This fort has a curtain of 60 toises long ;
the parapet is nine feet ; and the terrace, or horizon-
tal surface of the rampart, is 20 feet high, with
good bomb-proof casemates, and mounted Avith 50
pieces of cannon, having also, on the exterior, an
excellent covered way. The city, although it is
encompassed by a wall, is not strong, and its de-
fence consists in 10 projecting angles. It was ced-
ed, Avith the whole of the province, to the English,
by the King ofSpain, in the peace of Versailles, in
1762 ; and it remained in their possession till 1783,
when it was restored by the treaty of Paris. The
breakers at the entrance of the harbour have
formed two channels, whose bars have eight feet of
water each. Long. 81° 40'. Lat. 29° 58'.
Agustin, San, a settlement and real of mines,
of the province of Tarauraara, in the kingdotli of
Nueva Vizcaya, which was formerly a population
of some consequence, and wealthy withal, from
the richness of its mines, Avhich -have lately fallea
into decay, and thereby entailed poverty upon the
inhabitants. It is 26 leagues s. of the town of S,
Felipe de Chiguagua.
Agustin, San, another small settlement or
w ard of the head settlement of the district of Zum-
pahuacan, and alcaldia mayor of Marinalco, in
Nueva España.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the head
settlement of the district of Nopaluca, and alcaldia
mayor of Tepcaca, in Nueva España. It contains
20 families of Indians, and is distant a little more
than a league from its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another, in the head settlement
of the district of Pinoteca, and alcaldia mayor of
Xicayan. It contains 70 families of Indians, who
trade in grain, seeds, and tobacco. Four league
n. of its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the dis-
trict of Cuilapa, and the alcaldia mayor of Quatro
D 2
Translation | 19A G U
anti government of Darien, near the n. coast, and
thus "called from an eagle Avitli two heads, which
was caught here in 1608, and which Avas sent to
the queen, Doha Maria-Ana of Austria, mother
of Philip III. At its skirt is a bay, or swampy
ground, which is round, and has a very narroAV
inlet. Forty-five leagues from Cartagena.
Aguila (point), a point or cape of the larger island of
the Malvinas or Falkland isles ; thus named from
having been discovered by the French frigate, the
Aguila, or Eagle. It is one of those whith form
tlie great bay or port.
AGUILUSCO, a settlement of the head settle-
ment of the district of Arantzan, and alcaldia
mayor of Valladolid, in the province and bishop-
ric of Mechoacan. It contains 32 families of In-
dians, who employ themselves in sowing seed,
cutting Avood, manufacturing vessels of fine
earth en-Avare, and saddle-trees for riding.
AGUIRRE, a river of the province and go-
vernment of Venezuela. It rises by the side of the
city of Niura, runs s. passes through the town of
San Carlos, and enters the Sarara.
Aguirre (pastures), some pastures for young horses in
the province and corregimiento of Coquimbo, of
the kingdom of Chile, between the rivers Ramos
and Mamas,
AGUJA, Point of the, on the coast of Tierra
Firme, and of the province and government of
Santa Marta, between this city and Cape Chichi-
bacoa. It is the part of land which projects far-
thest into the sea.
Aguja, Point of the, another point on the
coast of the S. sea,, and of the province and corre-
gimiento of Piura in Peru.
Aguja, Point of the. See article Eguille.
AGUR, Francisco, a settlement of the pro-
vince and captainship of Espiritu Santo in Bra-
zil, situate near the coast and the bay of Espiritu
AGUSTIN, San, a capital city of the pro-
vince and government of E. Florida, situate on the
e. coast, in a peninsula, or narrow strip of land.
It has a good port, which was discovered by Ad-
miral Pedro Menendes de Aviles, on St. Augus-.
tin’s day in the year 1565, which was his reason
for giving the place this title, which has, however,
been tAvice changed. He also built here a good
castle for its defence. The city has a very good
parish church, and a convent of the Franciscan
order; and, as far as relates to its spiritual con-
cerns, it is subject to the bishop of Cuba, who has
at various times proposed the erection of an
abbey, but has not obtained his wish, although it
had been approved by the council of the Indies.
It has two hospitals, one for the garrison troops,
and another for the community ; it has also an
hermitage, Avith the dedicatory title of Santa Bar-
bara. It was burnt by Francis Drake in 1586;
by Captain Davis, Avith the Bucaniers, in 1665 ;
but it was immediately afterwards rebuilt. In
1702 it Avas besieged by the English, under the
command of Colonel Moore, who, failing in his
attempts to take the castle, which Avas defended by
the governor, Don Joseph de Zuniga, exhibited
his revenge by burning and destroying the town.
In 1744 the English returned to the siege, under
the command of General Oglethorp, who was
equally unsuccessful, in as much as it w^as most
valiantly defended by the governor, Don Manuel
de Montiano, who defied the bombardment of the
enemy. This fort has a curtain of 60 toises long ;
the parapet is nine feet ; and the terrace, or horizon-
tal surface of the rampart, is 20 feet high, with
good bomb-proof casemates, and mounted Avith 50
pieces of cannon, having also, on the exterior, an
excellent covered way. The city, although it is
encompassed by a wall, is not strong, and its de-
fence consists in 10 projecting angles. It was ced-
ed, Avith the whole of the province, to the English,
by the King ofSpain, in the peace of Versailles, in
1762 ; and it remained in their possession till 1783,
when it was restored by the treaty of Paris. The
breakers at the entrance of the harbour have
formed two channels, whose bars have eight feet of
water each. Long. 81° 40'. Lat. 29° 58'.
Agustin, San, a settlement and real of mines,
of the province of Tarauraara, in the kingdotli of
Nueva Vizcaya, which was formerly a population
of some consequence, and Avcalthy withal, from
the richness of its mines, Avhich -have lately fallea
into decay, and thereby entailed poverty upon the
inhabitants. It is 26 leagues s. of the town of S,
Felipe de Chiguagua.
Agustin, San, another small settlement or
w ard of the head settlement of the district of Zum-
pahuacan, and alcaldia mayor of Marinalco, in
Nueva Espaiia.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the head
settlement of the district of Nopialuca, and alcaldia
mayor of Tepcaca, in Nueva Espana. It contains
20 families of Indians, and is distant a little more
than a league from its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another, in the head settlement
of the district of Piuoteca, and alcaldia mayor of
Xicayan. It contains 70 families of Indians, who
trade in grain, seeds, and tobacco. Four league#
n. of its head settlement.
Agustin, San, another settlement of the dis-
trict of Cuilapa, and the alcaldia mayor of Quatro
D 2
Translation |