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16 revisions | mjgandini at Aug 21, 2018 10:30 AM | |
6alcaldía mayor of Chiapa, in the kingdom of Guatemala. Lat. 16° 53' N Long. 93° 52' W. It is situate on the Tobasco river, near the city of Chiapa, and not far from a bay in the S. sea, called Teguantipac. ACAPAZINGO, San Diego DE, the head settlement of the district and alcaldía mayor of Cuernavaca. ACAPETLAHUAIA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Escateopan, and alcaldía mayor of Zaqualpa. It contains 180 Indian families. ACAPONETA, the alcaldía mayor of the kingdom of Galicia, and bishopric of Guadalaxara, in Nueva España. Its jurisdiction is reduced. It enjoys various hot and cold temperatures, and has therefore the crops peculiar to both climates; and the same are sown in its district, and produce abundantly. The capital is the town of the same name, situate between the two rivers St. Pedro and de Cartas ; the latter dividing Nueva España from the provinces of Rosario and Cinaloa, as also the bishoprics of Durango and Gaudalaxara, from whence it is distant 83 leagues, W. N. W. It has a convent of the order of St. Francisco. Long. 105° 40' 30". Lat. 22° 43' 30". ACAPULCO, the capital city of the government of Nueva España, situate on the coast of the S. sea. Its inhabitants amount to nearly 400 families of Chinese, Mulattoes, and Negroes. It has a parish church, with two vicars, and two convents, one of the order of St. Francis, and the other of St. Hyppolite de la Casidad, which is a royal hospital ; an office of public accounts, with an accountant and treasurer for the managing and keeping the accounts of the duties produced by the goods brought in the China ships. The city is small, and the churches and houses are moderately ornamented. The greater part of the city is on the seashore. The air is of an extremely hot and moist temperature ; for, independent of its being in the torrid zone, it is entirely shut oxit from the N. winds, being surrounded by lofty serranias. These circumstances render it very unhealthy, especially in the wet season, on account of the damps and seawinds blowing from the S. E. to the great detriment of the inhabitants and merchants who come to trade here ; this being the principal cause why there are scarcely more than eight Spanish families who reside here. It is equally in want of every sort of provision, owing to the reduced and barren state of the land, and is forced to seek its necessary supplies from the Indian settlements within its jurisdiction. The only commerce which it can be said to have, is afair which is held on the arrival of the ships from China ; and when these depart, there are no other means for the people of maintaining a trade, and if the above resource should happen to fail for three or four years, the place must inevitably be abandoned. At the distance of a musketshot, and on a promontory running far into the sea, is situate the castle and royal fort of San Diego, mounted with 31 pieces of artillery, the greater part of them 24 pounders, for the defence of the entrance of the port, which is safe, and so spacious, that 500 ships can lay at anchor in it with ease. It is surrounded by lofty rising grounds. Its principal mouth is on the S. side, formed by an Island of an oblong figure, and somewhat inclining to the S. W. The same Island forms also Acatlan mouth, which they call chica, or little. The canals on either side of the Island are 25 fathoms deep. The governor of the castle has the rank of castellano, with the title of lieutenant general of the coasts of the S. sea ; and for the defence of these coasts, there are three companies of militia, composed of the the whole of the inhabitants, namely, one company of Chinese, another of Mulattoes, and the third of Negroes, who run to arms whenever they hear the cannon fired three times at short intervals. In the settlements of its neighbourhood they grow cotton, maize, and other seeds, vegetables and fruits. They have cattle of the large and small kind, and some tobacco, all of which productions are sufficient for the use of the castle and the city, which is 80 leagues distant from Mexico. — [The famous cut in the mountain, (Abra de San Nicholas), near the bay de la Langosta, for the admission of the sea winds, was recently finished. The population of this miserable town, inhabited almost exclusively by people of colour, amounts to 9000 at the time of the arrival of the Manilla galleon (nao de China). Its habitual population is only 4000. The chief trade of Acapulco continues still to be its commerce with Manilla. The Manilla ship arrives once a year at Acapulco, with a cargo of Indian goods, valued at 12 or 1300,000 dollars, and carries back silver in exchange, with a very small quantity of American produce, and some European goods. Lat. according to Humboldt, 16° 50' 29". Long, by ditto, 99° 46'. Lat. according to the Spaniards, 16° 50' 30". Long, by ditto, 160°. Both longitudes being measured from the meridian of Greenwich.] TranslationACAPAZINGO San Diego de , Pueblo de la Cabecera de Partido y Alcaldía mayor de Cuernavaca. ACAPETLAHUAIA,Pueblo de la Cabecera de Partido de Escateopan, y Alcaldía mayor de Zaqualpa: tiene 180 familias de Indios. ACAPONETA, Alcaldía mayor del Reyno de Nueva Galicia, y Obispado de Guadalaxara en Nueva España: su jurisdicción es reducida; goza de varios temperamentos cálidos y frios, y por esto son abundantes las cosechas que coje de frutos propios de ambos climas, que se cultivan en su distrito. La Capital es el Pueblo del mismo nombre situado éntrelos dos rios de S. Pedro y de Cañas; y este es el que divide la Nueva España de las Provincias del Rosario y de Cinaloa, y también los Obispados de Durangó y Guadalaxará, de donde dista 83 leguas a el O NO. Tiene un Convento de Religiosos de S. Francisco. Longitud 260 5. Latitud 22 10. ACAPULCO, Ciudad Capital de Gobierno, situada en la Costa de la Mar del S: su vecindario es de cerca de 400 Familias de Chinos, Mulatos y Negros. Tiene una Iglesia Parroquial con dos Vicarios; y dos Conventos de Religiosos, uno de S. Francisco, y otro de San Hipólito de la Caridad, que es Hospital Real; una Contaduría con dos Oficiales Reales, que son Contador y Tesorero, para cobrar y llevar la cuenta de los derechos que producen los géneros, que conducen las Naos de China. La Ciudad es pequeña y moderada en el adorno de sus Templos y casas; cuya mayor parte ésta en la Playa. El temperamento sumamente cálido y húmedo; porque ademas de hallarse situada en la Zona Tórrida, carece de los vientos Nortes, por estar circunvalada de altas Serranías, y estas calidades la hacen muy enferma, especialmente en tiempo de aguas con motivo de las humedades y vientos marítimos del SE, con mucho estrago de sus habitantes, y de los Comerciantes que allí concurren; siendo esta, la causa principal porque estrañando el clima, apenas lo habitan 8 familias Españolas. Carece al mismo tiempo de toda especie de víveres por lo reducido y estéril de su distrito; y es necesario que los Indios de los Pueblos de su jurisdicción la provean de todo lo necesario. El único comercio que la mantiene es la Feria que se celebra guando llegan las Naos de China; pero luego que se van, no les queda a sus vecinos otro trato en que exercitarsc; y si pasaran tres o quatro años sin ellas, abandonarían la Población. A distancia de un tiro, de mosquete de ella, en un Promontorio que sale al mar, está situado el Castillo y Real Fuerza de San Diego, coronado con 31 piezas de artillería, la mayor parte de a 24, para defender la entrada al Puerto, que es seguro y espacioso; de modo que pueden anclar en él 500 Navios cómodamente: está rodeado de cerros, y su boca principal a la banda del S, con una Isleta de mas longitud que latitud, y alguna inclinación al SO, que divide otra boca, que llaman Chica, y ambos Canales tienen 25 brazas de fondo. El Gobernador del Castillo es Castellano con título de Teniente General de las Costas de la mar del S; para cuyo resguardo compone todo el vecindario tres Compañías de Milicias, una de Chinos, otra de Mulatos, y la tercera de Negros, que ocurren a tomar las armas siempre que oyen tres cañonazos disparados con intermisión. En los Pueblos de su distrito se cria algodón, maíz, y otras semillas, hortalizas y frutas, ganado mayor y menor, y algún tabaco; de cuyos géneros abastece al Castillo y la Ciudad, que dista de Mexico 80 leguas, Longitud 272. 10, Latitud 17 45. ACARAGA, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay. Viene de la de el Paraná, y corriendo al O desemboca en el Uruguay, donde está la Ciudad de la Asumpcion, es navegable para Canoas en todo su curso, y muy abundante de pescado. | 6alcaldía mayor of Chiapa, in the kingdom of Guatemala. Lat. 16° 53' N Long. 93° 52' W. It is situate on the Tobasco river, near the city of Chiapa, and not far from a bay in the S. sea, called Teguantipac. ACAPAZINGO, San Diego DE, the head settlement of the district and alcaldía mayor of Cuernavaca. ACAPETLAHUALA, a settlement of the head settlement of the district of Escateopan, and alcaldía mayor of Zaqualpa. It contains 180 Indian families. ACAPONETA, the alcaldía mayor of the kingdom of Galicia, and bishopric of Guadalaxara, in Nueva España. Its jurisdiction is reduced. It enjoys various hot and cold temperatures, and has therefore the crops peculiar to both climates; and the same are sown in its district, and produce abundantly. The capital is the town of the same name, situate between the two rivers St. Pedro and de Cartas ; the latter dividing Nueva España from the provinces of Rosario and Cinaloa, as also the bishoprics of Durango and Gaudalaxara, from whence it is distant 83 leagues, w. n. w. It has a convent of the order of St. Francisco. Long. 105° 40' 30". Lat. 22° 43' 30". ACAPULCO, the capital city of the government of Nueva España, situate on the coast of the S. sea. Its inhabitants amount to nearly 400 families of Chinese, Mulattoes, and Negroes. It has a parish church, with two vicars, and two convents, one of the order of St. Francis, and the other of St. Hyppolite de la Casidad, which is a royal hospital ; an office of public accounts, with an accountant and treasurer for the managing and keeping the accounts of the duties produced by the goods brought in the China ships. The city is small, and the churches and houses are moderately ornamented. The greater part of the city is on the seashore. The air is of an extremely hot and moist temperature ; for, independent of its being in the torrid zone, it is entirely shut oxit from the n. winds, being surrounded by lofty serranias. These circumstances render it very unhealthy, especially in the wet season, on account of the damps and seawinds blowing from the s. e. to the great detriment of the inhabitants and merchants who come to trade here ; this being the principal cause why there are scarcely more than eight Spanish families who reside here. It is equally in want of every sort of provision, owing to the reduced and barren state of the land, and is forced to seek its necessary supplies from the Indian settlements within its jurisdiction. The only commerce which it can be said to have, is afair which is held on the arrival of the ships from China ; and when these depart, there are no other means for the people of maintaining a trade, and if the above resource should happen to fail for three or four years, the place must inevitably be abandoned. At the distance of a musketshot, and on a promontory running far into the sea, is situate the castle and royal fort of San Diego, mounted with 31 pieces of artillery, the greater part of them 24 pounders, for the defence of the entrance of the port, which is safe, and so spacious, that 500 ships can lay at anchor in it with ease. It is surrounded by lofty rising grounds. Its principal mouth is on the s. side, formed by an Island of an oblong figure, and somewhat inclining to the s. w. The same Island forms also Acatlan mouth, which they call chica, or little. The canals on either side of the Island are 25 fathoms deep. The governor of the castle has the rank ofcastellano, with the title of lieutenantgeneral of the coasts of the S. sea ; and for the defence of these coasts, there are three companies of militia, composed of the the whole of the inhabitants, namely, one company of Chinese, another of Mulattoes, and the third of Negroes, who run to arms whenever they hear the cannon fired three times at short intervals. In the settlements of its neighbourhood they grow cotton, maize, and other seeds, vegetables and fruits. They have cattle of the large and small kind, and some tobacco, all of which productions are sufficient for the use of the castle and the city, which is 80 leagues distant from Mexico. — [The famous cut in the mountain, (Abra de San Nicholas), near the bay de la Langosta, for the admission of the sea winds, was recently finished. The population of this miserable town, inhabited almost exclusively by people of colour, amounts to 9000 at the time of the arrival of the Manilla galleon (nao de China). Its habitual population is only 4000. The chief trade of Acapulco continues still to be its commerce with Manilla. The Manilla ship arrives once a year at Acapulco, with a cargo of Indian goods, valued at 12 or 1300,000 dollars, and carries back silver in exchange, with a very small quantity of American produce, and some European goods. Lat. according to Humboldt, 16° 50' 29". Long, by ditto, 99° 46'. Lat. according to the Spaniards, 16° 50' 30". Long, by ditto, 160°. Both longitudes being measured from the meridian of Greenwich.] TranslationACAPAZINGO San Diego de , Pueblo de la Cabecera de Partido y Alcaldía mayor de Cuernavaca. ACAPETLAHUAIA,Pueblo de la Cabecera de Partido de Escateopan, y Alcaldía mayor de Zaqualpa: tiene 180 familias de Indios. ACAPONETA, Alcaldía mayor del Reyno de Nueva Galicia, y Obispado de Guadalaxara en Nueva España: su jurisdicción es reducida; goza de varios temperamentos cálidos y frios, y por esto son abundantes las cosechas que coje de frutos propios de ambos climas, que se cultivan en su distrito. La Capital es el Pueblo del mismo nombre situado éntrelos dos rios de S. Pedro y de Cañas; y este es el que divide la Nueva España de las Provincias del Rosario y de Cinaloa, y también los Obispados de Durangó y Guadalaxará, de donde dista 83 leguas a el O NO. Tiene un Convento de Religiosos de S. Francisco. Longitud 260 5. Latitud 22 10. ACAPULCO, Ciudad Capital de Gobierno, situada en la Costa de la Mar del S: su vecindario es de cerca de 400 Familias de Chinos, Mulatos y Negros. Tiene una Iglesia Parroquial con dos Vicarios; y dos Conventos de Religiosos, uno de S. Francisco, y otro de San Hipólito de la Caridad, que es Hospital Real; una Contaduría con dos Oficiales Reales, que son Contador y Tesorero, para cobrar y llevar la cuenta de los derechos que producen los géneros, que conducen las Naos de China. La Ciudad es pequeña y moderada en el adorno de sus Templos y casas; cuya mayor parte ésta en la Playa. El temperamento sumamente cálido y húmedo; porque ademas de hallarse situada en la Zona Tórrida, carece de los vientos Nortes, por estar circunvalada de altas Serranías, y estas calidades la hacen muy enferma, especialmente en tiempo de aguas con motivo de las humedades y vientos marítimos del SE, con mucho estrago de sus habitantes, y de los Comerciantes que allí concurren; siendo esta, la causa principal porque estrañando el clima, apenas lo habitan 8 familias Españolas. Carece al mismo tiempo de toda especie de víveres por lo reducido y estéril de su distrito; y es necesario que los Indios de los Pueblos de su jurisdicción la provean de todo lo necesario. El único comercio que la mantiene es la Feria que se celebra guando llegan las Naos de China; pero luego que se van, no les queda a sus vecinos otro trato en que exercitarsc; y si pasaran tres o quatro años sin ellas, abandonarían la Población. A distancia de un tiro, de mosquete de ella, en un Promontorio que sale al mar, está situado el Castillo y Real Fuerza de San Diego, coronado con 31 piezas de artillería, la mayor parte de a 24, para defender la entrada al Puerto, que es seguro y espacioso; de modo que pueden anclar en él 500 Navios cómodamente: está rodeado de cerros, y su boca principal a la banda del S, con una Isleta de mas longitud que latitud, y alguna inclinación al SO, que divide otra boca, que llaman Chica, y ambos Canales tienen 25 brazas de fondo. El Gobernador del Castillo es Castellano con título de Teniente General de las Costas de la mar del S; para cuyo resguardo compone todo el vecindario tres Compañías de Milicias, una de Chinos, otra de Mulatos, y la tercera de Negros, que ocurren a tomar las armas siempre que oyen tres cañonazos disparados con intermisión. En los Pueblos de su distrito se cria algodón, maíz, y otras semillas, hortalizas y frutas, ganado mayor y menor, y algún tabaco; de cuyos géneros abastece al Castillo y la Ciudad, que dista de Mexico 80 leguas, Longitud 272. 10, Latitud 17 45. ACARAGA, Río de la Provincia y Gobierno del Paraguay. Viene de la de el Paraná, y corriendo al O desemboca en el Uruguay, donde está la Ciudad de la Asumpcion, es navegable para Canoas en todo su curso, y muy abundante de pescado. |